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23. Kingdom Hearts (PS2)

Lets get this out of the way. I grew up watching every major disney movie, go to disneyland atleast once a year (Go to elecTRONica and see the world of color(GET TICKETS AT THE OPENING OR THEY'LL START WACKING YOU CONSTANTLY WITH THOSE DAMN LIGHT STICKS)), and have deep fond memories of them and love those stories. I also didn't give a crap about the playstation beceause I had an N64 and my friend had a Dreamcast. It was about a year after this game came out that I went to a friends house and saw him play this game. Once I first saw the FMV, I was deeply enticed, once I saw that it was an action game, I knew had to play this game, once I saw Goofy and Donald, I knew I had to buy a console just for this game. Truth be told I got chain of memories first because I didn't have enough money but around after a couple months of saving money, I bought my PS2 at Best Buy and with Kingdom Hearts to go along with it. I was confused in CoM but damn diid thins clear up so much in KH1. Going to all the worlds and seeing all the cameoes was like dream come true to a disney fan like me. I don't think Disney and Square oft knew what a gem they were creating when this idea came up. The original is the best in my opinion but then again I havent played any of the spin-offs since KH2 since I'm still waiting for KH3 :P

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls