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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Give me your 360 top 10s

Monges79 said:

I didn't realize until I looked at all of my games, how many of them were not true exclusives. I think that the lists you were given are really good. If you like Halo, then you have a lot of good material. Gears 2 is awesome, of course. Microsoft is plagued with timed exclusives. I think what has been listed is pretty much it.

Yeah, I've come to realise that as Iook down the lists. Surprisingly few games are exclusive to the system anymore, which is a bit of a shame I think, as the console kinda loses its relevance. Fortunately, Kinect should bring a new swathe of titles. Let's just hope they're worth playing! :D

As for Halo, I'm kinda enjoying the third game at the moment, but it's dated pretty badly. That said, I've only finished the first section, so there's a hell of a lot of game left to go.

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Barozi said:
Hapimeses said:
Barozi said:

no split-screen co-op for Gears. Makes the 360 version much superior.

I have no desire to get into a pissing match here. Whilst I don't see how split-screen co-op somehow makes the 360 version 'much superior' when balanced by the superior graphics, extra levels, extra multi-player maps, and level editor of the PC version, clearly you do. Personally, I never found the lack of split-screen an issue, but that could be because I have 4 PCs in my house.

Really, if you feel the split-screen is so important to you, then, clearly, for you, it is the better version. However, if I'm trying to be objective, I find it very hard to argue that.

well as long as being objective implies that everyone has multiple PC's that can run Gears on a decent level....preferably even in the same room.
I for one also prefer the system link option, but usually when my friends show up they don't bring their 360 with them and an extra monitor.

Not hugely surprising, that! :D

Barozi said:
Hapimeses said:

Thanks very much for dropping in with your views. Again, it includes a few games I have on other platforms (Mass Effect and Gears), but does include one I know pretty much nothing about: Infinite Undiscovery. How's this one? Any reason to pick it up?

not bad but I'd recommend MagnaCarta 2 instead. Very underrated or let's better say unkown.

Right, I think I'm going to see if I can pick that up at some point, as several people are suggesting I take a look at it. Thanks. :)

lurkerwithnosoul said:

There's not that much to be added. Magna Carta is a decent RPG with lot of stuff to do and an enjoyable combat system. It's not the best out there, i would prefer Lost Odyssey, ToV, Blue Dragon over it, but its not bad. The game is cheap and easy to find these days, so may be worth to look.

All the games from Espgaluda II to Triggerheart Exelica are 2D japanese shooters. I find these games very enjoyable, especially the Cave (company) ones. Like Espgaluda II, Deathsmiles, and Mushihimesama. Some are still expensive (only Espgaluda II in this case, but it will reach Platinum state soon). but if you like this kind of games, you will love those. And if you don't, well, i think you may also like to try some.

The Dishwasher VS, i think is actually pretty good. :p

The combat made the game for me, its fun and hard at the same time (unless you're trying in the easiest mode). You can move aroun freely anywhere (the characters teleport themselves) and the enemies can be finished in more than one way, all of them involving alot of combos and brutal finish moves. You can play this game, local or online, with a friend.

The cons of this game, not that game breaking, imo, but are these: it is repetitive, like the first one. You will find yourself slashing through the same enemies over and over (it's not all that bad). And is monochromatic (outside the blood colour, magic and electrecity), so you wont get alot of variety in the visual department (again, is not that bad, but like the other one, a think people pick much with this, so, maybe wise to not omit it). The story and the characters try to act badass and thrilling, but they are actually goofy and dull (srly, sometimes there are some pretty bad-ass scenes, but they are spoiled when the story is actually told, imo). There's not much interesting stuff going on apart from the action.

But for 800msp, i say its worth.

Thanks for taking the time to explain those. It's greatly appreciated. I'll go download the demos and see how I get along. I'm really digging having demos for everything. :)

d21lewis said:

A few games that others have mentioned:

Gears of War 1--it comes packed with Gears of War 2 and a bunch of bonus maps, now.  I think the asking price is pretty cheap, now.  You may have already played it on the PC and you can probably find GeoW2 cheaper as a stand-alone, but there's really no good reason to buy GeoW2 individually when you can pretty much get the DLC and GeoW1 for free, now.

