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40. Metroid Prime

I don't know why this game made it over Curruption since thats the only Prime that I beat but for some reason when I felt that I needed a shooter for my gamecube and saw this for $15 bucks I just grabbed it and said I'll put it in when a friend comes over. Stupid me when I found out that this game didn't have mutiplayer when I looked at the back of the box when I was on the ride home. I put it in when I got home and once I got to the insect queen I was already in love with this game. Then landing on Talon IV was like seeing the future of video games right in front of me. Going to different environmental zones, using different visors to kill enimies and bosses, scaning the crap out of everything, and getting power-ups everywhere. I don't know why I love this game but never finished it, I got like 2 artifacts and just couldn't care to get to the end (same thing almost happened in Corruption with the power cells.) This game I think will always be compared to Super Metroid to the best Metroid game and I know that Nintendo will do well with this series to make another great Metroid :)

P.S. I loved other M's gameplay though didn't care for the story that much.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls