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LordTheNightKnight said:
windbane said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jstam said:
No its actually just better value, plain and simple.......

I'm not arguing that. My point is that kwaad cares more about it favoring Sony than any real value of the price and features.

So what. Most people on this forum are biased one way or another. However, he was dead on telling the truth about the value of this deal. Why you choose now to get all upset is beyond me. Do you have a PS3? If not, are you jealous and upset you can't play it? Seriously, there are much better times to attack him than this when he's 100% correct.

He's praising it for the wrong reasons. He's just giving Sony empty flattery, with no value to the praise.

"The first midway classic game has just been released on the PSN earlier today. The game was Mortal Kombat 2. It is basically just a port of the old SNES game, With one major upgraded feature that that is the support of online play. A 15 year old game being ported, with added online play. For 5$ on top of that. The PS3 version of the classic SNES is cheaper than the VC SNES games, as well as it has added features. Now that's what I call value. " Let's see...He names the creating company, says it was released today. Old SNES game...with online play! That's interesting. 15 year old game ported with online play for cheaper than the VC games. That IS A GOOD VALUE. Comparing it to the VC shows it. What is the wrong reason? Facts don't change just because the source is biased.