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Most people complaining about PSN speeds (ie downloading, updates connectivity). Have to understand thats more of an issue with you.

I think maybe one of the reasons live users might experience faster general speeds is the fact that the original 360's don't come with wireless adadptor so you're left plugging it in to a ethernet cable.

Personally I have an amazing set-up in my little haven of a room- big tv PS3, PC all connected to one "magic" internet box at around 12 mbitsps or 1.5 megabytes/sec. So even though the internet can't always utilize those download speeds (cought steam) PSN always does so my biggest demo download uncharted beta or mag beta each took 15- 20 minutes. DSN error i noticed when i had wireless connections with my ps3 its essentially a wireless issue. Now that my ps3 is connected sicne last year i only get fast results.

The basis of live vs PSN arguement stems down to what SONY/MS force you to live with. SONY gives you wireless wich is convient but u will suffer slower speeds vis-a-vis download and connectivity as a community. MS doesnt give you anything for free, you become greatful that because one is forced to plug his xbox to a small cable he now gets as a community general faster results.

It's all subjective, in the truest sense.

"Rainbird: Why don't Nintendo and Microsoft Copy the Sony Blog?

Bagenome:You can't shoot things on a blog, and babies can't read, so I don't think it would suit either one's target audience."


d21lewis said:
Honestly, do JRPG makers even realize how hard it is to save the world? That shit is impossible!