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No the two were not in the closet, I talked with them and both said that they experimented and realized they liked Anal, Among other things.

You're gay if you like men, not if you like anal. You don't have to be gay to like anal, as all men have prostates.

In the end its a choice that is made, just like I choose not to have sex before marriage, its a choice does that mean I wouldn't love sex? No it means I choose to abstain. Exact same goes for homosexuality its a choice no one is forcing a man to have sex with another man.

Sexual orientation refers to who you find attarctive, not who you have sex with, as after a couple of drink most people could end up sleeping with anyone.

I have since written letters to the mayor of Vancouver as well as police department. I said if I got enough straight people together could we go dance nude in the streets during a straight pride parade. I got a resounding "No" I would be punished to the full extent of the law. So why can I not go nude down the street but a group of gays can?

Well if you actually wrote "straight pride parade", then it's no wonder you got a negative response. That's no different than having a "white pride parade". Every day is staright pride day, silly!

Then my University got alot of complaints from gays that wanted their own change rooms and bathrooms. It actually came before the commity and was almost accepted. Luckily it wasn't actually made but it was pretty silly that gays get a special bathroom.

Hmmm ,gays wanted their own bathrooms? You'd think the straight guys would be happy about that one.

Gays in Canada have tons of rights, they are protected by law and are treated superior. I don't know about most of the US or some other countries but its really hard to sympathize with them when here in Canada they treat everyone else so poorly.

I find this so hard to believe. I'd definately like to her inpun from another Canadian on this one.

As for the man calling me a homophobe not for my faith but for my views on homosexuality! Thats utter bull crap he didn't know my stance on gay marriage nor did he care.

But was he wrong about your stance? You certainly did meet his expectations.

I have always been called a homophobe, in highschool people made fun of me all the time for being a Jesus Freak and Homophobe.

Hmmm, who exactly bullied you for being a homophobe?

Also yes my two gay friends did try to tell me I was gay. Infact alot of the gays at my school told me I was in the closet, so yes infact they did try to impose their sexuality on me and they did with several other people too.

Did they try to pass laws making it mandatory to be gay? Or were they just stupid high school gids who were gay and were hoping more people were gay, so they wouldn't feel "special" anymore?

I had a friend who went to one of the orgy parties he was straight going in but afterwards said he was Bi and in the future he even claimed to be gay for like a month, then back to Bi.

Sorry, I don't know a single straight guy who'd go to a bisexual orgy party. He was obviously at least curious if he went, so it's no wonder he realised he was bi.

You claim it should be the same with a pastor disagreing to marry a black or white couple. Fact is nowhere in the Bible does it say anything against marrying blacks or whites. That would be an opinion unfounded in religious beliefs. There for not protected by the religious rights act which should be adheared too.

Some religious beleifs are against current laws (like the commands in the Bible to stone people to death, or Islamic law which commands that thieves have their right hand cut off) and shouldn't take precedence over the Law. In the case of the pastor though, he should be able to marry whomever he wants.

I'm sick and tired of gays hitting on me and trying to convince me I'm gay.

Well women are constantly hit on by men, and most of the time aren't interested. You're seeing how they feel, so suck it up and tell the gays making unwanted advances to get lost.

I'm sick of being called a homophobe every time I have a different view.

When you have a view that's homophobic, how else would you like to be called?

I want to be able to believe as I wish without being insulted and attacked for my beliefs.

You can believe as you wish, but whatever beleifs you may hold (whether you're a homophobe or a homophile, religious person or against religion, Britney Spears fan or Britney Spears hater), there are always gonna be people who disagree with you. Now in this case you hold a belief that is comparative to what a racist beleivs, so you shouldn't be surprised that people are "attacking" you.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
