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Monges79 said:

I didn't realize until I looked at all of my games, how many of them were not true exclusives. I think that the lists you were given are really good. If you like Halo, then you have a lot of good material. Gears 2 is awesome, of course. Microsoft is plagued with timed exclusives. I think what has been listed is pretty much it.

Yeah, I've come to realise that as Iook down the lists. Surprisingly few games are exclusive to the system anymore, which is a bit of a shame I think, as the console kinda loses its relevance. Fortunately, Kinect should bring a new swathe of titles. Let's just hope they're worth playing! :D

As for Halo, I'm kinda enjoying the third game at the moment, but it's dated pretty badly. That said, I've only finished the first section, so there's a hell of a lot of game left to go.