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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2D Super Mario Bros. on 3DS: What would you like to see and want?

mortono said:

1. Space world, Metropolis world, Theme Park World, Minus World, Big World, Pipe World, and basically anything that is not a desert, water, or ice level.

2. More surprises. LIke when you discover the Sky world in SMB3.

3. New Suits: Super Raccoon/Tanooki Suit - extra long flying time that can be extended in some way. Drill suit, Giant suit, Rock Suit, etc. etc.

4. Endless Skies: For flying, the skies can be infinite instead of blocked off by an invisible wall. As you fly up, random content could be created like cloud platforms, coins, secret pipes, and eventually you could see the sky fade to black as you enter space. This could be the way you get to space world.

5. Endless Ground: The drill power-up from SMG2 allows you to dig infinitely downwards. And in the same way as endless skies, random content in created that you can explore.

6. Some 3d Levels: just like 3d mario had some 2d content, 2d mario should have some 3d content. Not anything drastic, of course (no star finder puzzles please). I was thinking more along the lines of a Crash Bandicoot style level where you have to run away from the screen (like in the e3 presentation if you saw it).

7. Online where each player has their own screen and can separate from other players. Street Pass can be used to exchange high scores, low times, etc.

While I agree with most of your things, no 3D parts. Ever. The 2D ones Galaxy were horribly slow and not comparable to what a true 2D level is. Things like this would just split the fanbase.

Above: still the best game of the year.

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Beuli2 said:
mortono said:

1. Space world, Metropolis world, Theme Park World, Minus World, Big World, Pipe World, and basically anything that is not a desert, water, or ice level.

2. More surprises. LIke when you discover the Sky world in SMB3.

3. New Suits: Super Raccoon/Tanooki Suit - extra long flying time that can be extended in some way. Drill suit, Giant suit, Rock Suit, etc. etc.

4. Endless Skies: For flying, the skies can be infinite instead of blocked off by an invisible wall. As you fly up, random content could be created like cloud platforms, coins, secret pipes, and eventually you could see the sky fade to black as you enter space. This could be the way you get to space world.

5. Endless Ground: The drill power-up from SMG2 allows you to dig infinitely downwards. And in the same way as endless skies, random content in created that you can explore.

6. Some 3d Levels: just like 3d mario had some 2d content, 2d mario should have some 3d content. Not anything drastic, of course (no star finder puzzles please). I was thinking more along the lines of a Crash Bandicoot style level where you have to run away from the screen (like in the e3 presentation if you saw it).

7. Online where each player has their own screen and can separate from other players. Street Pass can be used to exchange high scores, low times, etc.

While I agree with most of your things, no 3D parts. Ever. The 2D ones Galaxy were horribly slow and not comparable to what a true 2D level is. Things like this would just split the fanbase.

The 2d levels in SMG were slow because they lacked emergent gameplay and focused on star-finder puzzle quests, just as most of the 3d levels did. Still, I don't think it would be bad if they had 3d parts as long as they stayed true to that emergent gameplay and stayed away from puzzle-fests.

online and level creator.

1. Multiplayer on one card.

2. Online.

3. Level Creator/share with others via streetpass or friend codes

4. Somehow make good use of 3D, even if it's a 2D platformer. 

Mad55 said:

online and level creator.

This x10000000000.

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Galaxy-like production values. The game deserves it.

Online, since it seems to be important to some people.

And, as with all Nitnendo games, I would like to see more respect for the continuity of the world as opposed to seeing each entry as a new reincarnation of the game.

It should be made with the mission of further expanding the mushroom kingdom.


dany612 said:
miz1q2w3e said:

oh, I forgot the best possible feature of all, *custom levels*

People are hacking their roms/games and their consoles just to make/play custum levels... Why not make it easier to make and access these levels

I saw a trailer for an entirely new custom game project based off the NSMBWii engine and let me tell you, I was impressed with the ideas they'd implimented in their levels

Are you saying that Mario should copy Little Big Planet? Do I have to cyber slap you? Mario is innovation and does not copy! lol I think It would be a great idea for creative people like me. 

What's wrong with Nintendo copying Sony for a change?? I think Nintendo's entitled after all these years

PS: Mario rom-hacks/custom levels were around way before LBP anyways ;)

No level builder. Leave that to the experts.

I just want to run and jump instead of placing blocks.

Galaki said:

No level builder. Leave that to the experts.

I just want to run and jump instead of placing blocks.

there are people who can design levels better than the experts though and anyway that would just increase replayability.

Mad55 said:
Galaki said:

No level builder. Leave that to the experts.

I just want to run and jump instead of placing blocks.

there are people who can design levels better than the experts though and anyway that would just increase replayability.

Why then don't they go off and start developing a game  instead of playing with other's work?

Above: still the best game of the year.