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38. Twisted Metal 4 (PS1) - I don't care how many people say TM1, 2 and Black are the best in the series, I say this is (just to add to the shocking controversy, I would put 3 after it in the series). I love this game mostly due to the fact that it is one of the most fun multi-player games I have ever played - forget the story and sticking to the series' roots, who needs that? All I want to do is blow my friends to pieces, and blow AI to pieces with friends! Each map was imaginative with secret sections that you could barely remember how to get into, playing as the boss characters made the game so unfairly balanced it was ridiculous and the unlockable maps where you could actually destroy parts of the map were unbelievably fun - I actually feel 989 studios breathed some life into the series. 8.7/10