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26.Valkyrie Profile(PS1)

Valkyrie Profile is an Awesome Role Playing Game(RPG) first released in Japan in 1999 and in the US in 2000. Valkyrie Profile draws heavily from Norse mythology but with a Anime twist.

The Story starts In the village of Coriander, a girl named Platina aged 14 who lives in a poor Village her friend Lucian finds out that her parents are going to sell her. he helps her to run away but they accidentally wander into the Weeping Lily Meadow where Platina dies from the toxic pollen. then Lenneth a Valkyrie awakens in Asgard and is tasked by the king of the gods Odin and goddess Freya with recruiting Einherjar for an upcoming war with the Vanir and the coming of Ragnarok. The story over all is very cool, The characters recruit on your journey as Einherjar are cool bunch.

Visuals are 2D with rich colours the character Spirits a animated well and the spell affects are awesome and the Anime Cut-Scenes are beautiful.

The Music is an epic an orchestral score that fits the Game perfectly the English Voice Overs are your typically bad to average affair. but The Japanese Version Voice Overs are way more awesome.

Gameplay is awesome and you navigate dungeons via side-scrolling you have u tp 4 characters in your battle party and each character is assigned to one of the face buttons on the Dual Shock controller so you can perform pretty spectacular combos    

to some up Valkyrie Profile is one awesome Japanese RPG that noboy should miss out on.

Valkyrie Profile PS1 Intro

Valkyrie Profile OST Epic Tale Of A holy Death

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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27.Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete(PS1)

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete is an awesome Role Playing Game(RPG) that released in 1999 in Japan and 2000 in the US.

The story takes place approximately one thousand years after the events of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. Once again, Lunar is danger but now by the return of Zophar, the God of Evil responsible for the destruction of life on the Blue Star a millennia ago. This causes Lucia, a being assigned the task of eventually reviving life on the Blue Star, to awaken prematurely and once again is tacked with eliminating Zophar's influence.

The game begins with Hiro and Ruby stilling a Dragon's Eye jewel from one of the several ancient ruins in their region. They return home then . When Hiro climbs to the roof he witnesses a mysterious light emanating from the Blue Spire. He informs his grandfather of the strange phenomenon, and they then decide to investigate the ruins. Then  they run into Lucia and the story jut explodes from there into an epic queat to save the world.

The Gameplay is awesome the visuals are 2D and an updated slightly on the original SEGA CD Version thanks to the richer colour palate of the 32bit systems. The Anime Cutscenes are awesome.  

The music is truly Epic one of the best musicale scores ever the OST is very worth owning.  

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete intro

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete  Ending cridts

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

24. Rome: Total War (PC)

Rome: Total War is a captivating mix of turn-based and real-time strategy that is responsible for devouring a shamefully large portion of my life. The empire building aspect is pretty sweet in itself as you take control of a House of Rome and go about the business of bringing civilization to barbarians, developing settlements, and doing the Senate's bidding. Managing your family tree lends a nice RPGish aspect to the game, and more than once I've wept with pride as some young good-or-nothing grew into a battle-scarred military genius. This would make a decent game all on its own, but combined with real-time battles with hundreds and even thousands of troops marching across huge, sweeping battlefields (which look dated now but were downright cinematic in the day), it transcends into greatness. There is little else in gaming that matches the thrill of breaking a massive, snarling horde on your city's walls with little more than a skeleton force at your disposal... unless it's telling the SPQR to suck it, cracking through the massive walls of Rome, and conquering it for your own! Oh yeah! I wish I could say that I'm also proud to say that Rome: Total War marks the last time I gave Activision any of my money, as Sega has published all installments of the series since.


No. 27 Age of Mythology & Titans expansion (PC)

After Age of Empires and Age of Empires 2 came Age of Mythology. Rather than the strict rules of history Ensemble decided to go the route of incorporating mythology which opened up the game to a whole new batch of units and gameplay options. Myth units such as Collossi, Krakens, Hydras, Mummy's, Frost Giants and Dragons to god powers such as massive lightning strikes, wolves attacking enemy town centers and underworld passages to quickly transport your units. Three (later four) unique factions and a suprisingly good and well-told single player story mode. Not particularly balanced if I'm honest, but the additions made it good solid fun.

No. 26 Counterstrike & Counterstrike: Source (PC)

One of only a few multiplayer only games on this list. This game is simply superb and still being played today by many, many people, even though it started over 10 years ago as nothing more than a Half-Life mod. Since then it's been updated with the Source engine and is just a simply brilliant multiplayer game. I remember not being particularly good, but loving it nonetheless.

No. 25 Final Fantasy VI (PS, also played on ZSNES emulator, also on SNES, GBA)

Completely expecting a "too early, lawl lawl" from Darth here and to be honest I'm suprised this is so early as it's my second fave Final Fantasy (too many good games!). The cast of characters is just brilliant and really well fleshed out with a great story and steam-punk world. It also has the famous Opera scene and the near-perfect balance of story driven and open world gameplay. To be honest, this game is near perfection for the Final Fantasy games.

