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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

Joelcool7 said:
sapphi_snake said:


No offence but what oppressive law forces you to denounce your faith? Which oppressive law forces you to convert to Christianity?

When Christians are passing laws forcing others to conform to their religious mores (like forbidding same sex marriage) they're forcing their religious beliefs on others.

Their are more reasons than religion to denounce gay marriage. Think of the children for example, Gay couples don't want to just have recognition. Many want children, teaching those children to be gay which many homosexual couples do is wrong.

What? First of all children have nothing to do with the marriage issue (you don't have to be married to have kids or adopt kids), so there's no point in you bringing it up. Second, you can't "teach" anyone to be gay or straight or any other sexual orientation. You don't seem to know much about sexual orientation. Seriosuly, what homophobic propaganda are you reading?

Many people aren't religious biggots they just have the opinion that homosexuality is not natural.

You can hold whatever opinion you want to, but that doesn't mean it has any grounds in reality.

So in Canada children from Kindergarten onwards get brainwashed to think homosexuality is normal and natural. These kids get taught its cool.

Considering all the kids who get bullied and commit suicide for being gay or being percieved as being gay, I doubt that most kids think homosexuality is "cool". And homosexuality IS normal and natural, so I don't see those kids being "brainwashed" with anyhing other than the truth. This is yet again another fact that contradicts your religion. Deal with it!

But to impose the minority beliefs on the majority is not democratic. No we should not persecute the minority but in a democratic society their views should not be imposed on the majority!

What views are impossed? Marriage is a private thing. It doesn't concern you that a gay coupld wanbt to get married. It's not any of your business. No one is imposing any minority beleifs on a majority, because whether gays marry or not is their business, not the majority's. However the Chrisitan majority are imposing their beleifs on gays by forbiddign them to marry, in other words by trying to control other people's lives. In a Democracy minority's must be protected from the tyranny of the majority.

Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come. But both of them were emotional people and had mostly girls as friends. One as a kid was dressed in a dress by his mom and dad because they wanted a girl not a boy. Anyways long story short during their late teen years both claimed to be gay.I also know various Bi-Sexuals.

So having posters on the wall meant that they must be straight right? Ever figure that they quite possibly were gay the entire time and were whats called 'in the closet'? There is significant evidence that at least the primary cause of homosexuality is hormones in the womb. Nature not nurture.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada). Also note that your suicides and such that you talk about are in America and possibly other countries. Here in Canada I have known many homosexuals and bi-sexuals in my schools and they were not bullied. yes people got called a fag but it really had nothing to do with sexual orientation I got called a fag almost daily.

The most recent suicide with the boy who's sex was leaked onto the internet and he was publicly ridiculed. If a sex tape of me doing a girl got leaked onto the internet and everybody made fun of me I'd be pretty depressed too. Thats not so much a homosexual issue as a normal human issue. Think of how many straight people commit suicide, think Columbine for example those were straight boys who were bullied to the point they shot up their school, I know of a suicide in my school district about a kid who was bullied in school but he was straight so it was only a local story it never made the international news but if he was gay I bet it would have because everyone cares when a gay guy dies

In my school I got invited by Catholics none the less to a bi-sexual orgy party. These were catholics which stunned me the most. Fact is Homosexuals where I live get treated like kings, they don't have to listen to laws and what ever they want they just have to campaign a bit and they get it.

I'm pretty darned sure that you'll find homosexuals don't have more in the way of rights than others.

A group of about 60-gay rights activists lined up outside my church calling us hate criminals. It was radiculous they called the Bible hate material. I went outside and offered to take a man to lunch and he freaked calling me a homophobe for believing in the Bible.

No, he called you a homophobe for your opinions on homosexuality. Even if those opinions come from the bible, it isn't the bible the man is attacking.

Civil servennts and some pastors are forced in many parts if not all of Canada to marry gay couples regardless of their religious beliefs. I know a civil servent who actually got fired for refusing and a Pastor who was pretty much forcedto marry a gay couple.

Because to do otherwise would be discrimination no?  What if a pastor refused to marry blacks because it was against his religious beliefs? In my opinion the two situations are not too different, both are discriminating against a person for something they do not have control over.

I got bullied for going to Bible Study at my school and before I graduated it got shut down. Everywhere I go I am ridaculed for my faith and I live in the Bible Belt of Canada. I tried commiting suicide as a kid too from being bullied so I'm sympathetic to those in that situation but here in Canada the homosexual movement imposes its beliefs on others, not the other way around.

Has the homosexual movement ever told you you have to be gay? I severely doubt it. Homosexuals really just want the same rights as everybody else - mainly the right to fall in love, get married and raise a family. I don't see how that is forcing their beliefs on anybody, all it is doing is forcing others not to interfere with their lives.

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Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come. But both of them were emotional people and had mostly girls as friends. One as a kid was dressed in a dress by his mom and dad because they wanted a girl not a boy. Anyways long story short during their late teen years both claimed to be gay.

What makes you think they were straight? Did you witness their internal thoughts and feelings?   Since they probably grew up in an environment where gays were treated as abnormal and bad, they may just have been trying to act how they thought was expected and normal for someone their age. You say "they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come", well have you never heard of overcompensationg? They probably were upset becuase they were gay, and were afraid that they'd be percieved as such, so they did they're best to avoid such suspicions (and it certainly worked on you, I mean you said they were "more" straight than yourself). There were still sings that they were gay, that you yourself noticed.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada).

All their doing is trying to make the kids that are gay not feel so abnormal, and to make the straight kids not views the gay ones as bullying material.

The most recent suicide with the boy who's sex was leaked onto the internet and he was publicly ridiculed. If a sex tape of me doing a girl got leaked onto the internet and everybody made fun of me I'd be pretty depressed too.

I agree, I would feel that way too, considering what a prude I am. However, depending on how his family and friends viewed homosexuals, that might have added to him killing himself. I don't know anything about his personal life, so I can't answer that. (Plus, some people are just very weak psychologically)

I know of a suicide in my school district about a kid who was bullied in school but he was straight so it was only a local story it never made the international news but if he was gay I bet it would have because everyone cares when a gay guy dies.

There was also a story that made internationa news about a High School in the US (I think it's called Mentor High), where several students (straight, gay, male, female) have commited suicide because of bullying. You should also know that you can get bullied for being percived as gay, not necessarily for being gay.

In my school I got invited by Catholics none the less to a bi-sexual orgy party. These were catholics which stunned me the most.

I simply couldn't stop laughing when I read this one. No fair! I never get invited to orgies! (and you're kinda hypocritical, posters of naked ladies and straight porn under your bed are OK, but bisexual orgies aren't???)

Fact is Homosexuals where I live get treated like kings, they don't have to listen to laws and what ever they want they just have to campaign a bit and they get it.

So a homosexual can kill someone and get away with it? They don't have to pay taxes? They can walk up and take your wallet and get away with it? IS there really a gay mafia???

A group of about 60-gay rights activists lined up outside my church calling us hate criminals. It was radiculous they called the Bible hate material. I went outside and offered to take a man to lunch and he freaked calling me a homophobe for believing in the Bible.

The Leviticus by itself would qualify as hate material. I know many people generally don't downright call Christians on this, but some parts of the Bibile are as bad as a manifesto from the Klan.

Civil servennts and some pastors are forced in many parts if not all of Canada to marry gay couples regardless of their religious beliefs. I know a civil servent who actually got fired for refusing and a Pastor who was pretty much forcedto marry a gay couple.

The fact that pastors are forced is absurd, as pastors/priests can marry whomever they like.  I know a priest who refused to marry a heterosexual couple because he didn't think they were compatible. Who exactly forced him to marry the gay couple? As for the civil servant, he got what he deserved. He worked for the State, and he had to respect the State's laws. Not to mention that he wasn't at all justified, as Civil marriage has no religious value.

I got bullied for going to Bible Study at my school and before I graduated it got shut down. Everywhere I go I am ridaculed for my faith and I live in the Bible Belt of Canada.

Who exactly shut it down? And give examples of this ridicule. You sound like you're overexaggerating (especially considering that most Canadians are Christians, and you live in Canada's Bible belt no less).

but here in Canada the homosexual movement imposes its beliefs on others, not the other way around.

Are homosexuals forcing you to marry someone of the same sex as yourself? Are homosexuals forcing you to have sex with another guy? Are homosexuals saying that heterosexuality is unnatural and a perversion? What are homosexuals forcing you to do exactly?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Rath said:
Joelcool7 said:

Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come. But both of them were emotional people and had mostly girls as friends. One as a kid was dressed in a dress by his mom and dad because they wanted a girl not a boy. Anyways long story short during their late teen years both claimed to be gay.I also know various Bi-Sexuals.

So having posters on the wall meant that they must be straight right? Ever figure that they quite possibly were gay the entire time and were whats called 'in the closet'? There is significant evidence that at least the primary cause of homosexuality is hormones in the womb. Nature not nurture.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada). Also note that your suicides and such that you talk about are in America and possibly other countries. Here in Canada I have known many homosexuals and bi-sexuals in my schools and they were not bullied. yes people got called a fag but it really had nothing to do with sexual orientation I got called a fag almost daily.

The most recent suicide with the boy who's sex was leaked onto the internet and he was publicly ridiculed. If a sex tape of me doing a girl got leaked onto the internet and everybody made fun of me I'd be pretty depressed too. Thats not so much a homosexual issue as a normal human issue. Think of how many straight people commit suicide, think Columbine for example those were straight boys who were bullied to the point they shot up their school, I know of a suicide in my school district about a kid who was bullied in school but he was straight so it was only a local story it never made the international news but if he was gay I bet it would have because everyone cares when a gay guy dies

In my school I got invited by Catholics none the less to a bi-sexual orgy party. These were catholics which stunned me the most. Fact is Homosexuals where I live get treated like kings, they don't have to listen to laws and what ever they want they just have to campaign a bit and they get it.

I'm pretty darned sure that you'll find homosexuals don't have more in the way of rights than others.

A group of about 60-gay rights activists lined up outside my church calling us hate criminals. It was radiculous they called the Bible hate material. I went outside and offered to take a man to lunch and he freaked calling me a homophobe for believing in the Bible.

No, he called you a homophobe for your opinions on homosexuality. Even if those opinions come from the bible, it isn't the bible the man is attacking.

Civil servennts and some pastors are forced in many parts if not all of Canada to marry gay couples regardless of their religious beliefs. I know a civil servent who actually got fired for refusing and a Pastor who was pretty much forcedto marry a gay couple.

Because to do otherwise would be discrimination no?  What if a pastor refused to marry blacks because it was against his religious beliefs? In my opinion the two situations are not too different, both are discriminating against a person for something they do not have control over.

I got bullied for going to Bible Study at my school and before I graduated it got shut down. Everywhere I go I am ridaculed for my faith and I live in the Bible Belt of Canada. I tried commiting suicide as a kid too from being bullied so I'm sympathetic to those in that situation but here in Canada the homosexual movement imposes its beliefs on others, not the other way around.

Has the homosexual movement ever told you you have to be gay? I severely doubt it. Homosexuals really just want the same rights as everybody else - mainly the right to fall in love, get married and raise a family. I don't see how that is forcing their beliefs on anybody, all it is doing is forcing others not to interfere with their lives.

No the two were not in the closet, I talked with them and both said that they experimented and realized they liked Anal, Among other things. I grew up with both of them and knew them since they were like 3-4 years old and we are still friends today but both of them moved so I don't see them anymore just keep in touch via FaceBook.

The idea that hormones are the cause has some grounds, but in the end it is still a choice being made. I know a guy who was gay and he started dating a lesbian and they fell in love and were going to get married till he got in a car accident and was paralyzed. I also know tons of Bi's if you include aquitances and I highly doubt that that is genetic. In the end its a choice that is made, just like I choose not to have sex before marriage, its a choice does that mean I wouldn't love sex? No it means I choose to abstain. Exact same goes for homosexuality its a choice no one is forcing a man to have sex with another man.

As for gay rights, they have all kinds of rights here in Canada. I was at a gay pride parade in Vancouver and I saw topless lesbians and bottomless gays. You could see everything and they were dancing nude in the street. But guess what Vancouver has a no nudity law where you can't be nude in public. But conveniantly that law doesn't apply to gays I saw a police officer walk by and do absolutly nothing. I have since written letters to the mayor of Vancouver as well as police department. I said if I got enough straight people together could we go dance nude in the streets during a straight pride parade. I got a resounding "No" I would be punished to the full extent of the law. So why can I not go nude down the street but a group of gays can?

Then my University got alot of complaints from gays that wanted their own change rooms and bathrooms. It actually came before the commity and was almost accepted. Luckily it wasn't actually made but it was pretty silly that gays get a special bathroom.

Gays in Canada have tons of rights, they are protected by law and are treated superior. I don't know about most of the US or some other countries but its really hard to sympathize with them when here in Canada they treat everyone else so poorly.

As for the man calling me a homophobe not for my faith but for my views on homosexuality! Thats utter bull crap he didn't know my stance on gay marriage nor did he care. I invited him to coffee and he couldn't stop insulting me and my faith. He decided not to go to coffee with me so me and some other church members went to TIm Hortons and bought coffee and donuts for the group.

I have always been called a homophobe, in highschool people made fun of me all the time for being a Jesus Freak and Homophobe. To be honest I think I was called a homophobe almost as much as a fag. But fact is while I believe homosexuality is a sin I actually was pro-same sex unions and remained friends with two gays and multiple Bi's.

But that didn't keep me from being bullied as a homophobe. Also yes my two gay friends did try to tell me I was gay. Infact alot of the gays at my school told me I was in the closet, so yes infact they did try to impose their sexuality on me and they did with several other people too. I had a friend who went to one of the orgy parties he was straight going in but afterwards said he was Bi and in the future he even claimed to be gay for like a month, then back to Bi.

As for pastors and civil servents being forced to marry homosexuals. You claim it should be the same with a pastor disagreing to marry a black or white couple. Fact is nowhere in the Bible does it say anything against marrying blacks or whites. That would be an opinion unfounded in religious beliefs. There for not protected by the religious rights act which should be adheared too.

So yes I am sick and tired of all these gay rights, I'm sick and tired of gays hitting on me and trying to convince me I'm gay. I'm sick of the groups picketing my church, I'm sick of being called a homophobe every time I have a different view. I'm sick of seeing nude guys and girls out on the streets. I am just plain sick of having homosexuality shoved down my throat. I want to be able to believe as I wish without being insulted and attacked for my beliefs.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer



No the two were not in the closet, I talked with them and both said that they experimented and realized they liked Anal, Among other things.

You're gay if you like men, not if you like anal. You don't have to be gay to like anal, as all men have prostates.

In the end its a choice that is made, just like I choose not to have sex before marriage, its a choice does that mean I wouldn't love sex? No it means I choose to abstain. Exact same goes for homosexuality its a choice no one is forcing a man to have sex with another man.

Sexual orientation refers to who you find attarctive, not who you have sex with, as after a couple of drink most people could end up sleeping with anyone.

I have since written letters to the mayor of Vancouver as well as police department. I said if I got enough straight people together could we go dance nude in the streets during a straight pride parade. I got a resounding "No" I would be punished to the full extent of the law. So why can I not go nude down the street but a group of gays can?

Well if you actually wrote "straight pride parade", then it's no wonder you got a negative response. That's no different than having a "white pride parade". Every day is staright pride day, silly!

Then my University got alot of complaints from gays that wanted their own change rooms and bathrooms. It actually came before the commity and was almost accepted. Luckily it wasn't actually made but it was pretty silly that gays get a special bathroom.

Hmmm ,gays wanted their own bathrooms? You'd think the straight guys would be happy about that one.

Gays in Canada have tons of rights, they are protected by law and are treated superior. I don't know about most of the US or some other countries but its really hard to sympathize with them when here in Canada they treat everyone else so poorly.

I find this so hard to believe. I'd definately like to her inpun from another Canadian on this one.

As for the man calling me a homophobe not for my faith but for my views on homosexuality! Thats utter bull crap he didn't know my stance on gay marriage nor did he care.

But was he wrong about your stance? You certainly did meet his expectations.

I have always been called a homophobe, in highschool people made fun of me all the time for being a Jesus Freak and Homophobe.

Hmmm, who exactly bullied you for being a homophobe?

Also yes my two gay friends did try to tell me I was gay. Infact alot of the gays at my school told me I was in the closet, so yes infact they did try to impose their sexuality on me and they did with several other people too.

Did they try to pass laws making it mandatory to be gay? Or were they just stupid high school gids who were gay and were hoping more people were gay, so they wouldn't feel "special" anymore?

I had a friend who went to one of the orgy parties he was straight going in but afterwards said he was Bi and in the future he even claimed to be gay for like a month, then back to Bi.

Sorry, I don't know a single straight guy who'd go to a bisexual orgy party. He was obviously at least curious if he went, so it's no wonder he realised he was bi.

You claim it should be the same with a pastor disagreing to marry a black or white couple. Fact is nowhere in the Bible does it say anything against marrying blacks or whites. That would be an opinion unfounded in religious beliefs. There for not protected by the religious rights act which should be adheared too.

Some religious beleifs are against current laws (like the commands in the Bible to stone people to death, or Islamic law which commands that thieves have their right hand cut off) and shouldn't take precedence over the Law. In the case of the pastor though, he should be able to marry whomever he wants.

I'm sick and tired of gays hitting on me and trying to convince me I'm gay.

Well women are constantly hit on by men, and most of the time aren't interested. You're seeing how they feel, so suck it up and tell the gays making unwanted advances to get lost.

I'm sick of being called a homophobe every time I have a different view.

When you have a view that's homophobic, how else would you like to be called?

I want to be able to believe as I wish without being insulted and attacked for my beliefs.

You can believe as you wish, but whatever beleifs you may hold (whether you're a homophobe or a homophile, religious person or against religion, Britney Spears fan or Britney Spears hater), there are always gonna be people who disagree with you. Now in this case you hold a belief that is comparative to what a racist beleivs, so you shouldn't be surprised that people are "attacking" you.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


sapphi_snake said:


No the two were not in the closet, I talked with them and both said that they experimented and realized they liked Anal, Among other things.

You're gay if you like men, not if you like anal. You don't have to be gay to like anal, as all men have prostates.

In the end its a choice that is made, just like I choose not to have sex before marriage, its a choice does that mean I wouldn't love sex? No it means I choose to abstain. Exact same goes for homosexuality its a choice no one is forcing a man to have sex with another man.

Sexual orientation refers to who you find attarctive, not who you have sex with, as after a couple of drink most people could end up sleeping with anyone.

I have since written letters to the mayor of Vancouver as well as police department. I said if I got enough straight people together could we go dance nude in the streets during a straight pride parade. I got a resounding "No" I would be punished to the full extent of the law. So why can I not go nude down the street but a group of gays can?

Well if you actually wrote "straight pride parade", then it's no wonder you got a negative response. That's no different than having a "white pride parade". Every day is staright pride day, silly!

Then my University got alot of complaints from gays that wanted their own change rooms and bathrooms. It actually came before the commity and was almost accepted. Luckily it wasn't actually made but it was pretty silly that gays get a special bathroom.

Hmmm ,gays wanted their own bathrooms? You'd think the straight guys would be happy about that one.

Gays in Canada have tons of rights, they are protected by law and are treated superior. I don't know about most of the US or some other countries but its really hard to sympathize with them when here in Canada they treat everyone else so poorly.

I find this so hard to believe. I'd definately like to her inpun from another Canadian on this one.

As for the man calling me a homophobe not for my faith but for my views on homosexuality! Thats utter bull crap he didn't know my stance on gay marriage nor did he care.

But was he wrong about your stance? You certainly did meet his expectations.

I have always been called a homophobe, in highschool people made fun of me all the time for being a Jesus Freak and Homophobe.

Hmmm, who exactly bullied you for being a homophobe?

Also yes my two gay friends did try to tell me I was gay. Infact alot of the gays at my school told me I was in the closet, so yes infact they did try to impose their sexuality on me and they did with several other people too.

Did they try to pass laws making it mandatory to be gay? Or were they just stupid high school gids who were gay and were hoping more people were gay, so they wouldn't feel "special" anymore?

I had a friend who went to one of the orgy parties he was straight going in but afterwards said he was Bi and in the future he even claimed to be gay for like a month, then back to Bi.

Sorry, I don't know a single straight guy who'd go to a bisexual orgy party. He was obviously at least curious if he went, so it's no wonder he realised he was bi.

You claim it should be the same with a pastor disagreing to marry a black or white couple. Fact is nowhere in the Bible does it say anything against marrying blacks or whites. That would be an opinion unfounded in religious beliefs. There for not protected by the religious rights act which should be adheared too.

Some religious beleifs are against current laws (like the commands in the Bible to stone people to death, or Islamic law which commands that thieves have their right hand cut off) and shouldn't take precedence over the Law. In the case of the pastor though, he should be able to marry whomever he wants.

I'm sick and tired of gays hitting on me and trying to convince me I'm gay.

Well women are constantly hit on by men, and most of the time aren't interested. You're seeing how they feel, so suck it up and tell the gays making unwanted advances to get lost.

I'm sick of being called a homophobe every time I have a different view.

When you have a view that's homophobic, how else would you like to be called?

I want to be able to believe as I wish without being insulted and attacked for my beliefs.

You can believe as you wish, but whatever beleifs you may hold (whether you're a homophobe or a homophile, religious person or against religion, Britney Spears fan or Britney Spears hater), there are always gonna be people who disagree with you. Now in this case you hold a belief that is comparative to what a racist beleivs, so you shouldn't be surprised that people are "attacking" you.

Well I don't consider myself a homophobe anymore then an adulteryphobe or a fornicationphobe. I simply disagree with the life descision, I do not fear or hate gay people. I have gay and Bi friends and love them all just as much as my other friends, I just don't believe in their descision. Like most if not all my friends have fornicated, I believe its wrong but we all sin so I don't hold it against anyone. However I do stick to my beliefs and I believe said actions are wrong.

I also went to city hall and was going to go to Vancouver to push for homosexual unions or as they call it common law marriage. I thought that gays deserved recognition as a couple. How ever the gays in my community didn't want just common law and unions they wanted to get married in churchs and in government buildings they wanted to impose their beliefs on pastors and civil servents. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman before God and so does the majority of faiths from Jews to Muslims. As such Marriage is a religious act. Did you know that Webster and the Government had to change the actual definition of marriage to accomodate gays who wanted to be married. Technically marriage was a union between a man and woman before God and state. But the homosexual movement actually forced them to change the meaning. That is why I disagree with gay marriage, I compromised and said yah they should have unions and be recognized but the gay movement doesn't compromise they either get what they want or keep pushing for what they want, they do what ever they have to.

