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lurkerwithnosoul said:

There's not that much to be added. Magna Carta is a decent RPG with lot of stuff to do and an enjoyable combat system. It's not the best out there, i would prefer Lost Odyssey, ToV, Blue Dragon over it, but its not bad. The game is cheap and easy to find these days, so may be worth to look.

All the games from Espgaluda II to Triggerheart Exelica are 2D japanese shooters. I find these games very enjoyable, especially the Cave (company) ones. Like Espgaluda II, Deathsmiles, and Mushihimesama. Some are still expensive (only Espgaluda II in this case, but it will reach Platinum state soon). but if you like this kind of games, you will love those. And if you don't, well, i think you may also like to try some.

The Dishwasher VS, i think is actually pretty good. :p

The combat made the game for me, its fun and hard at the same time (unless you're trying in the easiest mode). You can move aroun freely anywhere (the characters teleport themselves) and the enemies can be finished in more than one way, all of them involving alot of combos and brutal finish moves. You can play this game, local or online, with a friend.

The cons of this game, not that game breaking, imo, but are these: it is repetitive, like the first one. You will find yourself slashing through the same enemies over and over (it's not all that bad). And is monochromatic (outside the blood colour, magic and electrecity), so you wont get alot of variety in the visual department (again, is not that bad, but like the other one, a think people pick much with this, so, maybe wise to not omit it). The story and the characters try to act badass and thrilling, but they are actually goofy and dull (srly, sometimes there are some pretty bad-ass scenes, but they are spoiled when the story is actually told, imo). There's not much interesting stuff going on apart from the action.

But for 800msp, i say its worth.

Thanks for taking the time to explain those. It's greatly appreciated. I'll go download the demos and see how I get along. I'm really digging having demos for everything. :)