Magna Carta 2-Is a great jrpg but I can recognize that it isn't for everyone.  I got it for Christmas in 2009 and I couldn't even play Mass Effect 2 until the game was done.  The story was a bit cliche and the dialog presentation was a little off-putting but I found myself simply addicted to the gameplay.  Like I said, not for everyone but once you learn the battle system, it's like crack.  Try before you buy.

Bully- An all around great effort from Rockstar and worth owning if you don't have the Wii/PS2 versions.  The graphics are shit but the game is very enjoyable.  It's supposed to have a couple of exclusive classes and such but I doubt you'd even miss them if you played one of the other versions.

Infininte Undiscovery--Started out great but after about the halfway point, descended into monotony.  I can't recommend this game in good faith.  It needed a lot of polish in the gameplay/graphics department and there was one part where I was stuck with a dead game, due to a poorly placed save-point.  I'd say skip it in favor of Magna Carta 2, Lost Odyssey, or Blue Dragon (I own it but haven't given it enough time to fall in love with it, yet).

Ninja Blade--A great game with great presentation, really tight feeling gameplay, and a heavy reliance on QTE's.  The QTE's are pretty forgiving but are very abundant.  If you can tolerate them, this game will be worth the money.  It does have some truly awesome "HOLY SHIT" moments that will make you smile.  The story is poorly written and embarrassing, though.  Still, I recommend it purely as a throwback to games like Ninja Gaiden (nes) where nobody thought it was unusual for a ninja and a giant spider to fight.

Some games that I own but don't think are must plays include:  Bulletwitch (not polished enough to be a contender), Burnout Revenge (available on last gen consoles but really must be experienced on 360--my favorite Burnout, even today), Saints Row (nowhere near as good as the awesome sequel), Commanders Attack (a ripoff of Advance Wars for XBLA), and Kameo (a game that I LOVED in 2007 but probably isn't so good, now).  I say try these games if they're dirt cheap.  You'll get some fun out of them if you ever end up really bored and in need of something to distract you.  They just aren't AAA status, though.  None of the games in this post are.



Great point about Gears. And any game that drags you away from ME2 must have some serious good going on, so I'm even more drawn to Magna Carta, now. Infinite Undiscovery sounds like a rental to me (LoveFilm to the rescue!). Ninja Blade looks a cert now (and was it ever not normal for a ninja not to fight a giant spider? If so, I don't want to be a part of that world!).

And, yes, if I spot the others dirt cheap, I may pick 'em up.

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Machina said:

Well this should be a challenge. Most console exclusives I like are also on PC, which the rules of the thread rule out, and what's left is often stuff I hate, so I'm gonna have to combine retail and XBLA. Let's see...

1. Portal: Still Alive
2. Halo Wars
3. Limbo
4. Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
5. Halo 3: ODST
6. Trials HD
7. Shadow Complex
8. Kinectimals
9. Halo 3
10. ummmmmmm... 'Splosion Man, I guess.

Other than Portal (which I have), that looks to be a fine little list of recommendations, especially as I've already bought three of the titles (Halo 3, Kinectimals, and 'Splosion Man). I've just tried Limbo and Trials HD as well, and both appear to be great games!


Millenium said:

If you're still looking for only exclusive games, ill throw in my 10 cents.

Retail ranked in order of my personal preference.

  • 1. Halo Reach
  • 2. Halo ODST
  • 3. Halo 3
  • 4. Gears 2
  • 5. Alan Wake
  • 6. Forza 3
  • 7. Dead Rising (Sorry, i can´t count the Wii version as being the same)
  • 8. Viva Pinata
  • 9. Kameo
  • 10. Viva Pinata

XBLA ranked on personal preference.

  • 1. Limbo
  • 2. Banjo Kazooie
  • 3. Banjo Tooie
  • 4. Undertow

Sorry, i can´t recommend more xbla titles, i don´t play to many of them.

