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Forums - General Discussion - Angela Merkel = Hitler II?

Way to make serious discussion of this difficult, this is not like Hitler. Not at all.


I agree that multiculturalism needs to be two sided though, it does not just require the country to accept that its immigrants have many different cultures - it needs the immigrants accept that Western countries have certain values they feel must be upheld (rights of women, free speech etc.) and immigrants also need to make an effort to become part of society at large, learning the language of the country and stuff.

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You do know Hitler hated christianty right?

If was next on his chopping block after the Jews.

Hitler hated all religion.  He only allowed some mysticism vibes in Nazism because he needed SOMEONE to follow him.

Also.... Hitler 2?

More like Hitler 5 or 6.  Though not really... because apparently you didn't actually read the article.

She's saying multiculturism isn't working in germany... as can be shown by the growing anti-immigrant hatred.

What about that isn't true?  What's the alternative saying "Things are going great with our multiculturism!" as things get worse and worse, minorities are hated more and it boils over into ethnic brawls?

Ignoring the problem like is actually what WOULD create Hitler 2. (well 5-6)

I will say though, I work in a store in Nevada currently, and I can't help like one third of the people because they don't speak english or not well enough to articulate what they need.

Being able to speak the language of the government of the country you live in is simply a must.  Just to properly exist in society... I could only imagine the problems that would happen if I were a cop or fireman or medical offical or even a government official, rather then some guy at a store.

As for the rest....

We don't really have that big a problem with a multicultural lifestyle in the US, but Germany and the UK in general isn't the US, so I can't say why that is.

Perhaps because of the lesser amounts of free speech and expression.

Here, people gerenally free say a lot of stupid and racist things... and are generally ostracized for it pretty early on and it opens up debate.

In other countries perhaps it does nothing but breed an underground issue that builds until it bursts, and by then so many people agree there isn't anything you can do.

HItler;.That is way to extreme;..

But she is right. It is totally failing..

It was working in the 70's-80's though but then it was simple You are White I am Black we can live together
If an white guy beat up a black guy or the other way around was easy to say they are wrong. But now people don't dare to say it because in many eyes you are attacking a religion..

And it is simple German politicians almost never dared to say something right because people (foreigerns) would call them racist and open threads on forums  HITLER II;...

But the youth is tired of it;..What happened 70 years is not their fault and they feel the problems the most... If German politicians dare not to do something about the problems now then the future of Germany could not that beautifull..


Kasz216 said:

I will say though, I work in a store in Nevada currently, and I can't help like one third of the people because they don't speak english or not well enough to articulate what they need.

Being able to speak the language of the government of the country you live in is simply a must.  Just to properly exist in society... I could only imagine the problems that would happen if I were a cop or fireman or medical offical or even a government official, rather then some guy at a store.

As for the rest....

We don't really have that big a problem with a multicultural lifestyle in the US, but Germany and the UK in general isn't the US, so I can't say why that is.

Perhaps because of the lesser amounts of free speech and expression.

Here, people gerenally free say a lot of stupid and racist things... and are generally ostracized for it pretty early on and it opens up debate.

In other countries perhaps it does nothing but breed an underground issue that builds until it bursts, and by then so many people agree there isn't anything you can do.

Well was the same in Europe but then some politicians,artists, moviemakers got shot/stabbed to dead..


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Wow over-reaction of the century calling that Hitler II.

Making immigrants learn the language and convert to your culture isn't a bad thing. A little extreme maybe but I have no issue with it.

Kasz216 said:

You do know Hitler hated christianty right?

Hitler hated all religion.  He only allowed some mysticism vibes in Nazism because he needed SOMEONE to follow him.

Hitler was pro-Christian, but himself had a more a pagan religious view that he believed was Aryan.

Hitler HATED atheism and associated atheism with Communism.

ManusJustus said:
Kasz216 said:

You do know Hitler hated christianty right?

Hitler hated all religion.  He only allowed some mysticism vibes in Nazism because he needed SOMEONE to follow him.

Hitler was pro-Christian, but himself had a more a pagan religious view that he believed was Aryan.

Hitler HATED atheism and associated atheism with Communism.

Uh... no?  I mean....

"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things."

"Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure."

"The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State."

He tolerated Christanity and said token nice things when he needed to, simply waiting for the oppurtunity to kill it.... and all religion. 

There are actual released and published plans about how he planned to destory Christanity, that you can read.

Hitler was an out and out atheist, who only tolerated religion when he knew others he needed practiced said religion.


Edit: Oh another good one.

"It would always be disagreeable for me to go down to posterity as a man who made concessions in this field. I realize that man, in his imperfection, can commit innumerable errors-- but to devote myself deliberately to errors, that is something I cannot do. I shall never come personally to terms with the Christian lie. Our epoch Uin the next 200 yearse will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.... My regret will have been that I couldn't... behold ."

Aren't you the one who thinks most politicians are atheists and only pretend to be christians to maitnain power?  Guess that's only the "good" politicians, and not the ones who murder people and talk bad about Christianity. 

Oh... FYI... afore mentioned info.

rocketpig said:
DirtyP2002 said:
rocketpig said:
DirtyP2002 said:

without reading the whole thread:

This is not about becoming Christians. It is about Christian / western values.You have to see women as equals and accept they have the same rights like you do. That is something muslims have their problems with.

Of course this also counts for gay people or any other minority.

So what Merkel actually says is against discrmination and for an equal society. Now think again if this might be the standard the Nazis tried to achieve.

Reading comprehension FTW!

At best, Merkel's wording was naive and rather poorly thought out. At worst, her wording was pejorative and demeaning to Islam.

She's not going to win any votes within the Muslim population by telling them they should become more Christian. If she wants to change the culture, explain the necessary changes in an entirely secular fashion. Don't start comparing the religions head to head. That's just stupid and I'd expect better from the leader of a western power.

I blame translation.

really if you are in Germany and hear what she actually said in German, it makes sense without disrespecting anybody.

I say: Well said

I was wondering about that. If the German translation is different and doesn't imply that Christian values (what ARE Christian values, anyway?) should be pushed upon Muslims, I retract my statement.

In Germany we have some problems regarding the integration of certain people from certain  countries. In the US, you pick the ones you want to have in your country (Green Card). That is not the case in Germany. Most of the times there are uneductaed people coming to Germany, who have their problems with the German language and are not a big help for economy either. The religion is not a problem, the president just said the islam is a part of Germany. The problems come with the values like accepting German laws (even if they are not like the koran), accepting women, accepting gays etc.

Merkel said, we need to get those people on our level and work in one society. Two different societies won't work.

Again, this has nothing to do with nationalism.

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