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Skeeuk said:

live is a better service due to communication features but no way is it worth paying for.

psn is perfectly fine you can play all your games online without charge

extras on psn:


  • vidzone tv
  • bbc iplayer
  • itv player
  • 4od player
  • muvi
  • lovefilm
  • hulu
  • home network
  • video editer/upload
  • play memories 3d picture viewer
  • playstation lifestyle app
  • upload pictures to facebook/picassa
  • browser

extras on live:


  • cross game chat
  • record voice messeges
  • party system
  • facebook/twitter
  • zune video
apart from having better comms features which is the most important feature, theres nothing else thats worth any charge.

Lots of friends on LIVE = willingness to pay

If Sony was able to turn back time, Im pretty sure they will charge for PSN without questions.