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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

Ninpanda said:

29. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - PS

Talk about a breath of fresh air! During the late 90s, pretty much every video game franchise was going 3D, whether it was a good choice or not. But Konami was one of the few who had the balls to make a 2D game during an era, where 3D games were the new black.

But then they caved, and made the piece of *vulgar term for poo*, that is Castlevania 64. -_- (But that's for another time, and another thread.)

Symphony of the Night might lack the difficulty that the earlier games are known for, but it is nevertheless the pinnacle of the franchise.

Excellent choice!

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Damn you Demon's Souls and Donkey Kong. Why do you have to be so good after I wrote this list and are now making me not update it daily.

31.Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (gamecube)

I couldn't even imagine truly doing the attack on the deathstar the way I imagined it would be any resemblance as it was in the movie. Though in the first damn mission that is exactly what you do. I couldn't tell you how this is so close to being the best movie based game created (close though), defines epic, makes so many good design decisions. If you wanted to do almost any mission from the origal movies that you thought was awesome, you could do it. If you wanted to be darth Vader and defend the death star from annialation you could do it. If you wanted to blast womp rats that are no bigger than 2 meters wide you could do that. I believe this game could capture the experience of the movies as great as this game, but it did and it is truly a masterpiece to any fan of the films. :)

30. Ms.Pac-Man (arcade)

I don't really think I can write much about this game. This game was one of those games that were always in an arcade wherever you go. This game can only be defined as the heart of the arcade. If you never have played this game before then I don't think you know why this game can't be describe that throughly because this is all I can say. It's just damn fun. :)

29.BioShock (PS3)

One of the best games this generation. I loved the setting, the story, the tone. In 2007, people would flock to this game as the game that set the new bar for this generation. Only in this game did I feel like I had to buy an HD console. I think I knew this game would be high just as soon as I remembered the first time you start the game and it tells you to move while still in awe of the graphics thinking its still a cutscene. The story is what brings you in, even when the game is chock full of sidetracks. The plasmids make this game shine out and trying out new ones make the game so fresh and enjoyable. I will always have a good place in my heart and now that I think about it, I think its time I give its sequal a shot. :)

28.Meteos (DS)

In 2005, Q! spent their time on 2 puzzle games. Lumines on the PSP and Meteos on the DS. I can tell you right now without a doubt in my mind that Meteos is the best Puzzle game I've played since tetris. If you don't know the game then I'll break it down for you. Get three or more blocks in a row and get the blocks flying to the enemy planet. Making all the blocks on your planet of your screen and then starting fresh is so enjoyable every time you do it. Every planet has its own unique aspect with it. The metoes help you form new planets, music, and power-ups you could form. I couldn't tell you the awesomeness that comes from the multi-player because it needs to be experienced first hand. This game is by far my favorite game I've ever played on the DS and I just hope a sequel comes out soon on the 3DS. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

29. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GCN)

So... uh... like I said before, I'm not much of an RPG fan. But with Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, I found an RPG I can truly love. Yeah, this game really is great, full of great characters (Rawk Hawk is awesome!), a simple yet touching story that also isn't afraid of being funny (humor is great people!), a battle system that's easy to get into yet is always satisfying, and just a fun time on the outskirts of the Mushroom Kingdom. Your partners are even awesomer than the first (Vivian is my all time favorite!) and the bosses are more involved in the story itself (I <3 Doopliss). Oh, and you can take control of Bowser in hilarious Mario parodies that are just awesome to experience. Yeah, this game really has it all. Fantastic game and the most fun I've had with an RPG to date.

Also, I find it amazing that all these Bioshock's are hovering around the #30 range. Great game though, and I'm glad it's on so many lists!

turtuls said:

30. Ms.Pac-Man (arcade)

I don't really think I can write much about this game. This game was one of those games that were always in an arcade wherever you go. This game can only be defined as the heart of the arcade. If you never have played this game before then I don't think you know why this game can't be describe that throughly because this is all I can say. It's just damn fun. :)

Good to see I'm not the only person with Ms. Pac=Man on their list.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2


