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Scoobes said:

No. 38: Final Fantasy X (PS2)

A somewhat controversial choice. I was really looking forward to this when it was released and I remember my original thoughts were "Holy crap, this looks amazing!". The graphics really were amazing for the time, but on top of that it had some entertaining characters, some good level design, and a battle system that both improved the pace and strategy of the battles. The story was also quite interesting although let down by the horrible Western voice acting. The FF purists may complain it lacked a world map and was too linear, but playing through again it actually has a variety of different areas to visit & later revisit, a good number of optional bosses and an enjoyable mini game in Blitzball. 

I agree with this choice... though where I put it is a lot different then where you put it :P

I will say that I agree with your number 1 choice and placement too! ;) It's my number 2!

/not suposed to be talking about this but we didnt!

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Scoobes said:

No. 38: Final Fantasy X (PS2)

A somewhat controversial choice. I was really looking forward to this when it was released and I remember my original thoughts were "Holy crap, this looks amazing!". The graphics really were amazing for the time, but on top of that it had some entertaining characters, some good level design, and a battle system that both improved the pace and strategy of the battles. The story was also quite interesting although let down by the horrible Western voice acting. The FF purists may complain it lacked a world map and was too linear, but playing through again it actually has a variety of different areas to visit & later revisit, a good number of optional bosses and an enjoyable mini game in Blitzball. 

It's to early LOLZ 

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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39. Paper Mario (N64)

So... I'm really not a big RPG fan. I've never been part of the Final Fantasty Crowd, never really played any of the Elder Scrolls, FallOut, or Bioware games... they've just been games for other people to enjoy, and for me to pass on by. But then there's Paper Mario, an RPG that I absolutely adore. It's so simple to get into, yet incredibly fun and satisfying to play. Peach gets stolen, and its up to Mario and his pals to save the seven Star Sages and return the Star Rod to its rightful place. Traveling from location to loction, finding secret areas and items, finding the best way to take down the baddies, making sure that there's enough Badge Points for that awesome new badge you found... there's just so much to enjoy about this game! Also, madam Bow is the best sidekick by far. She smacks around her enemies with a fan. Awesome. Thanks to this game, I've tried other RPGs and have also enjoyed them. But Paper Mario was the game that introduced me to a genre, and I had a blast all the way through.

38. Diddy Kong Racing (N64)

This was my first N64 game. I remember waking up extra early (because it was a school day) just to set up my new Nintendo 64 and play one round of Diddy Kong Racing. It was magical... seeing those 3D images in front of me. And even after the shock of a new system wore off, Diddy Kong Racing was a game I would play over and over again. It was a neat take on the Kart-Racing genre: an Adventure mode was infused into the main game, allowing the player to go from area to area in search of races, boss battles, and other challenges. I must say, it really kept me going... as I had to get to the next boss or world just to see what would happen next. When I finally defeated WizPig it was all over... or so I thought. I had to travel to outer space (!!!) and beat him once and for all! And let's not forget about the amazingly fun multiplayer... especially battle mode. 10x Rockets can do so much damage! Love this game, and the memories around it are timeless.

37. Trine (PSN)

Trine is quite easily the best DL-only game I've ever played. It's absolutely beautiful to look at, and it has a great soundtrack*, but it's the gameplay that really shines through. You play as either a Wizard, a Knight, or a Thief (switching between each whenever you like). Each has their own abilities, the Wizard can conjure objects, the Thief has a grappling hook, and a bow and arrow as her weapon, and the Knight naturally relies on brute force with his sword and hammer. The three are bound together by the Trine, a mystical object that binds souls, and you set about trying to free them from each other, using each characters strengths to solve various puzzles and defeat an undead army along the way. If you have a PS3 and you haven't played this game, I can only ask, why the hell not?

*The main theme from the game. It's just so awesome...


38. Twisted Metal 4 (PS1) - I don't care how many people say TM1, 2 and Black are the best in the series, I say this is (just to add to the shocking controversy, I would put 3 after it in the series). I love this game mostly due to the fact that it is one of the most fun multi-player games I have ever played - forget the story and sticking to the series' roots, who needs that? All I want to do is blow my friends to pieces, and blow AI to pieces with friends! Each map was imaginative with secret sections that you could barely remember how to get into, playing as the boss characters made the game so unfairly balanced it was ridiculous and the unlockable maps where you could actually destroy parts of the map were unbelievably fun - I actually feel 989 studios breathed some life into the series. 8.7/10

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38.Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (gba)

The great thing about the gba was that it was pretty much the only portable console to get vast variety of games and rpgs were no exception. During the holiday season, my cousin got this game and I got banjo & kazooie grunty's revenge (good game but nowhere near as fun as the N64 ones.) While we each played our games, for some reason I kept on losing interest in mine and kept looking at his. I immediatly lost all interest in my game as was captivated just by watching and reading the game that I couldn't believe how it good it was and how it was like Paper Mario. The game had it all, a fun combat system, a hilarious story, the bean bean kingdom, Fawful, Egad, and some of the best puzzles i've seen on the gba. This game's  story instantly made it a classic in my eyes but it was the gameplay is what made a fan of the series.

P.S. I thought Partners in time was ok. Loved Bowser's Inside Story but felt it was a little to easy.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

#37: New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)

I don't really have much to say about it. I like the old 2d mario games, and being able to play such a game with improved graphics and new amazing levels was just great.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


37. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)

Ahhh... this takes me back to when I still clung to some small hope for the Star Wars franchise. Sure, Attack of the Clones wasn't long out, and it had somehow managed to be even worse (like, waaaay worse) than its B-movie name would suggest. But when Bioware dropped this bad boy, it was easy to pretend - if only for a little while - that all might still be right in a galaxy far, far away. Just as they had previously done with Forgotten Realms, Bioware showed a remarkable deftness at handling someone else's well established IP. Knights of the Old Republic feels like Star Wars in a way that none of the prequels did. That's even an even more impressive feat when you consider that this is a true RPG, one in which your choices have a profound impact on the world (and culminate in the MOTHER of all plot twists). And who can doubt that HK-47 is the greatest thing to happen to the Star Wars universe since Return of the Jedi (or at least since the Thrawn Trilogy)? Sadly, like George Lucas before them, Bioware has been seduced by the dark side. They were last seen hard at work debasing the KOTOR sub-franchise with a fucking shitty MMO. /wrists

badgenome said:

37. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)


Ahhh... this takes me back to when I still clung to some small hope for the Star Wars franchise. Sure, Attack of the Clones wasn't long out, and it had somehow managed to be even worse (like, waaaay worse) than its B-movie name would suggest. But when Bioware dropped this bad boy, it was easy to pretend - if only for a little while - that all might still be right in a galaxy far, far away. Just as they had previously done with Forgotten Realms, Bioware showed a remarkable deftness at handling someone else's well established IP. Knights of the Old Republic feels like Star Wars in a way that none of the prequels did. That's even an even more impressive feat when you consider that this is a true RPG, one in which your choices have a profound impact on the world (and culminate in the MOTHER of all plot twists). And who can doubt that HK-47 is the greatest thing to happen to the Star Wars universe since Return of the Jedi (or at least since the Thrawn Trilogy)? Sadly, like George Lucas before them, Bioware has been seduced by the dark side. They were last seen hard at work debasing the KOTOR sub-franchise with a fucking shitty MMO. /wrists

and they'll never finish this trilogy :(

ishiki said:

and they'll never finish this trilogy :(

Assuming Bioware survives the inevitable crash and burn of the KOTOR MMO, maybe they'll let Obsidian do it for them one day. Hope springs eternal!