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Policenauts is point and click adventure thriller Game from Kojima Hideo San. Policenauts is the prequal to Snacher a cyberpunk adventurer game from 1988 policenaurts was only released in Japan and was originally released for the PC-9821 and latpoted to 3DO in 1995 and Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn in 1996. Policenauts plays out like a movie were after watching the cutscenes you have to interact mive the people and objects to progress the story along. The Story follows Jonathan Ingram one of the fonders of the policenauts who after a acident in Space os now back on Earth and is hired by is EX to investigate the disappearance of her current husband on living his office dhe is attacked and murdered by a person in a Black motorcycle suit this leads Jonathan to head to the space colleny beyondwhere meats up with is fomer LAPD partner Ed Brown. the game has a awesome cast of charaters and BCP members that Jonathan meats is a familiar face Meryl Silverburgh A member of BCP's Vice Unit, Meryl is a former member of High Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND and is usually seen wearing military gear. the mudic is cool and the tittle screen music/ending theme music is the same as the tittle screen music found in Metal Gear Solid.  as stated above Kojima san wrote Meryle in to the game as a former member of High Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND. Kojima ised her chracter as basis for the Metal Gear Solid character of the same name and they share a voice actor. Voiced by Megumi Terase. and her ikness in this Gane is the exact basis for her MGS4 Character model to.    basically you will see a lot referances in MGS univerve from Snacher and Policenaurtsthere is an English Fan Sub Pach out now for the PS Version only that puts all menus and subtials into English but you still get the awesome Japanese voice acting  I will just end with this I don't what you have to do to play this Game but you must play it. 

Policenaurts Intro
the scene fetued in MGS when Otacon is taking about his love for Anime
Policenaurts rade on Tokugawa Co

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku