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Who is at fault here?  sony or Hackers?  

I hate the hackers, and I feel sorry for Sony.  They made an adequately stable system that until recently was unhacked.  They saw a FLAW in their system that could be hacked via the OtherOS feature, so they took it away becuase of fear that this would happen. Hackers decided "Fuck sony" and went after their system, hacking it (an astounding 4 years after the competition was hacked), and getting butthurt when Sony fought back.  The only reason these hacks happened was because a group of selfish hackers felt Sony was not right to want to protect itself and its users.  

so fuck you, hackers, the only ones at fault here are you.  You're the reason this issue persists, you're the reason people's info is stolen, and I'm sick of Sony getting all the flacks because of an act ofmalice someone else did. 

I guarantee if these hackers had've decided Microsoft was the bad guy, then the Xbox would be the one on the fritz right now.  If hackers like this want in, they get in.  Seriously. 

Back off sony, guys.  

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