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Damn you Demon's Souls and Donkey Kong. Why do you have to be so good after I wrote this list and are now making me not update it daily.

31.Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (gamecube)

I couldn't even imagine truly doing the attack on the deathstar the way I imagined it would be any resemblance as it was in the movie. Though in the first damn mission that is exactly what you do. I couldn't tell you how this is so close to being the best movie based game created (close though), defines epic, makes so many good design decisions. If you wanted to do almost any mission from the origal movies that you thought was awesome, you could do it. If you wanted to be darth Vader and defend the death star from annialation you could do it. If you wanted to blast womp rats that are no bigger than 2 meters wide you could do that. I believe this game could capture the experience of the movies as great as this game, but it did and it is truly a masterpiece to any fan of the films. :)

30. Ms.Pac-Man (arcade)

I don't really think I can write much about this game. This game was one of those games that were always in an arcade wherever you go. This game can only be defined as the heart of the arcade. If you never have played this game before then I don't think you know why this game can't be describe that throughly because this is all I can say. It's just damn fun. :)

29.BioShock (PS3)

One of the best games this generation. I loved the setting, the story, the tone. In 2007, people would flock to this game as the game that set the new bar for this generation. Only in this game did I feel like I had to buy an HD console. I think I knew this game would be high just as soon as I remembered the first time you start the game and it tells you to move while still in awe of the graphics thinking its still a cutscene. The story is what brings you in, even when the game is chock full of sidetracks. The plasmids make this game shine out and trying out new ones make the game so fresh and enjoyable. I will always have a good place in my heart and now that I think about it, I think its time I give its sequal a shot. :)

28.Meteos (DS)

In 2005, Q! spent their time on 2 puzzle games. Lumines on the PSP and Meteos on the DS. I can tell you right now without a doubt in my mind that Meteos is the best Puzzle game I've played since tetris. If you don't know the game then I'll break it down for you. Get three or more blocks in a row and get the blocks flying to the enemy planet. Making all the blocks on your planet of your screen and then starting fresh is so enjoyable every time you do it. Every planet has its own unique aspect with it. The metoes help you form new planets, music, and power-ups you could form. I couldn't tell you the awesomeness that comes from the multi-player because it needs to be experienced first hand. This game is by far my favorite game I've ever played on the DS and I just hope a sequel comes out soon on the 3DS. :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls