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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony hack could cost Sony $318 per account!?

I think a few weeks ago the score was:

Sony 3 - Hackers 0


Sony 3 - Hackers 24.486.000.000 ?




EDIT: Adjusted the numbers. Apparently there are 77m PSN accounts.

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Acevil said:
Seece said:
Acevil said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
irstupid said:

on the news last night they said could cost sony 23 billion dollars.

so that sounds like from same source.  i mean what is 70 million times 318? 

22.3 billion, so yeah.

It sounds like an aweful lot. How can the cost be THAT high? What do they have to do to fix it? I mean, the whole losses of the PS3 so far are like 4.7bn right? So this will cost FIVE times more than all losses the PS3 has taken since launch?

If it's true... poor Sony. Anyway, nothing's for sure yet. Let's wait and see.

The problem however assumes that 70 million users had information that would cause problems. It would be more reasonable to assume much smaller number, but worse comes to worse. Sony will be harmed in the billions and harmed in the media. 

Yeah, I don't reckon more than 5/10 mill accounts were actually affected, so in the region of 2.5 billion

Totally agreed, but we also need to remember this is worse case possibility and 2.5 billion would still be significant to harm ps3. Honestly if this happens, I hate to look at Sony's financial for Q1-2. 

If it's anymore than $3 billion it'll have a massive effect on Sony's strategy going forward, not sure what they'd do tbh. They COULD write it off as a debt like MS did with RROD, but $3 bill ...


I got 4 accounts :P 1 from Argentina, 1 from US, 1 from Spain and 1 from Japan.

I'll cost Sony over $1200 dollars :P

Of course the fake accounts don't count... and I didn't have any CC info on any account so I'll cost Sony $0 Dollars :P and even if I did I wouldn't do anything anyways... because Loyalty and Honor come first before my greed, Lol... I'm kidding :P

Anyways, I believe they should be fine... lots of people have multiple accounts... not all real accounts have CC info and not everyone who has CC info in their accounts will sue Sony.

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

irstupid said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
irstupid said:

on the news last night they said could cost sony 23 billion dollars.

so that sounds like from same source.  i mean what is 70 million times 318? 

22.3 billion, so yeah.

It sounds like an aweful lot. How can the cost be THAT high? What do they have to do to fix it? I mean, the whole losses of the PS3 so far are like 4.7bn right? So this will cost FIVE times more than all losses the PS3 has taken since launch?

If it's true... poor Sony. Anyway, nothing's for sure yet. Let's wait and see.

well thinking off top of head the costs could be

1. estimated lawsuit for this type of situation.  This isn't the first time in history, so maybe comparing to similar situations

2. if sony refunds psn accounts money.  think i saw article saying this.  While its not exactly a cost, its a loss of revenue

3. cost of oustide help to fix and to improve the security

4. loss of psn sales during downtime, again not exactly a cost but a loss of revenue

and other similar things.  not sure how you come up with figures, but to me a loss of revenue is a cost in my mind.  I mean if lets say in this week they would have made 10 million in revenue, but with psn down they get 0.  to me that is a 10 million cost. 

So in the end they may not have to fork over 23 billion dollars, but it  might be something like they missed out on 10 billion revenue and spent 13 billion on repairs and legal.  so in essenese this ends up costing them 23 billion dollars they would have had if this didn't happen

I personally think an estimated loss in profits due to this would be a much better way to analyze the costs of the situation.  If Sony would have made $5 million on psn in profits for instance, this is what it is costing them.  It isn't costing them the $15 million in revenue that they made.  My numbers are made up, but I think they get the point across.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:
irstupid said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
irstupid said:

on the news last night they said could cost sony 23 billion dollars.

so that sounds like from same source.  i mean what is 70 million times 318? 

22.3 billion, so yeah.

It sounds like an aweful lot. How can the cost be THAT high? What do they have to do to fix it? I mean, the whole losses of the PS3 so far are like 4.7bn right? So this will cost FIVE times more than all losses the PS3 has taken since launch?

If it's true... poor Sony. Anyway, nothing's for sure yet. Let's wait and see.

well thinking off top of head the costs could be

1. estimated lawsuit for this type of situation.  This isn't the first time in history, so maybe comparing to similar situations

2. if sony refunds psn accounts money.  think i saw article saying this.  While its not exactly a cost, its a loss of revenue

3. cost of oustide help to fix and to improve the security

4. loss of psn sales during downtime, again not exactly a cost but a loss of revenue

and other similar things.  not sure how you come up with figures, but to me a loss of revenue is a cost in my mind.  I mean if lets say in this week they would have made 10 million in revenue, but with psn down they get 0.  to me that is a 10 million cost. 

So in the end they may not have to fork over 23 billion dollars, but it  might be something like they missed out on 10 billion revenue and spent 13 billion on repairs and legal.  so in essenese this ends up costing them 23 billion dollars they would have had if this didn't happen

I personally think an estimated loss in profits due to this would be a much better way to analyze the costs of the situation.  If Sony would have made $5 million on psn in profits for instance, this is what it is costing them.  It isn't costing them the $15 million in revenue that they made.  My numbers are made up, but I think they get the point across.

profit means nothing.

regardless of it its profit or not, sony not getting that $5 million in sales this week is a loss in $5 they could have had, thus an expense of this situation.  doesn't matter if that $5 is profit or not, its money they do not get due to this

Around the Network
Porcupine_I said:

I call out everyone who always claimed that 70 million PSN accouts are double/triple accounts or just made up bullshit! we need your arguments now,people!

irstupid said:
Baalzamon said:

I'm calling bullshit.  First off, there aren't even 70 million true psn users.  You have people who have multiple accounts, etc.  I'd wager there's probably about 20-30 million unique users that have a psn account.

So at $318 per user, you are already down to 9.54 billion for the top.

Secondly, what exactly costs $318 per account?

you guys don't seem to understand.  they are not spending 318 per account doing stuff.

it is estimated to cost them 23 billion dollars to fix this all, whether the money is in actual costs or loss of revenue

the person who wrote the article just divided that number by the psn users #.  Thus the 318.  If you want to say that there are less users, then the 318 is just a higher number.  The 23 billion doesn't change.


its like if the president wants to do something and says it will costs americans $10 each.  IF there were less americans, that doesn't mean the cost is less.  The total costs remains teh same.  The less people the higher the cost per person is.  So lets say obama wants to add 6 billion dollars to medicare.  that is roughly $10 per person.  If tehre are only 300 million people in teh us. then that is now $20 per person.  The 6 billion doesn't change.  Much in the same way this 23 billion doesn't change. 

Did you even read the OP?  It has nothing to do with saying it will cost Sony 23 billion and then dividing by 70 million users.  It specifically says in 2010, the average cost of a security breach was $318 per malicious act (per account).  So taking the 2010 average of $318 per account, and multiplying by 70 million, you then get $22.26 billion.

And as I just stated in my last post, I would have to argue that a loss of revenue is not a cost, but instead the estimated loss of profit would be a much better analysis of what the whole deal actually cost.  I'm not sure if this is how companies do it, but that is the true "cost" to them.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Jdevil3 said:

I got 4 accounts :P 1 from Argentina, 1 from US, 1 from Spain and 1 from Japan.

I'll cost Sony over $1200 dollars :P

Of course the fake accounts don't count... and I didn't have any CC info on any account so I'll cost Sony $0 Dollars :P and even if I did I wouldn't do anything anyways... because Loyalty and Honor come first before my greed, Lol... I'm kidding :P

Anyways, I believe they should be fine... lots of people have multiple accounts... not all real accounts have CC info and not everyone who has CC info in their accounts will sue Sony.

you guys still don't get it.  This per user amount is a bullshit amount that accounts for nothing.  The estimated costs of this situation is roughly 23 billion dollars.

THAT'S IT.  End of story.  Doesn't matter how many are fake accounts or how many of you don't buy anything on the psn.  This 23 billion dollars doesn't get affected by that.  That 318 is just a bs mathematical number they got by taking 23 billion and dividing it by 70 million.  it means nothing.  The only number that matters is 23 billion.

kowenicki said:
Baalzamon said:

I'm calling bullshit.  First off, there aren't even 70 million true psn users.  You have people who have multiple accounts, etc.  I'd wager there's probably about 20-30 million unique users that have a psn account.

So at $318 per user, you are already down to 9.54 billion for the top.

Secondly, what exactly costs $318 per account?

oh.. is that all.


Oh God, that deadpan delivery full of restraint ....... that may very well be my favorite post by you ever!  Pure gold!

irstupid said:
Baalzamon said:
irstupid said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
irstupid said:

on the news last night they said could cost sony 23 billion dollars.

so that sounds like from same source.  i mean what is 70 million times 318? 

22.3 billion, so yeah.

It sounds like an aweful lot. How can the cost be THAT high? What do they have to do to fix it? I mean, the whole losses of the PS3 so far are like 4.7bn right? So this will cost FIVE times more than all losses the PS3 has taken since launch?

If it's true... poor Sony. Anyway, nothing's for sure yet. Let's wait and see.

well thinking off top of head the costs could be

1. estimated lawsuit for this type of situation.  This isn't the first time in history, so maybe comparing to similar situations

2. if sony refunds psn accounts money.  think i saw article saying this.  While its not exactly a cost, its a loss of revenue

3. cost of oustide help to fix and to improve the security

4. loss of psn sales during downtime, again not exactly a cost but a loss of revenue

and other similar things.  not sure how you come up with figures, but to me a loss of revenue is a cost in my mind.  I mean if lets say in this week they would have made 10 million in revenue, but with psn down they get 0.  to me that is a 10 million cost. 

So in the end they may not have to fork over 23 billion dollars, but it  might be something like they missed out on 10 billion revenue and spent 13 billion on repairs and legal.  so in essenese this ends up costing them 23 billion dollars they would have had if this didn't happen

I personally think an estimated loss in profits due to this would be a much better way to analyze the costs of the situation.  If Sony would have made $5 million on psn in profits for instance, this is what it is costing them.  It isn't costing them the $15 million in revenue that they made.  My numbers are made up, but I think they get the point across.

profit means nothing.

regardless of it its profit or not, sony not getting that $5 million in sales this week is a loss in $5 they could have had, thus an expense of this situation.  doesn't matter if that $5 is profit or not, its money they do not get due to this

I don't think you get what I'm saying.  They may have had to spend $4.5 million in order to get that $5 million, and by psn being down, that $4.5 million is not being spent, simply put, so this is NOT costing them $5 million, it would be costing them $500,000.  No matter what the statements or anybody claims, that IS the true cost to Sony.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.