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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

No. 47: Goldeneye 007 (N64)

"Shock! Horror! What is Goldeneye doing so low down the list?!" I hear many ask. Well, the reason for this is I never owned an N64 and I never played further than the first level in single player. My experiences of Goldeneye are all from 4-player N64 parties where we spent at least 60% of the time playing this game, and that alone was enough to cement a place in my top 50. I have fond memories of playing this in multiplayer as a kid. This game proved FPS' could be popular on consoles and is one of the best multiplayer games ever created.

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Scoobes said:

No. 47: Goldeneye 007 (N64)

"Shock! Horror! What is Goldeneye doing so low down the list?!" I hear many ask. Well, the reason for this is I never owned an N64 and I never played further than the first level in single player. My experiences of Goldeneye are all from 4-player N64 parties where we spent at least 60% of the time playing this game, and that alone was enough to cement a place in my top 50. I have fond memories of playing this in multiplayer as a kid. This game proved FPS' could be popular on consoles and is one of the best multiplayer games ever created.

Good choice

This game also taught me what a Bazooka was!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Today's a two-fer, to make up for missing yesterday.  Unfortunately, they're both shorter than usual!

#48:  Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (MLaaK).(WiiWare)

Act Raiser's town builder was hypnotic and addictive: although the interface was poor and the options were limited, the game did a great job of faking your town's growth, a growth which was based on your actions.  MLaaK was created by some of the same people who worked on Act Raiser, and it shows;  you start in an abandoned fortress and forge it into a mighty kingdom.  The "One More Turn!" bug bites hard as you literally raise your kingdom and expand your town, because you're always this close to getting that new Armory or Training Facility.  It's actually a double-whammy, since you also get to raise and train up to 16 adventurers, who each have their own lives, equipment, levels, abilities, and morale: each day you're creating over a dozen bad-asses to pillage the surrounding hapless monsters and take their precious shiny loot!  No one with OCD should miss this game.


#47:  The Magic of Scherezarde (NES)

Scheherezarde is a complete mutt of a game.  Marrying Zelda-esque overworld combat and exploration with Dragon Quest-style party battles, Scheherezarde takes you on a great journey through time and space to kill the big-bad and rescue your loved one.  A game that was in many ways ahead of its time, Scheherezarde has five different worlds, each of which has two separate time zones to explore.  This introduces puzzles like those found in the Light World/Dark World of A Link to the Past.  Scheherezarde also has some awesome boss battles which demand both quick reflexes and quick thinking.  An overlooked classic, any 2D Zelda lover owes it to himself to try this game.


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

47. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - Genesis

Lightning-fast gameplay, bonus levels, and the best graphics on the system this side of Vectorman and Ristar. Sonic 3 is definitely one of the hallmark games on the Genesis.

But you know what the real kicker is? The music was composed by Michael Jackson. No. I'm not kidding.

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Ninpanda said:

47. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - Genesis

Lightning-fast gameplay, bonus levels, and the best graphics on the system this side of Vectorman and Ristar. Sonic 3 is definitely one of the hallmark games on the Genesis.

But you know what the real kicker is? The music was composed by Michael Jackson. No. I'm not kidding.

Awesome Sonic is one best platformers out there. 

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

darthdevidem01 said:


I was like 5 or 6 when it came out, I watched my dad play through it at first and loved every minute of it even though I just watched, I didn't play it myself till like the year 2001 or 2002....and I loved it.

Its a faint memory now but I remember liking the story a lot....the gameplay itself was pretty good. The setting a classic haunted mansion was great and something I miss in the newer RE games!

Short description due to lack of memory of the why is it on here? Well because I remember giving it a 9/10 and its one of the first games I played of its kind so was pretty influential.


Favourite Music -

Moonlight Sonata (Remake Version)

Your dad let you watch this game, when you were 5 or 6?

Oh well, I'm not here to judge.

I'm late... I lost my list so I'm doing it on the fly and don't have time... I'll do two really any of the games 20-50 can basically be interchanged.

At number 49 I will put Crisis Core as well.
It probably has my 3rd favorite the series of FF rating above it's predecessor story-wise. It has a Kingdom Heart's 2-ish battlesystem (which I rated at number 50). Now kingdom hearts 2 had a better battlesystem. Better visuals. And a hell of a lot more to do.

Why did I rate this higher? Because delved into the Final Fantasy 7 Universe and Shinra which to me beats the organization 13 stuff in KH. And because Zack was the sole main character and he is my favorite male lead... besides Zidane in a FF (at which it's close) (I like the female leads much more... pretty much consistently besides 9 and 12). Really. It's successful to me because Zack is the best (imo) character in Final Fantasy 7 universe... (besides my lil infatuation with yuffie).

I really wanted to rate this higher... because i love it. it's just it's too clunkey. And ultimately to barebones of an experience compared to some other JRPG's and Square/Square-enix Games I love.

At number 48 is

Titled MGS: Ghost Babel My favoriet GBC game besides pokemon. This game isn't cannon metal gear. Has the oldschool stealth mechanics... (IE unrealistic but imo more fun) Than metal gear solid 4 and metal gear solid 3 which try to go for the realistic take vs the arcadey style I find in this. That existed in MGS1 2 and older metal gears. The stories interesting. And you actually have to read the codec :P. But an engrossing tale with an engrossing game. This recently was my 3rd favorite metal gear until a few months ago. :P

An hour past due:

48. Bioshock 2 - 360

After playing the first Bioshock, which left me in absolute awe, I was eagerly anticipating the sequel. While the story wasn't quite as compelling as the first, it had better weapons and multiplayer. Some of the new additions made the game much more enjoyable.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

47- Resident Evil