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man  Nintendo WTF They came up with "a whole new way to play"the sam damn games we have been playing for 10 years.Sure Mario Karts got Fans but I wanna see some new IP's along with the innovative control.they made this new way to play and haven't thought about anything other than How can we use this in a Mario game...I am not downing any of the games listed but look at the list doesn't it just seem like more of the Same from Nintendo....Please tell me there is Some new Ip's to get Excited about.I really did want to get a Wii but basically for Red Steel and Zelda...But I hear alot of Bad stuff about Red I guess this would be like all the other nintendo machines I buy I get them for Zelda alone.I will probly still get one but damn it better have more than one good Zelda Game Its worth it for just Zelda though