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38.Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (gba)

The great thing about the gba was that it was pretty much the only portable console to get vast variety of games and rpgs were no exception. During the holiday season, my cousin got this game and I got banjo & kazooie grunty's revenge (good game but nowhere near as fun as the N64 ones.) While we each played our games, for some reason I kept on losing interest in mine and kept looking at his. I immediatly lost all interest in my game as was captivated just by watching and reading the game that I couldn't believe how it good it was and how it was like Paper Mario. The game had it all, a fun combat system, a hilarious story, the bean bean kingdom, Fawful, Egad, and some of the best puzzles i've seen on the gba. This game's  story instantly made it a classic in my eyes but it was the gameplay is what made a fan of the series.

P.S. I thought Partners in time was ok. Loved Bowser's Inside Story but felt it was a little to easy.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls