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Joelcool7 said:
sapphi_snake said:


No offence but what oppressive law forces you to denounce your faith? Which oppressive law forces you to convert to Christianity?

When Christians are passing laws forcing others to conform to their religious mores (like forbidding same sex marriage) they're forcing their religious beliefs on others.

Their are more reasons than religion to denounce gay marriage. Think of the children for example, Gay couples don't want to just have recognition. Many want children, teaching those children to be gay which many homosexual couples do is wrong.

What? First of all children have nothing to do with the marriage issue (you don't have to be married to have kids or adopt kids), so there's no point in you bringing it up. Second, you can't "teach" anyone to be gay or straight or any other sexual orientation. You don't seem to know much about sexual orientation. Seriosuly, what homophobic propaganda are you reading?

Many people aren't religious biggots they just have the opinion that homosexuality is not natural.

You can hold whatever opinion you want to, but that doesn't mean it has any grounds in reality.

So in Canada children from Kindergarten onwards get brainwashed to think homosexuality is normal and natural. These kids get taught its cool.

Considering all the kids who get bullied and commit suicide for being gay or being percieved as being gay, I doubt that most kids think homosexuality is "cool". And homosexuality IS normal and natural, so I don't see those kids being "brainwashed" with anyhing other than the truth. This is yet again another fact that contradicts your religion. Deal with it!

But to impose the minority beliefs on the majority is not democratic. No we should not persecute the minority but in a democratic society their views should not be imposed on the majority!

What views are impossed? Marriage is a private thing. It doesn't concern you that a gay coupld wanbt to get married. It's not any of your business. No one is imposing any minority beleifs on a majority, because whether gays marry or not is their business, not the majority's. However the Chrisitan majority are imposing their beleifs on gays by forbiddign them to marry, in other words by trying to control other people's lives. In a Democracy minority's must be protected from the tyranny of the majority.

Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come. But both of them were emotional people and had mostly girls as friends. One as a kid was dressed in a dress by his mom and dad because they wanted a girl not a boy. Anyways long story short during their late teen years both claimed to be gay.I also know various Bi-Sexuals.

So having posters on the wall meant that they must be straight right? Ever figure that they quite possibly were gay the entire time and were whats called 'in the closet'? There is significant evidence that at least the primary cause of homosexuality is hormones in the womb. Nature not nurture.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada). Also note that your suicides and such that you talk about are in America and possibly other countries. Here in Canada I have known many homosexuals and bi-sexuals in my schools and they were not bullied. yes people got called a fag but it really had nothing to do with sexual orientation I got called a fag almost daily.

The most recent suicide with the boy who's sex was leaked onto the internet and he was publicly ridiculed. If a sex tape of me doing a girl got leaked onto the internet and everybody made fun of me I'd be pretty depressed too. Thats not so much a homosexual issue as a normal human issue. Think of how many straight people commit suicide, think Columbine for example those were straight boys who were bullied to the point they shot up their school, I know of a suicide in my school district about a kid who was bullied in school but he was straight so it was only a local story it never made the international news but if he was gay I bet it would have because everyone cares when a gay guy dies

In my school I got invited by Catholics none the less to a bi-sexual orgy party. These were catholics which stunned me the most. Fact is Homosexuals where I live get treated like kings, they don't have to listen to laws and what ever they want they just have to campaign a bit and they get it.

I'm pretty darned sure that you'll find homosexuals don't have more in the way of rights than others.

A group of about 60-gay rights activists lined up outside my church calling us hate criminals. It was radiculous they called the Bible hate material. I went outside and offered to take a man to lunch and he freaked calling me a homophobe for believing in the Bible.

No, he called you a homophobe for your opinions on homosexuality. Even if those opinions come from the bible, it isn't the bible the man is attacking.

Civil servennts and some pastors are forced in many parts if not all of Canada to marry gay couples regardless of their religious beliefs. I know a civil servent who actually got fired for refusing and a Pastor who was pretty much forcedto marry a gay couple.

Because to do otherwise would be discrimination no?  What if a pastor refused to marry blacks because it was against his religious beliefs? In my opinion the two situations are not too different, both are discriminating against a person for something they do not have control over.

I got bullied for going to Bible Study at my school and before I graduated it got shut down. Everywhere I go I am ridaculed for my faith and I live in the Bible Belt of Canada. I tried commiting suicide as a kid too from being bullied so I'm sympathetic to those in that situation but here in Canada the homosexual movement imposes its beliefs on others, not the other way around.

Has the homosexual movement ever told you you have to be gay? I severely doubt it. Homosexuals really just want the same rights as everybody else - mainly the right to fall in love, get married and raise a family. I don't see how that is forcing their beliefs on anybody, all it is doing is forcing others not to interfere with their lives.