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LordTheNightKnight said:
windbane said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
jstam said:
No its actually just better value, plain and simple.......

I'm not arguing that. My point is that kwaad cares more about it favoring Sony than any real value of the price and features.

So what. Most people on this forum are biased one way or another. However, he was dead on telling the truth about the value of this deal. Why you choose now to get all upset is beyond me. Do you have a PS3? If not, are you jealous and upset you can't play it? Seriously, there are much better times to attack him than this when he's 100% correct.

He's praising it for the wrong reasons. He's just giving Sony empty flattery, with no value to the praise.

or maybe you are attacking him for the wrong reasons.Online play on MK2 is awesome and all I hve to do is pay 5dollars no fees to play online its like playing in the Arcade again.This is the Best MK game ever.I don't think that this is empty flattery it seems like you just want to disagree and hate sony? so should any post from you from now on be deemed Sony hating? You also claim there is no Value to his praise I think the Value is backed up by how many agree this Is an Awesome value to a PS3 owner