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I'm not against sub titles for little conversations here and there, but they could have voice for big cutscenes or important conversations, it would give the game some extra umph! 

And about midi, the good tracks like in the intro of TP sounded amazing then the game midi sounded okay, in all honesty I'd take unflexible amazing sounding tracks over flowing smooth transitional crap. I mean honestly this old midi stuff sounds awful, this is half the reason I play my ds with the sound off, or don't bother to raise the volume more often then not because the tracks are horrible sounding. And you want flowing sound play SSX: Blur Junkie XL's tracks are awesome and the flow seemlessly into on one another. 

 Although don't get me wrong, midi coult be good, I just don't know why it ain't. Anyone remember the old Sierra Quest games? They supported the Roland sound card that sounded amazing, that was midi done right, yet I feel we've actually regressed from there. But I do think it's clearly a more flexible medium, and could do alot of cool things, but I've yet to see anything that blows my mind, and I very really fall in love with midi tracks.