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28. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

Uncharted 2 raked in countless Game of the Year awards, but the one that means the most to the naughty gods at Naughty Dog is the NAAFA (National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) Image Award. In an increasingly politically correct world where it is a serious breach of social etiquette to make transgendered black lesbians feel marginalized, it's still widely acceptable to heap abuse upon the wide. The obese are regularly and openly ridiculed at school, work, and in every Eddie Murphy of the past 15 years. When her friend Gabe Newell committed suicide due to relentless cyberbullying, Naughty Dog creative director Amy Hennig decided that enough was enough. To that end she decided to create a zaftig new hero who would challenge society's conceptions of the heavier among us. The massive Nathan Drake briskly waddles through this romping action-adventure, defying harmful stereotypes by falling in love with a normal sized woman who loves him back, saving the world, and most impressively of all, collecting shiny treasures and not promptly stuffing them into his mouth. "I'd like to think that wherever he is, Gabe is looking down on us with the fat folds that comprise his face contorted into something resembling the human expression of joy," said Hennig, smiling but pausing to wipe away a tear with a $10,000 bill. "We've sold four million copies of Uncharted 2, so even if our work only changes a few people's minds... who gives a shit?"