No. 24 Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)

The end of a fantastic series for Solid Snake. This rounded up the loose ends of the Metal Gear story with an amazing package. Did it have too many cut-scenes? Possibly, but in many ways they were neccessary to flesh out the complex story Hideo Kojima had created and to link in all the previous games. The first two levels were fantastic, the game mechanics vastly improved upon and it was the perfect end to Solid Snake's story in the world of Metal Gear.

Scoobes said:

No. 25 Final Fantasy VI (PS, also played on ZSNES emulator, also on SNES, GBA)

Completely expecting a "too early, lawl lawl" from Darth here and to be honest I'm suprised this is so early as it's my second fave Final Fantasy (too many good games!). The cast of characters is just brilliant and really well fleshed out with a great story and steam-punk world. It also has the famous Opera scene and the near-perfect balance of story driven and open world gameplay. To be honest, this game is near perfection for the Final Fantasy games.

too late lawl lawl jk! *Runs from  basically everyone in this thread*

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Scoobes said:

No. 25 Final Fantasy VI (PS, also played on ZSNES emulator, also on SNES, GBA)

Completely expecting a "too early, lawl lawl" from Darth here and to be honest I'm suprised this is so early as it's my second fave Final Fantasy (too many good games!). The cast of characters is just brilliant and really well fleshed out with a great story and steam-punk world. It also has the famous Opera scene and the near-perfect balance of story driven and open world gameplay. To be honest, this game is near perfection for the Final Fantasy games.

Awesome Game it was at No.28 for me and SE should do another Steampunk FF like this soon.  

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

MrT-Tar said:


NSMBWii - A blast in both multiplayer and singleplayer, this game took over my life when I got it on release last year.  With IMO some of the best level design in  the Mario series and the ability to truly screw over your mates, this will go down in gaming history as a classic.  I just wish it had online and Wii speak support.

Hey there good lookin'.

24. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)

Single player Mario is pretty neat, sure... but four player Mario? Sounds too good (and too crazy) to be true, but alas! Here we are at number 24 with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which has taught me the importance of the phrase "GET IN THE BUBBLE NOW!". Other than that, this game boasts some of the most fantastic level design I've seen in a platformer. Once you get to worlds 7 and 8, your jumping, running, scooting, ground pounding, and dinosaur riding skills will be put to the test in oh-so-much-fun ways. And that ending. OH THAT ENDING! What a delightful little (and when I say little I mean big.) surprise. Heck, even the credits in ths game is fun. You know you have a fundamentally awesome game when the credits are a part of the shenanigans. So whether I'm playing by myself, or playing with three others screaming like a maniac, this game delivers the goods in spades. If fun could be boxed, I bet the box would be red.

25. God of War III - PS3

And so ends Kratos' delightfully disturbing story, and boy, what a conclusion it is!

Near-perfect combat. One of the most epic scores in the history of gaming. Unrivaled graphics. And the bosses... Oh, the bosses... There's no adjective grand enough to describe them.

If you haven't played God of War, you need to play this game. If you have played God of War, you need to play this game. If you don't... Well, don't come crying to me, when you break a hip by kicking yourself when you're 80, for never experiencing this greatness.

23. Kingdom Hearts (PS2)

Lets get this out of the way. I grew up watching every major disney movie, go to disneyland atleast once a year (Go to elecTRONica and see the world of color(GET TICKETS AT THE OPENING OR THEY'LL START WACKING YOU CONSTANTLY WITH THOSE DAMN LIGHT STICKS)), and have deep fond memories of them and love those stories. I also didn't give a crap about the playstation beceause I had an N64 and my friend had a Dreamcast. It was about a year after this game came out that I went to a friends house and saw him play this game. Once I first saw the FMV, I was deeply enticed, once I saw that it was an action game, I knew had to play this game, once I saw Goofy and Donald, I knew I had to buy a console just for this game. Truth be told I got chain of memories first because I didn't have enough money but around after a couple months of saving money, I bought my PS2 at Best Buy and with Kingdom Hearts to go along with it. I was confused in CoM but damn diid thins clear up so much in KH1. Going to all the worlds and seeing all the cameoes was like dream come true to a disney fan like me. I don't think Disney and Square oft knew what a gem they were creating when this idea came up. The original is the best in my opinion but then again I havent played any of the spin-offs since KH2 since I'm still waiting for KH3 :P

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

Ninpanda said:

25. God of War III - PS3

And so ends Kratos' delightfully disturbing story, and boy, what a conclusion it is!

Near-perfect combat. One of the most epic scores in the history of gaming. Unrivaled graphics. And the bosses... Oh, the bosses... There's no adjective grand enough to describe them.

If you haven't played God of War, you need to play this game. If you have played God of War, you need to play this game. If you don't... Well, don't come crying to me, when you break a hip by kicking yourself when you're 80, for never experiencing this greatness.

Awesome game. Completely agree with your description. Unfortunately I played it after I made my list so it didn't make it. Had I made my list after playing it it would be right up there (especially considerring I completed it in the same day).

However, I plan on being completely capable of playing this game when I'm 80 :P