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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony has a real chance of dethroning Nintendo 3DS

Carl2291 said:

Did you read what I actually quoted?

"more console games on your handheld. That strategy didn't pay off much for the PSP"

It's a stupid comment. And made even stupider by the fact that he's defending the 3DS in his arguement. A handheld with arguably more hyped up "console" like games releasing in its 1st year, than it's predecessor had in its entire lifetime.

Did YOU read what I wrote? - - - having only console games on a handheld is a bad strategy but 3DS has that AS WELL AS it's huge blockbuster non-console games, THAT'S why the games you listed plus your little comment underneath have no impact on the argument

So even though the 3DS does have all those console franchises and they are pretty hyped up, it couldn't possibly have a negative effect :/  it'll still have the huge blockbuster games that do matter in addition to those you listed - - - - plus, a little extra hype never hurt anyone (saleswise )

So what he said IS right, having your hanfheld be known mostly for "console games on the go" didn't pay off much for the PSP - arguing any different would just be a waste of my time and yours

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3DS : most insane portable hype EVER

PSP2 : no hype

I guess u are wrong

Time to Work !

Kenology said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

nope that's exactly what I pointed at. Ninty is focusing a great deal this time on core games, which is 'imo' a opportunity for Sony. If they can up their game on the casual front, they will be on a more or less even field when it comes to gaming.

and btw I wouldn't say psp was 'missing' games like that more like Sony didn't promote them as much as they should have, which I HOPE they do this time around. Core games were already ace on the psp, I have little doubt it will be the same on PSP2

I think you're just trying to make something out of nothing, seeing more than what's actually there.    Everything Nintendo has slated for the 3DS thus far had a DS counterpart, so it really isn't evidence that they're "focusing a great deal this time on core games".

The only game that I know of that Nintendo has announced so far from a series that didn't appear on the NDS is Kid Icarus.  I see no evidence that Nintendo is focusing specifically on core games only.

Besides, this is only launch line-up.  We all know Nintendo has a shit ton of software in development that we don't know about.  Pretending that Nintendo only has core-centric games in development is a huge (and unrealistic) stretch, IMO.



Metal Gear SOlid - PSP? yes DS? No

Resident evil had one game and that was ages ago and it is nothing like the game 3ds is getting

Dead or Alive ? Not that I know of...actually what 3d fighter did DS have? And not referring about chibi character games here

anywho the point is CAN sony take advantage of the situation. Answer is yes. Simple as that. Will they? who knows

No one is 'pretending' anything least of which Ninty has ONLY core games. the one who is making up things here is you. -_- I don't get why be so defensive here. Please show where anyone said or hinted at anything like Ninty only has core games. Fact of the matter is they are focusing on it a great deal this time around. Not sure what the debate is about

So please stop making things up, paranoia is not good

and to your comment below about PSp only had PS3/2/1 counter part games is a very narrow minded and a misinformed opinion. I do not want to do list wars here but I suggest looking up the psp library better

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Okay so I'm just going to shut up and leave this thread now...



libellule said:

3DS : most insane portable hype EVER

PSP2 : no hype

I guess u are wrong

Well it does help that the 3DS has been announced :P

Yeah i know my spelling sucks but im dysgraphic so live with it :3    


Conegamer - I say that the PS3 will beat the DS next week in Japan  (for hardware sales) Forfeit is control over others avatar for 1 week.

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M.U.G.E.N said:

no it's you who is missing what I'm saying. WHile 3S is trying to target core, sony can also target casual, it can lead to a situation like 360/ps3 where both consoles provide a somewhat similar image to non-gaming community.

and I'm sorry but even without knowing the psp2 line up, I can gurantee the PSp2 core line up will be worse case scenario will have games that will at least match the quality of the 3ds line up. Heck games like DOA and such, you can same level games on the PSP already even, graphics AND gameplay wise. and add another analog nub and it will be a way better experience for games like FPS genre. It's a bit too early to do these comparisons tho cuz we have NO idea what the line up for PSP2 are like. I HOPE to see it within the year tho. Tho I would say Tekken: Tag and Mortal Kombat games are a given at this point.

What makes you so sure devs are going to support it like that when the way you describe it seems to indicate very high production costs and with a predecessor like the PSP, devs will most likely be hesitant to support such a device at all - - - and lets not forget Carl's list... now that's a pretty impressive lineup that most home consoles would struggle to match

And you go on again about how it'll have better graphics...etc - - - haven't you gotten it yet that these thing don't matter nearly as much as they used to - especially not in handhelds - - - most people do not want that (i'm not going to keep repeating myself for you and eveyone like you to hear)

also, the bolded is why this will be my last reply to this "argument"...

Carl2291 said:

Okay so I'm just going to shut up and leave this thread now...


Good idea

Chibi.V.29 said:
libellule said:

3DS : most insane portable hype EVER

PSP2 : no hype

I guess u are wrong

Well it does help that the 3DS has been announced :P


M.U.G.E.N said:
Kenology said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

nope that's exactly what I pointed at. Ninty is focusing a great deal this time on core games, which is 'imo' a opportunity for Sony. If they can up their game on the casual front, they will be on a more or less even field when it comes to gaming.

and btw I wouldn't say psp was 'missing' games like that more like Sony didn't promote them as much as they should have, which I HOPE they do this time around. Core games were already ace on the psp, I have little doubt it will be the same on PSP2

I think you're just trying to make something out of nothing, seeing more than what's actually there.    Everything Nintendo has slated for the 3DS thus far had a DS counterpart, so it really isn't evidence that they're "focusing a great deal this time on core games".

The only game that I know of that Nintendo has announced so far from a series that didn't appear on the NDS is Kid Icarus.  I see no evidence that Nintendo is focusing specifically on core games only.

Besides, this is only launch line-up.  We all know Nintendo has a shit ton of software in development that we don't know about.  Pretending that Nintendo only has core-centric games in development is a huge (and unrealistic) stretch, IMO.



Metal Gear SOlid - PSP? yes DS? No

Resident evil had one game and that was ages ago and it is nothing like the game 3ds is getting

Dead or Alive ? Not that I know of...actually what 3d fighter did DS have? And not referring about chibi character games here

anywho the point is CAN sony take advantage of the situation. Answer is yes. Simple as that. Will they? who knows

No one is 'pretending' anything least of which Ninty has ONLY core games. the one who is making up things here is you. -_- I don't get why be so defensive here. Please show where anyone said or hinted at anything like Ninty only has core games. Fact of the matter is they are focusing on it a great deal this time around. Not sure what the debate is about

So please stop making things up, paranoia is not good

and to your comment below about PSp only had PS3/2/1 counter part games is a very narrow minded and a misinformed opinion. I do not want to do list wars here but I suggest looking up the psp library better


I'm not even gonna read the rest of what you wrote up there because you're not paying attention.  I'll say it again:

"Everything NINTENDO has slated for the 3DS thus far had a DS counterpart".

Now, just think about why Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, and Dead or Alive doesn't negate that comment at all.  You can figure it out.  I have faith in you.

The psp2 beating the 3DS is very unlikely, I mean Nintendo dominates the handheld market, It's a got a reputation and has acomplished to please the infants, casual, hardcore, old timers all within the same console. I mean let's face it, once the 3ds gets released every single kid is going to annoy their parents to get it, true gamers won't resist playing new Zelda, Starfox, mario, Pokemon, resident evil, etc. I truly believe the 3DS is going to break some serious records.