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Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come. But both of them were emotional people and had mostly girls as friends. One as a kid was dressed in a dress by his mom and dad because they wanted a girl not a boy. Anyways long story short during their late teen years both claimed to be gay.

What makes you think they were straight? Did you witness their internal thoughts and feelings?   Since they probably grew up in an environment where gays were treated as abnormal and bad, they may just have been trying to act how they thought was expected and normal for someone their age. You say "they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come", well have you never heard of overcompensationg? They probably were upset becuase they were gay, and were afraid that they'd be percieved as such, so they did they're best to avoid such suspicions (and it certainly worked on you, I mean you said they were "more" straight than yourself). There were still sings that they were gay, that you yourself noticed.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada).

All their doing is trying to make the kids that are gay not feel so abnormal, and to make the straight kids not views the gay ones as bullying material.

The most recent suicide with the boy who's sex was leaked onto the internet and he was publicly ridiculed. If a sex tape of me doing a girl got leaked onto the internet and everybody made fun of me I'd be pretty depressed too.

I agree, I would feel that way too, considering what a prude I am. However, depending on how his family and friends viewed homosexuals, that might have added to him killing himself. I don't know anything about his personal life, so I can't answer that. (Plus, some people are just very weak psychologically)

I know of a suicide in my school district about a kid who was bullied in school but he was straight so it was only a local story it never made the international news but if he was gay I bet it would have because everyone cares when a gay guy dies.

There was also a story that made internationa news about a High School in the US (I think it's called Mentor High), where several students (straight, gay, male, female) have commited suicide because of bullying. You should also know that you can get bullied for being percived as gay, not necessarily for being gay.

In my school I got invited by Catholics none the less to a bi-sexual orgy party. These were catholics which stunned me the most.

I simply couldn't stop laughing when I read this one. No fair! I never get invited to orgies! (and you're kinda hypocritical, posters of naked ladies and straight porn under your bed are OK, but bisexual orgies aren't???)

Fact is Homosexuals where I live get treated like kings, they don't have to listen to laws and what ever they want they just have to campaign a bit and they get it.

So a homosexual can kill someone and get away with it? They don't have to pay taxes? They can walk up and take your wallet and get away with it? IS there really a gay mafia???

A group of about 60-gay rights activists lined up outside my church calling us hate criminals. It was radiculous they called the Bible hate material. I went outside and offered to take a man to lunch and he freaked calling me a homophobe for believing in the Bible.

The Leviticus by itself would qualify as hate material. I know many people generally don't downright call Christians on this, but some parts of the Bibile are as bad as a manifesto from the Klan.

Civil servennts and some pastors are forced in many parts if not all of Canada to marry gay couples regardless of their religious beliefs. I know a civil servent who actually got fired for refusing and a Pastor who was pretty much forcedto marry a gay couple.

The fact that pastors are forced is absurd, as pastors/priests can marry whomever they like.  I know a priest who refused to marry a heterosexual couple because he didn't think they were compatible. Who exactly forced him to marry the gay couple? As for the civil servant, he got what he deserved. He worked for the State, and he had to respect the State's laws. Not to mention that he wasn't at all justified, as Civil marriage has no religious value.

I got bullied for going to Bible Study at my school and before I graduated it got shut down. Everywhere I go I am ridaculed for my faith and I live in the Bible Belt of Canada.

Who exactly shut it down? And give examples of this ridicule. You sound like you're overexaggerating (especially considering that most Canadians are Christians, and you live in Canada's Bible belt no less).

but here in Canada the homosexual movement imposes its beliefs on others, not the other way around.

Are homosexuals forcing you to marry someone of the same sex as yourself? Are homosexuals forcing you to have sex with another guy? Are homosexuals saying that heterosexuality is unnatural and a perversion? What are homosexuals forcing you to do exactly?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
