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Joelcool7 said:

Well for your information I know two friends who are homosexual by choice and not naturally. Both grew up straight and I know they were straight because I was pretty tight with them, they were even more straight then me they had posters all over their walls of half naked chicks and porno's under their beds they were as straight as they come.

How can one be more straight than somone else? That has to be among the most absurd things I've heard someone say seriously in quite some time.

When I refered to the children I wasn't only refering to adoptions but also what the homosexual rights groups are doing in our schools (Here in Canada). Also note that your suicides and such that you talk about are in America and possibly other countries. Here in Canada I have known many homosexuals and bi-sexuals in my schools and they were not bullied. yes people got called a fag but it really had nothing to do with sexual orientation I got called a fag almost daily.

You're really using a broad brush to describe what both the public and our schools' attitudes are toward homosexuality.

I'm canadian and I teach at a high school. Behind academics, bullying is the number two priority in my school. Among the cases of bullying this year, the vast majority are based on the suspicion of homosexuality. Actually, there isn't one openly gay student in the entire school; obviously there are likely quite a few fearful of coming out.This is especially problematic in our smaller towns. However, I have taught at a larger city, and while the issue is lessened, it is still a major problem.

My cousin grew uptrying to hide his homosexuality from both his peers and his family. His peers were keen to it, or at least they had suspected it - regardless, it ended with the same result. We was bullied to often in school that he had actually become physically sick and had begun to abuse himself as an excuse to avoid going to school.  

Most kids in these types of situations typically have at least their parents to turn to, however in some cases they, too, turn their back on their kids because of thei homosexuality. Imagine having to live with that solitary fear... Being shuned, by both peer and family, from something entirely out of your control. I can't imagine you could; You seem far too fearful and apprehensive of homosexuality/homosexuals to at least recognize that many homosexuals often face unique and more intense hardships than other kids.