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Forums - General Discussion - VGChartz! I need your ADVICE on WOMEN!

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What are the interests you share with this classy lady?

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Kamal said:
loves2splooge said:

 My laptop, high speed internet connection and my game systems make me feel good. It's instant gratification compared to going through all the bullshit hoops to get a girlfriend. The praise I get from my boss and my co-workers makes me feel good. And you certaintly don't need sex (It's only needed to prevent extinction. But with there being so much immigration to North America, we don't have to worry about that anytime soon anyway). After I attend to my "business", I'm good for a few days.)

Where have I seen this before?


Smart Men answer questions, Wise men ask questions.
Gamers play games, True Gamers support Gaming

Mr Khan if she likes Paintballing, take her to that...its a nice way to bond!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ConnorJCP said:
Kamal said:
loves2splooge said:

 My laptop, high speed internet connection and my game systems make me feel good. It's instant gratification compared to going through all the bullshit hoops to get a girlfriend. The praise I get from my boss and my co-workers makes me feel good. And you certaintly don't need sex (It's only needed to prevent extinction. But with there being so much immigration to North America, we don't have to worry about that anytime soon anyway). After I attend to my "business", I'm good for a few days.)

Where have I seen this before?


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Khuutra said:

Listen here.

What are the interests you share with this classy lady?

Primary interest overlap is academic. We're both in the same internship program, and the same sub-segment of that program, as well as at the same internship proper, and in the same required class at the internship, mostly due to a mutual enjoyment of politics and international affairs. It helps that she's Canadian, so my more contentious views on US politics don't get in the way (Canadian-ness got me the first "date" in the first place, because she wanted to go out and see a service for Remembrance Day, but those are much harder to find here. Us both being in Washington made it easier)

overlap hits at odder points as well. One morning when i declared i was going to waste the morning reading fan-fiction because our boss hadn't shown up to give me the one thing i needed to work on yet, she commented on it, though it turns out her interests there lie in Harry Potter and CSI, which is quite far away from my One Piece and SWAT Kats, and that launched into a conversation about how bogus we both thought some of the stuff from Deathly Hallows was

Very socially similar to myself as well, given that she doesn't really drink (and doesn't drink for the same reason as me too: it all tastes the same to both of us: ethanol), never updates her facebook (though i one-up her on that as i don't have one at all), and shares many of my tastes in food.

Plus (though this was quite inadvertant on my part) she's seen some of the worst i have to offer in terms of personality, seen me at my most small-minded, contentious, and boorish, yet that hasn't driven her off. Not that i would expect anyone (let alone a potential gf) to put up with my bad side, but it very certainly helps

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network

After the movie, ask her if she would like to do something, just you and her.  When you do this, make sure that you come across confident since women like confident men.  Make sure that it comes across as confident, but not arrogant since most women don't like arrogance.

And for crying out loud, don't be cheap with a woman if you ever expect to get laid.  After you get laid you can start being cheaper.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

how did you afford a computer if you can't afford a ticket?

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

Severance said:

how did you afford a computer if you can't afford a ticket?

computer = academic necessity = parents

I don't have that much squirreled away. My last part-time job was sub-minimum wage, and i was lucky to get it

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr. Khan!! I didn't know you were so green. This is fine.

Barring repetition, I'd just like to make a few points in general:

- Nerves. Some girls find it cute, so you can do no wrong. Others like to see confidence (not so much to be arrogant)

- Fear of rejection. It's only human to have this fear, but the only person who cares about it is you. If your friends laugh at you, it's because they are losers. Don't lime with losers. Any level-headed adult knows it's a part of life and nothing to look down upon. So it all boils down to how YOU feel. So, since it's just that, just remember that it's impossible to be liked by everyone in the world. No matter how much good you do, some ppl will always reject you. So then you must think, if rejection is so evitable in life, what's the point of getting worked up by it?

- Be blunt. Yea. Just go ahead and say what you have to say. BUT....with a smile on your face...the one that comes across as 'cute' but an underlying tone of 'seriousness'. The timing, is only something you would know.


Anyway there's already a lot of good advice in this thread. You should take it seriously!

Mr Khan said:
Khuutra said:

Listen here.

What are the interests you share with this classy lady?

Primary interest overlap is academic. We're both in the same internship program, and the same sub-segment of that program, as well as at the same internship proper, and in the same required class at the internship, mostly due to a mutual enjoyment of politics and international affairs. It helps that she's Canadian, so my more contentious views on US politics don't get in the way (Canadian-ness got me the first "date" in the first place, because she wanted to go out and see a service for Remembrance Day, but those are much harder to find here. Us both being in Washington made it easier)

overlap hits at odder points as well. One morning when i declared i was going to waste the morning reading fan-fiction because our boss hadn't shown up to give me the one thing i needed to work on yet, she commented on it, though it turns out her interests there lie in Harry Potter and CSI, which is quite far away from my One Piece and SWAT Kats, and that launched into a conversation about how bogus we both thought some of the stuff from Deathly Hallows was

Very socially similar to myself as well, given that she doesn't really drink (and doesn't drink for the same reason as me too: it all tastes the same to both of us: ethanol), never updates her facebook (though i one-up her on that as i don't have one at all), and shares many of my tastes in food.

Plus (though this was quite inadvertant on my part) she's seen some of the worst i have to offer in terms of personality, seen me at my most small-minded, contentious, and boorish, yet that hasn't driven her off. Not that i would expect anyone (let alone a potential gf) to put up with my bad side, but it very certainly helps

Wow you kinda sound made for each other!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey