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Kasz216 said:

I will say though, I work in a store in Nevada currently, and I can't help like one third of the people because they don't speak english or not well enough to articulate what they need.

Being able to speak the language of the government of the country you live in is simply a must.  Just to properly exist in society... I could only imagine the problems that would happen if I were a cop or fireman or medical offical or even a government official, rather then some guy at a store.

As for the rest....

We don't really have that big a problem with a multicultural lifestyle in the US, but Germany and the UK in general isn't the US, so I can't say why that is.

Perhaps because of the lesser amounts of free speech and expression.

Here, people gerenally free say a lot of stupid and racist things... and are generally ostracized for it pretty early on and it opens up debate.

In other countries perhaps it does nothing but breed an underground issue that builds until it bursts, and by then so many people agree there isn't anything you can do.

Well was the same in Europe but then some politicians,artists, moviemakers got shot/stabbed to dead..