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Forums - General Discussion - Stop Smoking - thats srsz business 0o

Kasz216 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
Baalzamon said:
santanamade said:

And the sun gives you cancer. So i should avoid the sun to then right? hahahaha

That's a horrible analogy.  The sun is one of those things that is kinda unavoidable, and it can actually be good for you as well.  First hand smoke is 100% avoidable.

So is watching television and fucking up your eyes.....Or drinking why destroy your brains?

And stop enjoying a Pizza, our whatever you enjoy eating..Only eat once or twice meat in a week...You don't want to get a heart ya? 

Just stop with having fun in your life and you possible will have a very healthy life;.

Watching television doesn't actually fuck up your eyes.  That's a myth.


Outside that, the difference between a lot of what you said is things that can be regulated... versus smoking which is much more analgous to rolling the dice every time you smoke.

The difference between say... playing russian roullete with the bullet in the last barrel... and playing russian roullete after spinning the barrel.

Well only my last sentence was really important , but reading all of this posts shows that someone in the US should start advertizing Electric cigs*   for all those people who smoke and care about their health;..


Around the Network
Lostplanet22 said:

If you care about your health why didn't you smoke Electric sigarettes?


What evidence are there that ecig is any safe?

Do you realize that it's pure chemical?


I'd tell you the ecig that I am selling you are better than others and does not harm you. Surely, you'll believe me, right?

Galaki said:
Lostplanet22 said:

If you care about your health why didn't you smoke Electric sigarettes?


What evidence are there that ecig is any safe?

Do you realize that it's pure chemical?


I'd tell you the ecig that I am selling you are better than others and does not harm you. Surely, you'll believe me, right?

Witch one do you sell?


As many people already pointed out, just imagine how much money you'll be saving.

I don't know how much cigarettes cost now in Germany, but I guess they're around 4 Euros a pack. 2 packs a day over 40 years... that's about 117000 Euros. Blown into the air and destroying lungs. You could buy a fricking house with this kind of money!

And another point, smoke stinks. There's a great song (in German):

Need something off Play-Asia?

I only used to smoke,when I was drinking back in the day,but never really got addicted. You can quit if you really want it bad enough. 

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Watch this from beginning to end. You'll never want to look at a cigarette again.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Porcupine_I said:

guess which one is your lung

Just on a side note about this ...

I once talked to a pathologist and he was complaining about CSI myths and other misconceptions people had about his job and he said that one of his biggest annoyances was this exact type of propaganda from anti-smoking groups. His point is that if you live in a major city the amount of smoke and grime in everyone's lungs makes it impossible to determine who is a smoker based on outward appearance of the lungs.

Basically, most of these anti-smoking groups are taking two extreme cases (a two pack a day smoker who works on a loading dock around diesel trucks and someone who lives in an extremely remote rural area) and is using them to scare people.

HappySqurriel said:
Porcupine_I said:

guess which one is your lung

Just on a side note about this ...

I once talked to a pathologist and he was complaining about CSI myths and other misconceptions people had about his job and he said that one of his biggest annoyances was this exact type of propaganda from anti-smoking groups. His point is that if you live in a major city the amount of smoke and grime in everyone's lungs makes it impossible to determine who is a smoker based on outward appearance of the lungs.

Basically, most of these anti-smoking groups are taking two extreme cases (a two pack a day smoker who works on a loading dock around diesel trucks and someone who lives in an extremely remote rural area) and is using them to scare people.

Let me guess smoking cigs have great benefits and it's all a consipracy. lol

Lostplanet22 said:
Baalzamon said:
santanamade said:

And the sun gives you cancer. So i should avoid the sun to then right? hahahaha

That's a horrible analogy.  The sun is one of those things that is kinda unavoidable, and it can actually be good for you as well.  First hand smoke is 100% avoidable.

So is watching television and fucking up your eyes.....Or drinking why destroy your brains?

And stop enjoying a Pizza, our whatever you enjoy eating..Only eat once or twice meat in a week...You don't want to get a heart ya? 

Just stop with having fun in your life and you possible will have a very healthy life;.

When did smoking become fun?

The downsides of smoking are basically these:

- You're a major douche to everyone around you that doesn't smoke (This is why, as soon as someone starts to smoke at a busstop where I am, I start to violently fake-cough and walk away, because the smell makes it unbearable for me to be there)

- It costs money, lots of money

- Your health gets worse

- You get addicted

And the upsides are basically these:


At least fat food tastes good, and alcohol gets you drunk.


HappySqurriel said:
Porcupine_I said:

guess which one is your lung

Just on a side note about this ...

I once talked to a pathologist and he was complaining about CSI myths and other misconceptions people had about his job and he said that one of his biggest annoyances was this exact type of propaganda from anti-smoking groups. His point is that if you live in a major city the amount of smoke and grime in everyone's lungs makes it impossible to determine who is a smoker based on outward appearance of the lungs.

Basically, most of these anti-smoking groups are taking two extreme cases (a two pack a day smoker who works on a loading dock around diesel trucks and someone who lives in an extremely remote rural area) and is using them to scare people.

so, basically he is saying it doesn't matter if you smoke or not and that it is the city that gives you lung cancer? does that really sound reasonable?

ok, two questions:

does he smoke?


does he realize by stating this he is actually spreading propaganda as well, just in another direction?


oh, and by the way, here is a link comparing city dwellers lungs to smokers lungs, but of course that's all lies and propaganda, right?

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’