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Forums - Sales Discussion - GT5 has record sales in Italy before launch (45,000 units sold)

Street date was broken in Italy and sold 45k before official launch...if Italy is 10% of the market then GT5 would've sold 450k in EMEAA before launch, on broken street date.

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kowenicki said:
Munkeh111 said:
kowenicki said:

It clearly means pre-orders.  Weren't people trying to say EMEAA pre-orders were 1 million?  Italy represent 10% of the EMEAA so 500k pre-orders EMEAA? 

I'd like to which and whose record it breaks...? 

ioi certainly said 2m in the latest US pre-order chart for WW first week sales, but we should get some better data in the next few days

2m sales would be about 1.3m pre-orders ... ?

Mebbe... but it would involve more pre-orders from EMEAA than 550k still

45000 preorders until now. Italy is about 10% of the European market (not EMEAA).

Looks like its on par with my prediction of 4-6 million life-time sales

Lyrikalstylez said:

Looks like its on par with my prediction of 4-6 million life-time sales

What a horrible prediction that is, considering that GT5 Prologue sold more than 5 million.

Around the Network
Lyrikalstylez said:

Looks like its on par with my prediction of 4-6 million life-time sales

Every GT hasn't had a huge first week...they have legs, which is why saying it is "on par" with that prediction isn't right at all

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Lyrikalstylez said:

Looks like its on par with my prediction of 4-6 million life-time sales

LOL what a joke.

kowenicki said:

It clearly means pre-orders.  Weren't people trying to say EMEAA pre-orders were 1 million?  Italy represent 10% of the EMEAA so 500k pre-orders EMEAA? 

I'd like to know which and whose record it breaks...? 

it is not preorder

it is sort of "leaked" copy IMO

Time to Work !

and, yeah, 45k is not that impressive IMO

Time to Work !

Pyramid12 said:
Lyrikalstylez said:

Looks like its on par with my prediction of 4-6 million life-time sales

LOL what a joke. oppose to the over 10 million claims people seem to have here

Im just giving my opinion, but well know soon enough wont we