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I get what Michael-5 is trying to say. People on this site act like the PS3 exclusives are what everybody want or should want. The reality is different though. A lot of people care only for multi like Assassin's Creed, COD, GTA etc. To a lot of people exclusives are no better that multiplat games so why would they care if a game is exclusive? It's not better because it's exclusive, at least if it was the case most of those PS3 exclusives you're all talking about would sell much better. The same can be said for 360, just because Alan Wake is exclusive doesn't make it a game everyone wants.

Switching conssole is meaningless unless you want almost exclusively exclusives from another console but this is mainly a forum posters wish. I would also understand, in the current situation, if you mainly play online maybe switching to a console that actualy offers online play would be a good idea.