Policenauts is point and click adventure thriller Game from Kojima Hideo San. Policenauts is the prequal to Snacher a cyberpunk adventurer game from 1988 policenaurts was only released in Japan and was originally released for the PC-9821 and latpoted to 3DO in 1995 and Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn in 1996. Policenauts plays out like a movie were after watching the cutscenes you have to interact mive the people and objects to progress the story along. The Story follows Jonathan Ingram one of the fonders of the policenauts who after a acident in Space os now back on Earth and is hired by is EX to investigate the disappearance of her current husband on living his office dhe is attacked and murdered by a person in a Black motorcycle suit this leads Jonathan to head to the space colleny beyondwhere meats up with is fomer LAPD partner Ed Brown. the game has a awesome cast of charaters and BCP members that Jonathan meats is a familiar face Meryl Silverburgh A member of BCP's Vice Unit, Meryl is a former member of High Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND and is usually seen wearing military gear. the mudic is cool and the tittle screen music/ending theme music is the same as the tittle screen music found in Metal Gear Solid.  as stated above Kojima san wrote Meryle in to the game as a former member of High Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND. Kojima ised her chracter as basis for the Metal Gear Solid character of the same name and they share a voice actor. Voiced by Megumi Terase. and her ikness in this Gane is the exact basis for her MGS4 Character model to.    basically you will see a lot referances in MGS univerve from Snacher and Policenaurtsthere is an English Fan Sub Pach out now for the PS Version only that puts all menus and subtials into English but you still get the awesome Japanese voice acting  I will just end with this I don't what you have to do to play this Game but you must play it. 

Policenaurts Intro
the scene fetued in MGS when Otacon is taking about his love for Anime
Policenaurts rade on Tokugawa Co

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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ICO is a beautiful Action Adventure Game from 2001 on PS2. I did not play ICO when it first was released in 2001 I first played it when it was re-released along side Shadow of the Colossus.  ICO beustal Tal of a yong boy with horns on his head that leads him to be exiled and taking to a Castile were he meats Yorda who helps to escape the Castile wile show enemy's  take them  and try to tack Yorda.

The visuals are some of the most beautiful I have seen and help to crate a beautiful but sad atmosphere  on PS2 and really stand the test of time

Story is told with minimal dialog with a lot of enforces in using Gameplay itself to tell a lot of the story. 

The music is beautiful and really suits the Games atmosphere and I love the ending theme.

everybody must play rhis Game it is an experience that can not be mist buy any Gamer.


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

28. Assassin's Creed II (PS3)

I liked the first one, but it had its' flaws. ACII did almost everything better. The gameplay and presentation were great and it's hard to find anything that I didn't really like about it.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


28. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

Uncharted 2 raked in countless Game of the Year awards, but the one that means the most to the naughty gods at Naughty Dog is the NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) Image Award. In an increasingly politically correct world where it is a serious breach of social etiquette to make transgendered black lesbians feel marginalized, it's still widely acceptable to heap abuse upon the wide. The obese are regularly and openly ridiculed at school, work, and in every Eddie Murphy of the past 15 years. When her friend Gabe Newell committed suicide due to relentless cyberbullying, Naughty Dog creative director Amy Hennig decided that enough was enough. To that end she decided to create a zaftig new hero who would challenge society's conceptions of the heavier among us. The massive Nathan Drake briskly waddles through this romping action-adventure, defying harmful stereotypes by falling in love with a normal sized woman who loves him back, saving the world, and most impressively of all, collecting shiny treasures and not promptly stuffing them into his mouth. "I'd like to think that wherever he is, Gabe is looking down on us with the fat folds that comprise his face contorted into something resembling the human expression of joy," said Hennig, smiling but pausing to wipe away a tear with a $10,000 bill. "We've sold four million copies of Uncharted 2, so even if our work only changes a few people's minds... who gives a shit?"

28. Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes - DC

MvC 2 is everything I want in a fighting game: It has a huge roster, the fights are crazy fun, and it has a Jazz soundtrack! ... Okay, maybe that last part wasn't so awesome, but Marvel vs Capcom 2 is still the best fighting game I've ever played. It might not be the most balanced fighter around, but it's definitely a blast to play.

There's a reason, why Marvel vs Capcom 2 is still being played at pretty much every major fighting game tournament. Now bring on the sequel.

31.Final Fantasy V(PS1)

Final Fantasy V is an aweaome Roe Playing Game(RPG). story Flows a traveler named Bartz who is resting in the woods near Tycoon, beholds a meteorite crash and finds a a young woman, Reina, lying unconscious then they are attacked and afterwords find a old man named  Galuf. they then split up but later reunite and partack in a quest to stop the evevil forces from getting central of all the crystals.

The Battle system is awesome and enhanced version of the ATB system from Final Fantasy IV ith an enhanced Job System first used in Final Fantasy III.

The musis is as awesome as always and Gilgamesh is awesome and moogles FTW.

Final Fantasy V PS1 into

Final Fantasy V OST battle with Gilgamesh

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku