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Who is at fault here?  sony or Hackers?  

I hate the hackers, and I feel sorry for Sony.  They made an adequately stable system that until recently was unhacked.  They saw a FLAW in their system that could be hacked via the OtherOS feature, so they took it away becuase of fear that this would happen. Hackers decided "Fuck sony" and went after their system, hacking it (an astounding 4 years after the competition was hacked), and getting butthurt when Sony fought back.  The only reason these hacks happened was because a group of selfish hackers felt Sony was not right to want to protect itself and its users.  

so fuck you, hackers, the only ones at fault here are you.  You're the reason this issue persists, you're the reason people's info is stolen, and I'm sick of Sony getting all the flacks because of an act ofmalice someone else did. 

I guarantee if these hackers had've decided Microsoft was the bad guy, then the Xbox would be the one on the fritz right now.  If hackers like this want in, they get in.  Seriously. 

Back off sony, guys.  

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I have both, well all 3, but if I didn't I still probably wouldn't.

Mainly because of reliability. Yea PSN is having this major Identity theft issue, but I think it's a freak accident, and probably won't happen again. I know the next gen MS console will fall apart on my like my 360 did multiple times. All repairs were under warrenty, but that was as big of a hassle as this PSN down thing.

I just know now to never put credit card information, or personal information on XBL or PSN.

However if I hear Sony sue more people over jailbreaking, or modifying their PS3 devices, I will. Devices shouldn't be locked like the PS3 was, and removing features like backward compatibility to save $$ and encourage PS3 gaming is just plain unfair.

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Michael-5 said:

I have both, well all 3, but if I didn't I still probably wouldn't.

Mainly because of reliability. Yea PSN is having this major Identity theft issue, but I think it's a freak accident, and probably won't happen again. I know the next gen MS console will fall apart on my like my 360 did multiple times. All repairs were under warrenty, but that was as big of a hassle as this PSN down thing.

I just know now to never put credit card information, or personal information on XBL or PSN.

However if I hear Sony sue more people over jailbreaking, or modifying their PS3 devices, I will. Devices shouldn't be locked like the PS3 was, and removing features like backward compatibility to save $$ and encourage PS3 gaming is just plain unfair.

Removing BC to save $$$ was totally fair since they passed all the savings and then some down to the consumer, the consumers voted for that one with their wallets, as for the suing over jailbreak the guy distributed the hack thats the problem, which basically means he gives it to pirates, and if you think all info should be shared you consider how bad it would be if every terrist and angry person knew how to make bombs, dirty bombs, nukes ect.

the_wizard_man said:
Michael-5 said:

I have both, well all 3, but if I didn't I still probably wouldn't.

Mainly because of reliability. Yea PSN is having this major Identity theft issue, but I think it's a freak accident, and probably won't happen again. I know the next gen MS console will fall apart on my like my 360 did multiple times. All repairs were under warrenty, but that was as big of a hassle as this PSN down thing.

I just know now to never put credit card information, or personal information on XBL or PSN.

However if I hear Sony sue more people over jailbreaking, or modifying their PS3 devices, I will. Devices shouldn't be locked like the PS3 was, and removing features like backward compatibility to save $$ and encourage PS3 gaming is just plain unfair.

Removing BC to save $$$ was totally fair since they passed all the savings and then some down to the consumer, the consumers voted for that one with their wallets, as for the suing over jailbreak the guy distributed the hack thats the problem, which basically means he gives it to pirates, and if you think all info should be shared you consider how bad it would be if every terrist and angry person knew how to make bombs, dirty bombs, nukes ect.

you can easily go online and see how to make bombs, but comparing bombs to hacking your ps3?  seriously.

but i wish sony would have had liek always two models.  ONE has BC, while the other doesn't.  Screw this 60 gb to 180 gb or whatever stuipd hard drive shit.  hard drives anyone can purchase.  removing bc is somethign else entirely

the_wizard_man said:
Michael-5 said:

I have both, well all 3, but if I didn't I still probably wouldn't.

Mainly because of reliability. Yea PSN is having this major Identity theft issue, but I think it's a freak accident, and probably won't happen again. I know the next gen MS console will fall apart on my like my 360 did multiple times. All repairs were under warrenty, but that was as big of a hassle as this PSN down thing.

I just know now to never put credit card information, or personal information on XBL or PSN.

However if I hear Sony sue more people over jailbreaking, or modifying their PS3 devices, I will. Devices shouldn't be locked like the PS3 was, and removing features like backward compatibility to save $$ and encourage PS3 gaming is just plain unfair.

Removing BC to save $$$ was totally fair since they passed all the savings and then some down to the consumer, the consumers voted for that one with their wallets, as for the suing over jailbreak the guy distributed the hack thats the problem, which basically means he gives it to pirates, and if you think all info should be shared you consider how bad it would be if every terrist and angry person knew how to make bombs, dirty bombs, nukes ect.