As for gay washrooms they wanted Lesbian and Gay washrooms. Meaning two more rooms on almost every floor and two more locker rooms. The student body was against it because it was going to cost the University a ton of money and nobody could justify giving gays and lesbians all their own rooms. Though their was more support for the seperate locker rooms. But actually even some gays were against it as they said it would be like segregation but the majority wanted it. Luckily the school shot it down but its bad enough the idea was started to begin with.

As for another Canadian's position. I live near Vancouver known as sin city and the people in my area are very open with their sexuality. I know the laws here and I'm pretty sure their similiar else where in the country, but I don't know how popular homosexuality is in other parts of the country I know it isn't very popular in the praries but it seems to be pretty big in Ontario too. As for the laws themselves their are nude people running down the streets of Toronto during gay pride parades too, so it seems in Canada that gays are above the law they can go nude in public but no one else can. I heard a reason given a while ago that the gay pride parades bring in alot of tourism money and gay marriage does too hundreds of thousands of gay couples have come to Canada to get married and many move here, its quickly becoming less and less of a minority.

Who called me a homophobe, actually their were cliche's in my school. You had the gay click the bi click's the jocks the cheerleaders the goths....etc...etc I was made fun of by the gays who would always bug me about coming out of the closet and when ever I said no I'm not gay they would start pointing at me and yelling homophobe homophobe. But then again the jocks also called me a homophobe and the catholics who had their orgy parties. It was everywhere and when ever I had a different idea like when I got upset about the nudity at the gay pride parade I was picked on for months as a homophobe, a jock even pantsed me and made a comment on how I was also going nude luckily my boxers stayed on. It was extremely humiliating.

As for girls getting hit on, your right I'm sure that sucks, but girls have the choice in the end they usually aren't bullied for making a decision.

I don't consider myself a homophobe I consider myself straight. Just because I disagree with one issue (Gay marriage) doesn't mean I'm a homophobe. Just because I think its a sin does not make me a homophobe. If I was prejeduce every time I disagree with something well I couldn't really be anything because I have my own opinion and disagree and agree with alot of different things.

I don't agree with everything my church does, does that mean I'm anti-Christian. I agree with Micro Evolution but not Macro does that make me an evolutionist? I don't find most black girls attractive am I a racist? I disagree with the taxes from the Conservative government does that make me a Liberal?

If you stereo type everyone because of one or two opinions they make , thats just wrong. I'm no more a homophobe then you are an anti-Christ. You disagree with my theology but that doesn't make you anti-Christian does it? I dunno maybe you are but I can't jump to the conclusion you hate all Christians because you disagree with my beliefs.

Its wrong to label everyone a homophobe just because they have an opposing view!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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I don't agree with the OP on alot of things,but I agree with him on this. I choose not to believe in a relgion.

richardhutnik said:
numonex said:

“Poverty, ignorance, hopelessness and bad governance have driven many Africans to religious insanity, absurdity and extremism. Africa is literally in a dark age. There is a proliferation of churches, mosques and worship centers. Blind faith, thoughtlessness and spiritual mumbo jumbo direct people’s lives.”

Please notify me when yourself, and your cabal of likeminded people have actually done anything to help humanity and make a difference.  Until then, you are just one of a number of people who think that their rants on a random forum on the Internet makes a bit of difference.  I would be see if a message of yours would actually go out and feed and clothe the homeless.

Amen!  And, I am still breathlessly awaiting a response from the OP as to whether Jodie Foster is a God(dess).

Joelcool, could you be any more full of crap? All of your stories about discrimination from gays (and your assurance that you know many gay people and that YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOTTTT A HOMOPHOBE) aren't fooling anyone. Do you really expect us to believe that in high school (where most people are incredibly immature and bigoted), that you were picked on because you were seen as being a homophobe? Do you really expect us to believe that? And if it is true, was it just your school that has this morality police?

All I'm trying to say is that you definitely have homophobic tendencies because you feel the need to overcompensate with obviously made-up stories.



Joelcool7 said:

Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come.

How can one be more straight than somone else? That has to be among the most absurd things I've heard someone say seriously in quite some time.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada). Also note that your suicides and such that you talk about are in America and possibly other countries. Here in Canada I have known many homosexuals and bi-sexuals in my schools and they were not bullied. yes people got called a fag but it really had nothing to do with sexual orientation I got called a fag almost daily.

You're really using a broad brush to describe what both the public and our schools' attitudes are toward homosexuality.

I'm canadian and I teach at a high school. Behind academics, bullying is the number two priority in my school. Among the cases of bullying this year, the vast majority are based on the suspicion of homosexuality. Actually, there isn't one openly gay student in the entire school; obviously there are likely quite a few fearful of coming out.This is especially problematic in our smaller towns. However, I have taught at a larger city, and while the issue is lessened, it is still a major problem.

