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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I like Live better than PSN

Most people complaining about PSN speeds (ie downloading, updates connectivity). Have to understand thats more of an issue with you.

I think maybe one of the reasons live users might experience faster general speeds is the fact that the original 360's don't come with wireless adadptor so you're left plugging it in to a ethernet cable.

Personally I have an amazing set-up in my little haven of a room- big tv PS3, PC all connected to one "magic" internet box at around 12 mbitsps or 1.5 megabytes/sec. So even though the internet can't always utilize those download speeds (cought steam) PSN always does so my biggest demo download uncharted beta or mag beta each took 15- 20 minutes. DSN error i noticed when i had wireless connections with my ps3 its essentially a wireless issue. Now that my ps3 is connected sicne last year i only get fast results.

The basis of live vs PSN arguement stems down to what SONY/MS force you to live with. SONY gives you wireless wich is convient but u will suffer slower speeds vis-a-vis download and connectivity as a community. MS doesnt give you anything for free, you become greatful that because one is forced to plug his xbox to a small cable he now gets as a community general faster results.

It's all subjective, in the truest sense.

"Rainbird: Why don't Nintendo and Microsoft Copy the Sony Blog?

Bagenome:You can't shoot things on a blog, and babies can't read, so I don't think it would suit either one's target audience."


d21lewis said:
Honestly, do JRPG makers even realize how hard it is to save the world? That shit is impossible!




Around the Network
LordMatrix said:
Mordred11 said:
fastyxx said:
Mordred11 said:

Online gaming is supposed to be FREE!Plus,PSN is almost as good as LIVE.

Says who?  That's ridiculous.  

The whole "cost" thing is irrelevant to which is better.  It's not "Which is the better value?"  It's "Which is better?" 


Online gaming on PC is the best,and that's a FACT.=>It's free.

Just because you seem to not be able to afford the luxury doesn`t mean PSN is automatically better due to being free. Freee does not  equal better half the time.

BTW those of you that have Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions about to expire and have been long time running LIVE members... call up Microsoft and mention that you been a long time member and perhaps you may get lucky like I did today and be offered my next renewal at $39.99 instead of $59.99.

I didn't say it's better,did I?I said it's almost as good.There's a big difference.

I don't afford the luxury?I had an xbox 360,and I had Live for 1 full year in 2009,untill my little cousin broke my system.Didn't bother to buy another,since I also have a PS3.

Stop talking out of your a**.

Yet another raging fanboy debate.

We should do this more often.

Toastboy is teh instigator, where be he now? x)

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

Nintari said:
SvennoJ said:

Live wasn't very good in the first year of 360 for me at least. It almost made me give up on console online gaming entirely.

Voice was pretty bad, everything I said came back as an echo. Nothing seemed to help. Bought a new headset, no use. When we played PGR3, all 3 of us could talk during track selection, but only 2 of us during a race? In Test drive unlimited 8 out of 10 games resulted in a disconnect, unable to connect to host. Same in Gears of War. And when it worked I could hardly understand what anyone was saying anyway except for the obvious swearing.

Cancelled live after a year then got a ps3. Tried burnout paradise online and it actually worked. Had a lot of (mostly silent) fun online in f1 championship edition, gt5 prologue, wipeout hd. Bought a 2nd hand ps2 headset with usb and I can actually talk to people without echos.

I tried live again in a free weekend, the echos are gone yay. Still couldn't understand much what anyone was saying. Haven't tried it since they chanced the voice codec.

I still don't spent a lot of time gaming online (<5%), so no point going back to live. I just buy multiplats for ps3 in case I want to try out the online portion.

Dude, I had XBL in 2003 and had NONE of those issues while playing online.

Yeah I didn't have those problems either on the original xbox, which is why I was so disappointed with live on 360. Anyway those echo's were a widely reported issue and I'm glad it has been solved. The connection problems might have been due to strict NAT not playing nice with peer to peer games.

Not being able to understand people online is partly due to low quality sound and due to suffering from slight background noise deafness, ie not being able to filter out voice as efficiently from the background noise. At least all games have subtitles now for people like me :) I pretty much have to turn the game sound off to understand what people are saying. I rather listen to the game.

Maybe voice recognition will one day lead to closed captioning for psn / live talk. That would really be innovative.

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:

  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:

  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Around the Network
Mordred11 said:
LordMatrix said:
Mordred11 said:
fastyxx said:
Mordred11 said:

Online gaming is supposed to be FREE!Plus,PSN is almost as good as LIVE.

Says who?  That's ridiculous.  

The whole "cost" thing is irrelevant to which is better.  It's not "Which is the better value?"  It's "Which is better?" 


Online gaming on PC is the best,and that's a FACT.=>It's free.

Just because you seem to not be able to afford the luxury doesn`t mean PSN is automatically better due to being free. Freee does not  equal better half the time.

BTW those of you that have Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions about to expire and have been long time running LIVE members... call up Microsoft and mention that you been a long time member and perhaps you may get lucky like I did today and be offered my next renewal at $39.99 instead of $59.99.

I didn't say it's better,did I?I said it's almost as good.There's a big difference.

I don't afford the luxury?I had an xbox 360,and I had Live for 1 full year in 2009,untill my little cousin broke my system.Didn't bother to buy another,since I also have a PS3.

Stop talking out of your a**.

Again free does not equal better.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

Most of those extra psn features I have never heard of or would even use. Hulu...ok that I would use but once its available on Xbox 360 I will be using it on there due to it being my console that is turned on the most. So for me Xbox LIVE is still the obvious choice. Most of those extra psn features most gamers really don`t care for anyways.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

But does cost meets the means (compared to PSN) 50 dollars is a new game and i only get like 3-5 yearly to being with.

"Rainbird: Why don't Nintendo and Microsoft Copy the Sony Blog?

Bagenome:You can't shoot things on a blog, and babies can't read, so I don't think it would suit either one's target audience."


d21lewis said:
Honestly, do JRPG makers even realize how hard it is to save the world? That shit is impossible!




I enjoyed this thread.

Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

Lots of friends on LIVE = willingness to pay

If Sony was able to turn back time, Im pretty sure they will charge for PSN without questions.