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Forums - General Discussion - I love a girl who doesn't love me

Thanks for sharing your story dude.

That's make me sad and now I'm thinking how I can't forget the girl I love too. Maybe I have to do something about that.

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trashleg said:
NiKKoM said:
Slimebeast said:
trashleg said:

um. also, if you tell a girl you like her and she's just absolutely not ready to hear it or accept it, it might be difficult in the future for her to accept. this might have been what happened to GoW. although i cant speak for every female, thats the way my emotions work.

Why is that? Could u elaborate.

cause they are girls... they tend to overthink and the doubt themself... she won't know if it's really love or she just feels sorry for you cause you are a nice guy..

also because if shes, for example, heartbroken when she met you. her receptors are set to "off" by default. so ayone she meets during that phase, shes not interested in at all. also applies if she's been in a happy relationship (note that most people who fall for other people do so because they aren't happy, it makes sense).

also also, if you're too persistent in your affections when the above applies^, she'll be switched off probably for good. thats happened to me and i cant think of a better way to descibe it. it really is just like a shut-off switch,

again though, thats really just experience on my part. it could be different for the rest of them.

Are there any other switches we need to know about?

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

darthdevidem01 said:

Thanks for all this info trashleg!

Agreed...we're almost experts now, lol.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:

Are there any other switches we need to know about?

Rumour has it that girls have a talking on/off switch... but no men have ever found it!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Baalzamon said:

Are there any other switches we need to know about?

Rumour has it that girls have a talking on/off switch... but no men have ever found it!

The mute button on a Harmony One Universal Remote seems to have found it.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

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Baalzamon said:
trashleg said:

Are there any other switches we need to know about?


the obvious one, if she's already joked/stated/implied that she doesnt like something. dont do it. because it will irritate her more and more each time until eventually she snaps at you. :( even if its something really really petty to begin with.

lke i am the most ticklish person ever. but i really hate it more than a wee teasing amount. and my ex used to try to win arguments by tickling me into submission. not my fault when he got kicked in the balls, it really was reflex.

but he knew i didnt like it and wouldnt stop doing it, even though i asked him over and over not to do it. see, just stupid things like that.

maybe i should make a thread about women lol. D:

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
trashleg said:

also because if shes, for example, heartbroken when she met you. her receptors are set to "off" by default. so ayone she meets during that phase, shes not interested in at all. also applies if she's been in a happy relationship (note that most people who fall for other people do so because they aren't happy, it makes sense).

also also, if you're too persistent in your affections when the above applies^, she'll be switched off probably for good. thats happened to me and i cant think of a better way to descibe it. it really is just like a shut-off switch,

again though, thats really just experience on my part. it could be different for the rest of them.

A couple years back, I was interested in a girl and she became my friend. She already had a boyfriend, so obviously her receptors were "off". About 3 years later being only friend, one night we had a few drinks and she slept at my place, ill save the details. The next day she told me that she wanted to have a relationship with me. So I think that with time, its possible to be interested in someone you wasnt. But, the fact I didnt wanted that kind of relation with her anymore certainly helped. Women needs some challenge ; ). Though, making out with her was a very bad idea, I lost a very good friend. We were both single and I never thought she had this kind of interest for me. Too bad she decided to stop seeing me, but I respect this, and I think that is what GOW should do.

trashleg said:
Baalzamon said:
trashleg said:

Are there any other switches we need to know about?


the obvious one, if she's already joked/stated/implied that she doesnt like something. dont do it. because it will irritate her more and more each time until eventually she snaps at you. :( even if its something really really petty to begin with.

lke i am the most ticklish person ever. but i really hate it more than a wee teasing amount. and my ex used to try to win arguments by tickling me into submission. not my fault when he got kicked in the balls, it really was reflex.

but he knew i didnt like it and wouldnt stop doing it, even though i asked him over and over not to do it. see, just stupid things like that.

maybe i should make a thread about women lol. D:

You totally should!  I think there's a lot of us here with loads of questions, LOL

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

You don't need a girl like that in your life, staying close with her will perpetuate the feelings and make you go crazy time and time again. Stay away from her is my advice, nothing good can come of this, it would be better for the both of you. Trust me, I've been in a similar situation a couple of times when I was younger and I always look back and regret not pulling out of the whole thing earlier and sparing myself the tears and anguish.

Hang with your other friends, play games, have fun and live the other aspects of your life out to the fullest instead. Girls will come and go, no sense in clinging to something that is not adhesive... Trust me in that. Eventually, it will get easier to recognize such things and get away before you get too involved, one of the perks of the wisdom that comes with years and having hit the wall a few times before.

Move on for your own sake, make good on your promise to your mom about drinking (kudos for making that choice) and have a good time with your other friends.

Apparently there are a lot of guys out there with broken hearts, can I be the one asking a question this time?

The way the OP describes his feelings for that girl, is it possible to feel that for another girl years later? Or is it one of those once-in-a-lifetime insatiable desire type things?

I'm just as confused when it comes to you guys as you are about girls

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.