My cousin grew uptrying to hide his homosexuality from both his peers and his family. His peers were keen to it, or at least they had suspected it - regardless, it ended with the same result. We was bullied to often in school that he had actually become physically sick and had begun to abuse himself as an excuse to avoid going to school.  

Most kids in these types of situations typically have at least their parents to turn to, however in some cases they, too, turn their back on their kids because of thei homosexuality. Imagine having to live with that solitary fear... Being shuned, by both peer and family, from something entirely out of your control. I can't imagine you could; You seem far too fearful and apprehensive of homosexuality/homosexuals to at least recognize that many homosexuals often face unique and more intense hardships than other kids.

Joelcool7 said:
sapphi_snake said:


No the two were not in the closet, I talked with them and both said that they experimented and realized they liked Anal, Among other things.

You're gay if you like men, not if you like anal. You don't have to be gay to like anal, as all men have prostates.

In the end its a choice that is made, just like I choose not to have sex before marriage, its a choice does that mean I wouldn't love sex? No it means I choose to abstain. Exact same goes for homosexuality its a choice no one is forcing a man to have sex with another man.

Sexual orientation refers to who you find attarctive, not who you have sex with, as after a couple of drink most people could end up sleeping with anyone.

I have since written letters to the mayor of Vancouver as well as police department. I said if I got enough straight people together could we go dance nude in the streets during a straight pride parade. I got a resounding "No" I would be punished to the full extent of the law. So why can I not go nude down the street but a group of gays can?

Well if you actually wrote "straight pride parade", then it's no wonder you got a negative response. That's no different than having a "white pride parade". Every day is staright pride day, silly!

Then my University got alot of complaints from gays that wanted their own change rooms and bathrooms. It actually came before the commity and was almost accepted. Luckily it wasn't actually made but it was pretty silly that gays get a special bathroom.

Hmmm ,gays wanted their own bathrooms? You'd think the straight guys would be happy about that one.

Gays in Canada have tons of rights, they are protected by law and are treated superior. I don't know about most of the US or some other countries but its really hard to sympathize with them when here in Canada they treat everyone else so poorly.

I find this so hard to believe. I'd definately like to her inpun from another Canadian on this one.

As for the man calling me a homophobe not for my faith but for my views on homosexuality! Thats utter bull crap he didn't know my stance on gay marriage nor did he care.

But was he wrong about your stance? You certainly did meet his expectations.

I have always been called a homophobe, in highschool people made fun of me all the time for being a Jesus Freak and Homophobe.

Hmmm, who exactly bullied you for being a homophobe?

Also yes my two gay friends did try to tell me I was gay. Infact alot of the gays at my school told me I was in the closet, so yes infact they did try to impose their sexuality on me and they did with several other people too.

Did they try to pass laws making it mandatory to be gay? Or were they just stupid high school gids who were gay and were hoping more people were gay, so they wouldn't feel "special" anymore?

I had a friend who went to one of the orgy parties he was straight going in but afterwards said he was Bi and in the future he even claimed to be gay for like a month, then back to Bi.

Sorry, I don't know a single straight guy who'd go to a bisexual orgy party. He was obviously at least curious if he went, so it's no wonder he realised he was bi.

You claim it should be the same with a pastor disagreing to marry a black or white couple. Fact is nowhere in the Bible does it say anything against marrying blacks or whites. That would be an opinion unfounded in religious beliefs. There for not protected by the religious rights act which should be adheared too.

Some religious beleifs are against current laws (like the commands in the Bible to stone people to death, or Islamic law which commands that thieves have their right hand cut off) and shouldn't take precedence over the Law. In the case of the pastor though, he should be able to marry whomever he wants.

I'm sick and tired of gays hitting on me and trying to convince me I'm gay.

Well women are constantly hit on by men, and most of the time aren't interested. You're seeing how they feel, so suck it up and tell the gays making unwanted advances to get lost.

I'm sick of being called a homophobe every time I have a different view.

When you have a view that's homophobic, how else would you like to be called?

I want to be able to believe as I wish without being insulted and attacked for my beliefs.

You can believe as you wish, but whatever beleifs you may hold (whether you're a homophobe or a homophile, religious person or against religion, Britney Spears fan or Britney Spears hater), there are always gonna be people who disagree with you. Now in this case you hold a belief that is comparative to what a racist beleivs, so you shouldn't be surprised that people are "attacking" you.

Well I don't consider myself a homophobe anymore then an adulteryphobe or a fornicationphobe. I simply disagree with the life descision, I do not fear or hate gay people. I have gay and Bi friends and love them all just as much as my other friends, I just don't believe in their descision. Like most if not all my friends have fornicated, I believe its wrong but we all sin so I don't hold it against anyone. However I do stick to my beliefs and I believe said actions are wrong.