I disagree, and how can the consumers vote for that one? It's $10 worth of savings max, and they could easily develop a PS2 emulator on the PS3 to play PS2 games. Also wheb BC was removed, there was no price drop in the PS3, so consumers didn't see those savings.

What are you talking about in the end? Information shouldn't be shares, that's why this identity theft issue is a problem.

As for the code to hack into the PS3, I'm not quite sure what to think about that. In comparision, Android offer a compeditor phone to the iPhone which allows root access out of the box. So you could easily hack games on that device, but Piracy rates for games are low. Also most iPhone games are free on Android Phones.

So by comparision, PS3 should allow users to be able to modify their consoles retrospectivly (say to re-allow their PS3 to be backward compatible). This is completly different from pirating, and allows people to get the most out of their PS3. This should be allowed on PS3 devices, so if I see Sony trying to sue people over this again, I will join the Sony boycott.

What GeoHots did was make the PS3 pirate-able, but you can't play that PS3 online ever again you know? Yes Sony has a case to protect software sales, but they pushed their legal rights too far (obtaining all IP adresses for people in communicaton with GeoHots, and got e-mail access). So Sony deserves to get the PS3 pirate-able.

I see nothing wrong with making the PS3 BC with PS2 and PS1 games, or even seeing a mod that makes it possible to play XB1 or Sega Saturn game disks on it. PS2 BC was a feature of older PS3's and XB1 and Sega Saturn no longer sell consoles.

Maybe the Google philosophy has sunken in too much into my head, but I think that's a good thing. I hate it when corporations limit their devices to increase sales (remove BC so Sony could sell PS1 and PS2 games over PSN, to people who already own those games).

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qmoney88 said:
Pristine20 said:

The only game I play online is KZ2. Can't play it on 360 so the answer's no.

holy shit you play an ass ton of kz2, 319,000 kills?  thats crazy man.

Yeah lol. Unfortunately, I can't find any other MP FPS thats better than kz2 IMO, not even kz3. Been playing since launch with no end in sight

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

irstupid said:

but i wish sony would have had liek always two models.  ONE has BC, while the other doesn't.  Screw this 60 gb to 180 gb or whatever stuipd hard drive shit.  hard drives anyone can purchase.  removing bc is somethign else entirely

I think what's fair is allowing people access to you're consoles infrastructure (like Adroid devices) so someone else could make a PS2 emulator which runs PS2 disks.

PS3 is completly capable of playing PS2 game disks, and ancient consoles which are no longer in production (Sega Dreamcast). I see nothing wrong with making your PS3 play PS2 games as it was a part of older PS3 hardware, and I see nothing wrong with making it play games for consoles which no longer exist.

I do see something wrong with reducing the capabilities of your console, and then sueing people who figure out how to restore these properties.

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Michael-5 said:
irstupid said:

but i wish sony would have had liek always two models.  ONE has BC, while the other doesn't.  Screw this 60 gb to 180 gb or whatever stuipd hard drive shit.  hard drives anyone can purchase.  removing bc is somethign else entirely

I think what's fair is allowing people access to you're consoles infrastructure (like Adroid devices) so someone else could make a PS2 emulator which runs PS2 disks.

PS3 is completly capable of playing PS2 game disks, and ancient consoles which are no longer in production (Sega Dreamcast). I see nothing wrong with making your PS3 play PS2 games as it was a part of older PS3 hardware, and I see nothing wrong with making it play games for consoles which no longer exist.

I do see something wrong with reducing the capabilities of your console, and then sueing people who figure out how to restore these properties.

well yea, i see nothing wrong with modding consoles that you OWN and playing games that you OWN on them.  hell if someone can mod a ps3 to play 360 games i'm fine with that as well.  they still have to buy the games. 

i was just saying removing bc pissed me off. and i would much rather them if they have 2 versions it be a bc one and a non bc one instead of pathetic hard drive space. 

and yea their SAVINGS, were purely for themselves.  tehy screwed us consumers over.  we used to get something, and now we don't.  same price, less features.

Hell no, I would have to spend at least 400$ for a new Xbox and some quality games and my wallet is busy keeping up with all the Sony exclusives right now.

Pristine20 said:
qmoney88 said:
Pristine20 said:

The only game I play online is KZ2. Can't play it on 360 so the answer's no.

holy shit you play an ass ton of kz2, 319,000 kills?  thats crazy man.

Yeah lol. Unfortunately, I can't find any other MP FPS thats better than kz2 IMO, not even kz3. Been playing since launch with no end in sight

Thats awesome though, I love your dedication and respect your opinion, personally bad company 2 is my fav but my friends are so close minded its not even funny and I value the ability to game with my friends more than anything else, such an f'd up situation lol.