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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo's EAD Project Listing (rumor)

I pretty much like Mario Kart and all but... ZELDA! OH EM GEE! This is great... Now let's hope for voice actors (exept for Link) and music made with real instruments! ^_^ That is my dream. I can't wait to see what's Link's next adventure!

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lolita: according to an interview with the developers behind Zelda they seem to love the idea of creating a full blown soundtrack with real instruments, so I'd expect it in the sequel. yet as far as any voice acting in a zelda from any characters it seems like a no go. They seemed to think it would not enhance gameplay. They said if they figured out a way that voice acting would enhance the game experience they'd add it, but they don't currently think it would. I'm like what??? By that logic we should still be watching silent films. The only reason we never had voice acting is because it wasn't possible, but really it's the only way to go. For crying out lout all my friends with x360s when they saw the new Zelda they were like, "I still have to read?! Are you kidding me?!" and of course I was like yeah...but the game is still awesome.(darn you Nintendo!) I'll love it no matter what and I really can't wait to see what the next has in store for us. I spent about 40 hours playing TP, but I still would have perfered voice acting.

fooflexible said:
lolita: according to an interview with the developers behind Zelda they seem to love the idea of creating a full blown soundtrack with real instruments, so I'd expect it in the sequel. yet as far as any voice acting in a zelda from any characters it seems like a no go. They seemed to think it would not enhance gameplay. They said if they figured out a way that voice acting would enhance the game experience they'd add it, but they don't currently think it would. I'm like what??? By that logic we should still be watching silent films. The only reason we never had voice acting is because it wasn't possible, but really it's the only way to go. For crying out lout all my friends with x360s when they saw the new Zelda they were like, "I still have to read?! Are you kidding me?!" and of course I was like yeah...but the game is still awesome.(darn you Nintendo!) I'll love it no matter what and I really can't wait to see what the next has in store for us. I spent about 40 hours playing TP, but I still would have perfered voice acting.

Pay attention to character interaction in games like Zelda and World of Warcraft and compare it to games where there is voice acting. In The Legend of Zelda every character you talk to will say something unique and what they say will change depending on the stage in the game you're at; in voice acted games most of the characters say the same generic things as everyone else. I would say that in games where you explore the world on your own Voice acting is a negative because there are far less unique experiences and most of the world seems stale.

HappySqurriel - I agree about the voice actor problems. :)  (Oblivion : I got tired of hearing about the emperor's murder after several months of in-game time and after hearing 10k conversations in the same voice)


Fooflexible - Considering Koji Kondo's statements about progressing MIDI further at the GDC, I'd say you're wrong, real insturment recordings can't do transitions worth crap, and when your game needs them, it hurts the flow of the game. 


I'd love to see higher quality MIDI recordings used for the next Zelda game (Twilight Princess for Wii is my fav Zelda now), but I am AGAINST voice acting or insturmental recordings for the regular in-game music. (Openings and cutscene music are fine though) 

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

The only thing that surprises me is the *lack* of games. Im sure they are working on other games that they don't want to announce yet.

Pikmin? Wii Sports2? Nintendogs Wii?

They do outsource a lot of games to other companies I suppose... :P

Still, its nice to know that Mario Kart *is* coming (no brainer), as is a new "Wii" Zelda. After all the issues they had with the development of TP, I think this version is going to be MUCH better (in many respects). 

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DK Bongo Blast lives:

It's being developed outside of Nintendo, so that's why it probably wasn't on this list.  Same thing with Metroid 3 being made by Retro Studios.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

Remember this is only the games from EAD

 No Smash Bros in that list either...

man  Nintendo WTF They came up with "a whole new way to play"the sam damn games we have been playing for 10 years.Sure Mario Karts got Fans but I wanna see some new IP's along with the innovative control.they made this new way to play and haven't thought about anything other than How can we use this in a Mario game...I am not downing any of the games listed but look at the list doesn't it just seem like more of the Same from Nintendo....Please tell me there is Some new Ip's to get Excited about.I really did want to get a Wii but basically for Red Steel and Zelda...But I hear alot of Bad stuff about Red I guess this would be like all the other nintendo machines I buy I get them for Zelda alone.I will probly still get one but damn it better have more than one good Zelda Game Its worth it for just Zelda though  

vanguardian1 said:

HappySqurriel - I agree about the voice actor problems. :)  (Oblivion : I got tired of hearing about the emperor's murder after several months of in-game time and after hearing 10k conversations in the same voice)


Fooflexible - Considering Koji Kondo's statements about progressing MIDI further at the GDC, I'd say you're wrong, real insturment recordings can't do transitions worth crap, and when your game needs them, it hurts the flow of the game. 


I'd love to see higher quality MIDI recordings used for the next Zelda game (Twilight Princess for Wii is my fav Zelda now), but I am AGAINST voice acting or insturmental recordings for the regular in-game music. (Openings and cutscene music are fine though) 

I do not agree with voice actor is a "problem" but I don't think the Wii has enough to offer Hardware wise to make it fully voice acted maybe a mix would be nice....sorta like Final Fantasy X like when its important you have both voice and text but if it's not then it would just be text.I am sure the Wii could pull that off nicely.

I'm not against sub titles for little conversations here and there, but they could have voice for big cutscenes or important conversations, it would give the game some extra umph! 

And about midi, the good tracks like in the intro of TP sounded amazing then the game midi sounded okay, in all honesty I'd take unflexible amazing sounding tracks over flowing smooth transitional crap. I mean honestly this old midi stuff sounds awful, this is half the reason I play my ds with the sound off, or don't bother to raise the volume more often then not because the tracks are horrible sounding. And you want flowing sound play SSX: Blur Junkie XL's tracks are awesome and the flow seemlessly into on one another. 

 Although don't get me wrong, midi coult be good, I just don't know why it ain't. Anyone remember the old Sierra Quest games? They supported the Roland sound card that sounded amazing, that was midi done right, yet I feel we've actually regressed from there. But I do think it's clearly a more flexible medium, and could do alot of cool things, but I've yet to see anything that blows my mind, and I very really fall in love with midi tracks.