I also went to city hall and was going to go to Vancouver to push for homosexual unions or as they call it common law marriage. I thought that gays deserved recognition as a couple. How ever the gays in my community didn't want just common law and unions they wanted to get married in churchs and in government buildings they wanted to impose their beliefs on pastors and civil servents. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman before God and so does the majority of faiths from Jews to Muslims. As such Marriage is a religious act. Did you know that Webster and the Government had to change the actual definition of marriage to accomodate gays who wanted to be married. Technically marriage was a union between a man and woman before God and state. But the homosexual movement actually forced them to change the meaning. That is why I disagree with gay marriage, I compromised and said yah they should have unions and be recognized but the gay movement doesn't compromise they either get what they want or keep pushing for what they want, they do what ever they have to.

As for gay washrooms they wanted Lesbian and Gay washrooms. Meaning two more rooms on almost every floor and two more locker rooms. The student body was against it because it was going to cost the University a ton of money and nobody could justify giving gays and lesbians all their own rooms. Though their was more support for the seperate locker rooms. But actually even some gays were against it as they said it would be like segregation but the majority wanted it. Luckily the school shot it down but its bad enough the idea was started to begin with.

As for another Canadian's position. I live near Vancouver known as sin city and the people in my area are very open with their sexuality. I know the laws here and I'm pretty sure their similiar else where in the country, but I don't know how popular homosexuality is in other parts of the country I know it isn't very popular in the praries but it seems to be pretty big in Ontario too. As for the laws themselves their are nude people running down the streets of Toronto during gay pride parades too, so it seems in Canada that gays are above the law they can go nude in public but no one else can. I heard a reason given a while ago that the gay pride parades bring in alot of tourism money and gay marriage does too hundreds of thousands of gay couples have come to Canada to get married and many move here, its quickly becoming less and less of a minority.

Who called me a homophobe, actually their were cliche's in my school. You had the gay click the bi click's the jocks the cheerleaders the goths....etc...etc I was made fun of by the gays who would always bug me about coming out of the closet and when ever I said no I'm not gay they would start pointing at me and yelling homophobe homophobe. But then again the jocks also called me a homophobe and the catholics who had their orgy parties. It was everywhere and when ever I had a different idea like when I got upset about the nudity at the gay pride parade I was picked on for months as a homophobe, a jock even pantsed me and made a comment on how I was also going nude luckily my boxers stayed on. It was extremely humiliating.

As for girls getting hit on, your right I'm sure that sucks, but girls have the choice in the end they usually aren't bullied for making a decision.

I don't consider myself a homophobe I consider myself straight. Just because I disagree with one issue (Gay marriage) doesn't mean I'm a homophobe. Just because I think its a sin does not make me a homophobe. If I was prejeduce every time I disagree with something well I couldn't really be anything because I have my own opinion and disagree and agree with alot of different things.

I don't agree with everything my church does, does that mean I'm anti-Christian. I agree with Micro Evolution but not Macro does that make me an evolutionist? I don't find most black girls attractive am I a racist? I disagree with the taxes from the Conservative government does that make me a Liberal?

If you stereo type everyone because of one or two opinions they make , thats just wrong. I'm no more a homophobe then you are an anti-Christ. You disagree with my theology but that doesn't make you anti-Christian does it? I dunno maybe you are but I can't jump to the conclusion you hate all Christians because you disagree with my beliefs.

Its wrong to label everyone a homophobe just because they have an opposing view!

What you are saying in regards to homosexuals due to your religious/personal beliefs can be interpreted as homophobia.

Homophobes advocate hate crimes and hostility towards the homosexual community. Hate crimes include attacking people on the grounds of race, religion, sexuality and gender. Homophobia and racism need to be stamped out of society.

Hate crimes create huge political issues within the community. Hate crimes need to be punished severely to ensure they never happen. Hate crimes create civil unrest, widespread protests and revenge attacks. 

Homophobes will even make themselves out to be a victim. So you are a "victim" it makes it ok for you to attack homosexuals based on your beliefs? Christians believe they are morally superior to homosexuals. Bigotry and narrow mindedness attached to Christianity come hand in hand. Religious ultra conservatives are well known for their labelling and stereotyping people based on their archaic religious belief systems. Homophobes just like racists are  ignorant/intolerant towards minority groups. 

I support gay marriages and same-sex marriages. Homosexuality is a normal lifestyle/minority group and they deserve equal rights as every other human being, To deny gay marriage is to be against human rights. I do not care about draconian/archaic religious belief systems. It is time religions get a modern overhaul and get up to date with the real world. 

Minority groups are  becoming more accepted as religion becomes irrelevant in liberal democracies. Minority groups still need to keep fighting for equality.