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Forums - Sales Discussion - Classic games on PSN!

LordTheNightKnight said:
windbane said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jstam said:
No its actually just better value, plain and simple.......

I'm not arguing that. My point is that kwaad cares more about it favoring Sony than any real value of the price and features.

So what. Most people on this forum are biased one way or another. However, he was dead on telling the truth about the value of this deal. Why you choose now to get all upset is beyond me. Do you have a PS3? If not, are you jealous and upset you can't play it? Seriously, there are much better times to attack him than this when he's 100% correct.

He's praising it for the wrong reasons. He's just giving Sony empty flattery, with no value to the praise.

"The first midway classic game has just been released on the PSN earlier today. The game was Mortal Kombat 2. It is basically just a port of the old SNES game, With one major upgraded feature that that is the support of online play. A 15 year old game being ported, with added online play. For 5$ on top of that. The PS3 version of the classic SNES is cheaper than the VC SNES games, as well as it has added features. Now that's what I call value. " Let's see...He names the creating company, says it was released today. Old SNES game...with online play! That's interesting. 15 year old game ported with online play for cheaper than the VC games. That IS A GOOD VALUE. Comparing it to the VC shows it. What is the wrong reason? Facts don't change just because the source is biased.

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That Guy said:

The Jab at the end of the post is what NightKnight is calling out. Kwaad said "hey MK2 is great blah blah"


and then "oh yeah, and its online and cheaper than the VC version"


Well if it's cheaper than the VC version and has online play, why should he not mention that?   What the hell?  THAT'S A MUCH BETTER VALUE.  I would not have it if it wasn't cheap and had online play.  Like I said, I can play it for free on my PC, PS3, PSP, etc.

I swear, Sony fans, no matter how unbiased, can't be happy about anything without just getting shot down for no reason.  Kwaad posts a lot of Sony-positive stuff, but this post was informative and factual.  There really is no bias behind it. 

If someone sold a console that played Nintendo Wii games that actually played online for $125, would that not be a great value?  I think it would be.

hey, I wasn't implying anything. Just pointing it out. Geez. Just like Kwaad. Just pointing it out!


Hey... At least it's not like Zelda: ocarina of time , Mario Kart 64, where features simply. Dont work.
You pay 10$ for a broken game. That's how you do it! (if your nintendo)


EDIT: How does that BURN you nintendo fans? A classic game on the PS3 is improved. While a classic game on the Wii is handicapped.

EDIT2: It's a little flame bait, and I feel it's well deserved considering all the pointless Kwaad bashing here lately.

EDIT3: I fergot to mention. It is 3$ cheaper on the PSN as well. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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Kwaad, you are right - its a pitty that some features are lost in Zelda OOT...


well, about  Mortal Kombat 2, i played this game dead on SNES :)

because i have this game original at home i made me a homebrew DVD

and play this game for free. sorry Nintendo - but i will not pay twice.

btw. i have about 100 SNES Cartridges at home and i will not pay this games

again so i play them with Snes9x on my Wii with GameCube Controller ...

Nintendo can everytime visit me and i show them the original games


Vienna said:

Kwaad, you are right - its a pitty that some features are lost in Zelda OOT...


well, about Mortal Kombat 2, i played this game dead on SNES :)

because i have this game original at home i made me a homebrew DVD

and play this game for free. sorry Nintendo - but i will not pay twice.

btw. i have about 100 SNES Cartridges at home and i will not pay this games

again so i play them with Snes9x on my Wii with GameCube Controller ...

Nintendo can everytime visit me and i show them the original games


 It's more fun to do it on the PS3 through linux tho.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!


It's more fun to do it on the PS3 through linux tho.

 Perhaps Sony should start to use this in their advertisement department because right now they are spinning their wheels in the mud. Hey, whatever you have to do to get some traction!

 I like the concept of older games getting online and other features tacked on. I do have to tip my hat to Sony adding extra support to an older game without charging an arm and a leg for it. I can only hope Nintendo allows third party publishers to do the same with future VC titles, although it is a bit doubtful. 

"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355


Kwaad's post was just fine everybody. Give him a break.

As for the release. It could be good for Sony if they keep it up. If the PSN turns into a value added Virtual Console, releasing two or three every week. So far it is just one game though. Anyone know if they have more in the works?  Infact, how many games are there on the PSN? so far it sounds like not many.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

LordTheNightKnight said:
windbane said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jstam said:
No its actually just better value, plain and simple.......

I'm not arguing that. My point is that kwaad cares more about it favoring Sony than any real value of the price and features.

So what. Most people on this forum are biased one way or another. However, he was dead on telling the truth about the value of this deal. Why you choose now to get all upset is beyond me. Do you have a PS3? If not, are you jealous and upset you can't play it? Seriously, there are much better times to attack him than this when he's 100% correct.

He's praising it for the wrong reasons. He's just giving Sony empty flattery, with no value to the praise.

or maybe you are attacking him for the wrong reasons.Online play on MK2 is awesome and all I hve to do is pay 5dollars no fees to play online its like playing in the Arcade again.This is the Best MK game ever.I don't think that this is empty flattery it seems like you just want to disagree and hate sony? so should any post from you from now on be deemed Sony hating? You also claim there is no Value to his praise I think the Value is backed up by how many agree this Is an Awesome value to a PS3 owner