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rocketpig said:
DirtyP2002 said:
rocketpig said:
DirtyP2002 said:

without reading the whole thread:

This is not about becoming Christians. It is about Christian / western values.You have to see women as equals and accept they have the same rights like you do. That is something muslims have their problems with.

Of course this also counts for gay people or any other minority.

So what Merkel actually says is against discrmination and for an equal society. Now think again if this might be the standard the Nazis tried to achieve.

Reading comprehension FTW!

At best, Merkel's wording was naive and rather poorly thought out. At worst, her wording was pejorative and demeaning to Islam.

She's not going to win any votes within the Muslim population by telling them they should become more Christian. If she wants to change the culture, explain the necessary changes in an entirely secular fashion. Don't start comparing the religions head to head. That's just stupid and I'd expect better from the leader of a western power.

I blame translation.

really if you are in Germany and hear what she actually said in German, it makes sense without disrespecting anybody.

I say: Well said

I was wondering about that. If the German translation is different and doesn't imply that Christian values (what ARE Christian values, anyway?) should be pushed upon Muslims, I retract my statement.

In Germany we have some problems regarding the integration of certain people from certain  countries. In the US, you pick the ones you want to have in your country (Green Card). That is not the case in Germany. Most of the times there are uneductaed people coming to Germany, who have their problems with the German language and are not a big help for economy either. The religion is not a problem, the president just said the islam is a part of Germany. The problems come with the values like accepting German laws (even if they are not like the koran), accepting women, accepting gays etc.

Merkel said, we need to get those people on our level and work in one society. Two different societies won't work.

Again, this has nothing to do with nationalism.

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