Great list. Thanks. If you don't mind me asking, what's Undertow, and is there any reason it hits your list?

And you must really like Viva Pinata, it's on your first list twice! :D

And, yes, I think it's fair not to count the Wii version of Dead Rising. I wouldn't, either. ;)

Munkeh111 said:

SORRY FOGOT HALO WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/10 (on a whole number scale). I just really enjoyed this game, but I am not sure why. I do like sci-fi, but I am not a huge Halo fan, it was just really well designed, and I got incredibly addicted to the multiplayer. Some say it is shallow compared to PC RTSs, but I feel it was perfectly designed for console and really great fun

Wow! That's quite a recommendation. 10/10! I can't say Halo 3 has particulary grabbed me yet, but I'm thinking Halo Wars may be more my cup of tea.

I'll see if I can spot it cheap.

greenmedic88 said:

Mainly because it was one of my biggest disappointments of 2008 along with Resistance 2.

While the game did clean up some of the play mechanics of the original with slight tweaks and added an extra multiplayer mode borrowed from Unreal 2004, Epic's attempts to make a "bigger, better, more badass" game felt contrived and just didn't rekindle the magic I felt while playing the orginal.

The story also had some pretty artificial attempts to turn up the volume as well, which just didn't have their intended effect when I played.

All that said, if someone played Gears 2 with a clean slate, no expectations and possibly never having played Gears 1, I'm sure they'd have a much higher opinion of the game.

That all makes sense. Resistance 2 was a big disappointment for me when I first bought it (not long after release). However, I returned to it earlier this month with fresh eyes and found I really enjoyed it on a revisit. Go figure. The breadth of weapon types and varied levels kept me gripped far more than the first time (where I could barely finish the first section I was so put off the game). All-in-all, I quite like it now, for all that it's beginning to look dated. Certainly looking forward to the third game.

So, yes, I'm sure Gears 2 will be alright for me. My level of expectation is likely to be far lower than yours was, after all.

Goddbless said:


  • Halo 3 - You wanna play this before Reach, because afterwards you won't want to go back to it.
  • Halo: Reach - It's amazing how being able to run makes the game feel so much better.
  • Halo Wars - If you like Halo and RTS's get this (I myself prefer C&C over it)
  • Dance Central - The Dance Battles can get intense once everyone understands how to play.
  • Kinect Sports - This game spawns so much trash talk it's ridiculous.
  • Alan Wake - Once you get immersed in the game it has some really startling moments.
  • Crackdown 1 & 2 - The 1st one has the better story but the 2nd one has the better weapons.
  • Viva Pinata - I can't really explain it but it's fun!
  • Kameo - Although it's extremely old it's a good game.
  • Ninety Nine Nights - If you liked Dynasty Warriors then you will love this game.
  • Condemned Criminal Origins - I played the 2nd one but it really didn't compare to the 1st.
  • Honorable Mention

    • Halo 3: ODST - You're not a Spartan and although you use the same weapons they do you inflict less damage.
    • Dead Rising - Random Wackiness and fun.
    • Splinter Cell: Conviction - It's a great game but it's a bit short.

    XBLA (I'm not sure if all of these are exclusive so I'll go over 10)

  • Cloning Clyde
  • Geometry Wars 1 & 2
  • E4
  • Ikaruga
  • Limbo
  • Perfect Dark
  • Banjo Kazooie & Tooie
  • Small Arms
  • Wik: Fable of Souls
  • Puzzle Quest 1 & 2
  • Bomberman Live
  • Assualt Heroes 1 & 2
  • Brilliant lists. Thanks for dropping in. Reading through them, I have a few games I'm unsure of. If you (or anyone else) can provide a few details, that'd be awesome.

    Ninety Nine Nights: Sounds intriguing. Is it really any good? Better or worse, do you think, than Dynasty Warriors?

    Cloning Clyde, E4, Small Arms, and Assault Heroes: What are these? As in, what type of games and the like?