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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Was Final Fantasy XIII worth all the fuss? No"- Kotaku

Chibi.V.29 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Wagram said:

The fanboy battles and meltfowns over the exclusitivity is stupid. The game is fantastic but people need to understand that from a business standpoint another console gives the opportunity to give more sales. It has got like 1.7M 360 sales which is GOOD. I wouldn't be suprised if Versus went multi. With the recent 90% profit cut you can bet your ass its coming.

Even if the game was exclusive it would still be nothing to go crazy over. That Final Fantasy was an insult to JRPG fans everywhere. This is why I vow this gen to buy Sakaguchi only titles this gen aside from Versus. Lost Odyssey was my FF this gen so far and The Last Story will be enjoyed on my friends Wii. No Original XIII character better show their face in Versus. From the backlash SE has received in Japan over exclusivity, I highly doubt it will get a multiplat release. I think this title will  be strictly PS3 to get the most out of the hardware which SE promised. There hasn't been a true PS3 exclusive that harnessed the PS3's power. This should be interesting to see. 

FFXIII is DEFINATLY better than lost odyssey. Sakaguchi isnt that great anymore imo :/

I'll have to agree with this. Other then the 1000 Years of Dreams (which were pretty outstanding) and Jansan, there was nothing special about Lost Odyssey in my opinion. The Last Story should at least have engaging gameplay. I don't expect much from the storyline and characters to be honest.

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I am tired of all these stupid FANBOY threads hating on FFXIII. EVERY FF Game is DIFFERENT from the last that is the point of FF. to say that an FF Game is a bad FF Game is an Oxymoron because like all other FF Games FFXIII should be judged as an individual game in its own right. IF you do not wont your Favorite Game series to CHANGE with every new Game then DO NOT PLAY FF GO PLAY DQ instead.       

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

I agree, even for 20$ I thought it was horrible.

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*

If you interpret the genre widely, Valkyria Chronicles is still the best jrpg this gen.  ;)

i loved final fantasy 13, thats why i own all the versions released on both the 360 and ps3. i even own pillows,wall scrolls and figurines too show off my love for the game. also final fantasy 10 is a great jrpg and my 2nd favorite ff game only behind final fantasy 8.

i am extremely happy to see final fantasy selling as much as it has up to this point, also the 360 version over 1.7 million sold is a very good amount these days and i also believe versus will go on the 360 as well, but square-enix will do what they did with ff13 and give the game a 1 year exclusive in japan only and releasing the game on the 360 in america and europe on the same day as the ps3 version .





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Seriously some of you think FFXIII was better then LO??... what a sad day for RPG fans

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

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For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Naum said:

Seriously some of you think FFXIII was better then LO??... what a sad day for RPG fan

I concur.

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hikaruchan said:

I am tired of all these stupid FANBOY threads hating on FFXIII. EVERY FF Game is DIFFERENT from the last that is the point of FF. to say that an FF Game is a bad FF Game is an Oxymoron because like all other FF Games FFXIII should be judged as an individual game in its own right. IF you do not wont your Favorite Game series to CHANGE with every new Game then DO NOT PLAY FF GO PLAY DQ instead.

No, FF is a series and should not be judged individually. People look forward to it because it is FF not because its new. All FFs had a lot of things similar. FFXII-FFXIII had the least similarities. To me FF13 felt rushed despite taking so damn long to develop. 

FF7-10 practically had the same battle system except the method of getting skills were different (eg. Materia, Junction, Weapon Learning, Sphere Grid). FF7-10 was the result of combining the freedom of skill specialties and a driving story which was turning into the cinematic experience.

FF3,5- had job systems but weak story

FF4,6- had a strong story component

FF1,2- was more like a beta phase.

FF13- lower level of control over characters, specialization that forces similar builds for every player, lack of freedom, slow starter despite most FF games having a slow start FF13 had the slowest. FF was about finding your own path in defeating the game, FF13 was like a linear path that forced players to have the standard presets. The lack of classes and breaking system were huge flaws that contributed to this. I did like the break system at first but realized that it was shallow and created the loss of freedom over battles. FF12 had a lot more freedom in battles.

What I want from a game.

Gameplay > Story > Content > Graphics

Visual Style > Graphics

Smooth Camera, Intuitive Controls

Friction! When everything feels right!

Year later and smaller fanbase do the math.

Kyren said:
hikaruchan said:

I am tired of all these stupid FANBOY threads hating on FFXIII. EVERY FF Game is DIFFERENT from the last that is the point of FF. to say that an FF Game is a bad FF Game is an Oxymoron because like all other FF Games FFXIII should be judged as an individual game in its own right. IF you do not wont your Favorite Game series to CHANGE with every new Game then DO NOT PLAY FF GO PLAY DQ instead.

No, FF is a series and should not be judged individually. People look forward to it because it is FF not because its new. All FFs had a lot of things similar. FFXII-FFXIII had the least similarities. To me FF13 felt rushed despite taking so damn long to develop. 

FF7-10 practically had the same battle system except the method of getting skills were different (eg. Materia, Junction, Weapon Learning, Sphere Grid). FF7-10 was the result of combining the freedom of skill specialties and a driving story which was turning into the cinematic experience.

FF3,5- had job systems but weak story

FF4,6- had a strong story component

FF1,2- was more like a beta phase.

FF13- lower level of control over characters, specialization that forces similar builds for every player, lack of freedom, slow starter despite most FF games having a slow start FF13 had the slowest. FF was about finding your own path in defeating the game, FF13 was like a linear path that forced players to have the standard presets. The lack of classes and breaking system were huge flaws that contributed to this. I did like the break system at first but realized that it was shallow and created the loss of freedom over battles. FF12 had a lot more freedom in battles.

FF is a series in name only but that is it. if FANBOYS can not except  that FF is ABOUT CHANGE THEN THEY SHOULD NOT PLAY FF they SHOULD play DQ instead.  

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku