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darthdevidem01 said:



Another controversial game! Well KOTOR 2 makes it to my list, not it wasn't as good as its predecessor but it was still awesome was the 2nd WRPG I ever played, KOTOR being the first.

I think the best game about this game was the improved combat system of course and Kreia was awesome....not to mention OMGZ ANOTHER GOOD STAR WARS GAME!!!!11

Kreia was an awesome character, the relationship building in the game was something I hadn't seen before in a game, at least not in the way it was done here. DARTH NIHILUS looked SO AWESOME....I was really disappointed his character wasn't utilised to its potential! Yes the game kinda fell apart towards the end but 70% of it was awesome!

All in all I had so much fun with it and it was Star Wars, my favourite thing ever!


Fav Music:

Sith Lord's Theme

Rebuilt Jedi Enclave

I liked the 2nd is better because of story. probably my 2nd,3rd or 4th (can't decide) fav videogame story. >_>. everything else was largely copy paste (it's obsidian).... and it fell apart at the end because it wasn't finished :P. If it wouldn't have fallen apart at the end it might have been a contender for top 5 favorite games. This games is higher in my list for me, while the original... did not make my list ;P

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40. Metroid Prime

I don't know why this game made it over Curruption since thats the only Prime that I beat but for some reason when I felt that I needed a shooter for my gamecube and saw this for $15 bucks I just grabbed it and said I'll put it in when a friend comes over. Stupid me when I found out that this game didn't have mutiplayer when I looked at the back of the box when I was on the ride home. I put it in when I got home and once I got to the insect queen I was already in love with this game. Then landing on Talon IV was like seeing the future of video games right in front of me. Going to different environmental zones, using different visors to kill enimies and bosses, scaning the crap out of everything, and getting power-ups everywhere. I don't know why I love this game but never finished it, I got like 2 artifacts and just couldn't care to get to the end (same thing almost happened in Corruption with the power cells.) This game I think will always be compared to Super Metroid to the best Metroid game and I know that Nintendo will do well with this series to make another great Metroid :)

P.S. I loved other M's gameplay though didn't care for the story that much.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

There is now a website for ranking your favorite games at

It's still new but pretty cool.

Here is my list.

Bioshock. This game has Supreme atmosphere and Narrative, and location. With Great Twists. It's lower on the list. Because it's gameplay and level design is mediocre in my opinion.

Everyone knows this no need to explain. This is the first of 4 marios on my list

edit I numbered wrong

No. 39: Bomb Jack (Amstrad CPC, also on ZX Spectrum, Commodore 16 & 64, Arcades, Game Boy, Atari, Amiga Java ME and Wii Virtual Console)

Quite a graphical difference from no. 40 Heavy Rain! This 2D platformer is easily one of my fave games of all time. A simple concept and pure retro gameplay. You could jump, leap high and glide; simple! You play superhero Bomb Jack, who has to collect 24 bombs placed in five tourist locations. As soon as you got the first bomb another would start sparkling and if you collected >19 sparkling bombs then you got bonus points. Once you collected all 24 bombs, you moved onto the next stage. Of course, you had robot enemies chasing you who moved and spawned faster with every level. This game was so addictive, I even managed to get my mum to play this regularly.

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39. Mario Kart Wii

The first game from this gen to make my list. There's never a dull moment when I play this game online or with friends.  It would definitely be on my 'top five games to play while drunk' list.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

Fab_GS said:
Smeags said:

40. Super Mario Bros./Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (NES/GB)

Too early lawllawl

At least its on his list lawllawl


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


Onimusha is an awesome Survival Horror Game that started as a Biohazard(RE) Spin-off and whent on to become one of the bet series in its own right. you play as the Samurai Akechi Samanosuke the fictional  nephew of Akechi Mitsuhide. close to the start of the Game you are grsted a the Gauntlet of the ONI one of two demon clans  and became the Onimusha or demon warrior and set the task of defeating the the other demon clan the Genma. 

The orchestral music is amazing and the Graphics were outstanding for a title  that released in 2001 as a first Gen PS2 Game. like Biohazard(RE)1-3 the backgraunds are Pre-rendered and they based the control Scheme on Biohazared 2 so no Analog Control.

This is the Game I played before I played Biohazard(RE) and got me interested to play the Biohazard(RE) series. if you love Biohazard you will love the Onimusha series. you can't go wrong with Demon warlords and Zombie Samurai.


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

39. Gears of War 2 (X360)

Gears was one of the first 360 games I played, and immediately it became a real guilty pleasure of mine. It was a truly competent cover shooter, a game mechanic for which I'm a hopeless sucker, slathered with ridiculous machismo and gloriously over the top Michael Bay bullshit. GOW2 (take that, Sony boys!) was billed as being bigger, better, and more badass, and it's definitely all of that. The campaign feels so much huger than the first game's, and is simply an epic (hurrr!) thrill ride on par with any summer blockbuster. The chemistry between characters is just as good as it was in the first go 'round, and there's even some new faces thrown in... Dizzy for the motherfucking wiiiiiin! Multiplayer is much improved, too, with matches not being anything near the rage-inducing shotgun-from-the-hip-fests that they were in the first game. Horde mode is a welcome addition and became such a hit that it has appeared in pretty much every shooter released since. Also, bots!



My 2nd best PSP game.

This game will be hard to describe.....its soooo like a normal MGS game but sooooo unlike a normal MGS at the same time (and for good reasons).

The games whole Outer haven management system is awesome...I had so much fun deciding where to assign each member (EVEN KOJIMA SAN....GOD HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), then developing weapons, doing side missions, recruiting...damn there was SO MUCH STUFF TO DO! I spent longer on this MGS than any other one. But all these extra features ends up making me enjoy the key part of a MGS game less....

But all this extra stuff meant I just didn't enjoy the story as much as I wanted too.....because I did soo many other things between story chapters at time it felt felt like things weren't "flowing" normally...thats not to say the story isn't excellent, because it is. It seems criminal putting it down the list for having extra features than other MGS games.....but those extra features at one point almost ruined the games story for me.....a bit too ambitious.

Before we end this games bit I'd like to say that the cut scenes were very well done...the ones done in a comic style even had kinda quick time events which just immersed you into those cut scenes!

It is downright criminal this game is sitting at the sales it is deserves sales like a mainline MGS because its just about almost as good as any mainline MGS game.

Out of two of my favourite music pieces try as I could I just couldn't find the "la la la la" that "clicky" will simply lead you to a boss battle where you should hear that tune.

Fav Music:

la la lala la during Pupa boss battle

Heaven's Divide

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey