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LordMatrix said:
Mordred11 said:
fastyxx said:
Mordred11 said:

Online gaming is supposed to be FREE!Plus,PSN is almost as good as LIVE.

Says who?  That's ridiculous.  

The whole "cost" thing is irrelevant to which is better.  It's not "Which is the better value?"  It's "Which is better?" 


Online gaming on PC is the best,and that's a FACT.=>It's free.

Just because you seem to not be able to afford the luxury doesn`t mean PSN is automatically better due to being free. Freee does not  equal better half the time.

BTW those of you that have Xbox LIVE Gold subscriptions about to expire and have been long time running LIVE members... call up Microsoft and mention that you been a long time member and perhaps you may get lucky like I did today and be offered my next renewal at $39.99 instead of $59.99.

I didn't say it's better,did I?I said it's almost as good.There's a big difference.

I don't afford the luxury?I had an xbox 360,and I had Live for 1 full year in 2009,untill my little cousin broke my system.Didn't bother to buy another,since I also have a PS3.

Stop talking out of your a**.