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Forums - Sales Discussion - *PS3 Dead In America?*

PS3 has been having its best year ever in 2010 with Japan and Others...but what about America?

I have been thinking and the PS3 has had the most 1st Party games released this year so far and has still been outsold in America all year long by the Wii and 360. The Wii hasn't had many major exclusives this year and S.M.G.2 was its biggest game so far in 2010 and that was back in May. The 360 some will argue that its because of the Slim effect and now Halo Reach which is untrue. The 360 was outselling the PS3 in America before the Slim 360 even was announced. PS3 just released Move last charting week and the Wii still outsold it and this past charting week the PS3 won by only about 6K.

In the final 3 months of the year the PS3 only has Move and G.T.5 to count on as big exclusive games. Move isn't doing much in America(Though in Others its having some effect) and I don't expect it to pick up much throughout this year. This leaves G.T.5 which won't be as big as Kinect, Wii Party, or Donkey Kong Country Returns in America. Overall PS3 is doing very well in Japan and Others but I.M.O it has lost America and won't be able to get it back until a Price Cut happens.

What do you think? (I am stating my concern over the PS3 in America and had no intention of offending people or the PS3 while making this thread.)

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Retreat and defend the remaining strongholds!

Above: still the best game of the year.

I don't think even a price cut will cause Sony to outsell the Xbox 360 in the USA. If SOny drops their price both Nintendo and Microsoft will do the same. It's unlikely that Sony will drop their price before Nintendo and Microsoft because unlike them Sony would lose money and they only just started making a few bucks on each PS3 sold.

Can we please stick to the word "doomed"... we always talk about "doomed" consoles... dead reminds me of the dreamcast.... *starts crying*


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

SONY needs release a PS3 version less expensive. But i also think that things will change now

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its doing fine their. until the slim came out it was almost doing wha tthe 360 did.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

Sony should just stop doing business in America period, How dare a 3rd place console be in third place everyweek.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
*Sound Of Rain said:

PS3 has been having its best year ever in 2010 with Japan and Others...but what about America?

I have been thinking and the PS3 has had the most 1st Party games released this year so far and has still been outsold in America all year long by the Wii and 360. The Wii hasn't had many major exclusives this year and S.M.G.2 was its biggest game so far in 2010 and that was back in May. The 360 some will argue that its because of the Slim effect and now Halo Reach which is untrue. The 360 was outselling the PS3 in America before the Slim 360 even was announced. PS3 just released Move last charting week and the Wii still outsold it and this past charting week the PS3 won by only about 6K.

In the final 3 months of the year the PS3 only has Move and G.T.5 to count on as big exclusive games. Move isn't doing much in America(Though in Others its having some effect) and I don't expect it to pick up much throughout this year. This leaves G.T.5 which won't be as big as Kinect, Wii Party, or Donkey Kong Country Returns in America. Overall PS3 is doing very well in Japan and Others but I.M.O it has lost America and won't be able to get it back until a Price Cut happens.

What do you think? (I am stating my concern over the PS3 in America and had no intention of offending people or the PS3 while making this thread.)

To be honest a console has to do well in America to thrive because gaming has sort of migrated to the west and this includes its growth in europe.. around 40% of worldwide PS2 sales were in America alone .. Just 8 months ago the 360 was behind the PS3 in EMEAA by over 500k units and is now in a virtual TIE in EMEAA thanks to XB 360 slim.. If sales hadn't gotten better for PS3 in Japan ( with the slim ) the PS3 would be down 10 million worldwide once you factor in America..

I dont think the PS3 is dead by far, but I do beleive it will finish in 3rd place.. Xbox Live is honestly a better service then PSN.  Yes PSN is free, but thats why some people use matches and others pay for a lighter.  When I played COD MW2 on my brothers PSN i was a bit surprised at the longer wait times and more laggy gameplay on PSN.  MS charges for Xbox Live, but some of that money goes to pay for more servers which makes gameplay better online.. I loved the PS2 by the way.  Im not a blind kind of fanboy.  I think PS2 sort of had the perfect storm.. they launched 1.5 yrs before the underpowered Gamecube and nearly 2yrs before M$'s first console endeavor XB1 ..

Sony and both MS have hinted their next console will come out around late 2012-2013 ( this is nearing ten yrs  as well ) and things like Kinect and Move are around now to try and keep the next 3 years fresh ..

I think Move is very 'slightly' helping console PS3 sales now, but im not convinced Kinect or Move will have a big impact overall.. I beleive both will do LIFETIME of around 5 million tops.. People already own consoles and you'll see the biggest interest in these products their first few months..  The original PlayStation gang is grown up and some of them who still game might buy Move, but kids now play FPS's .. there's a reason why COD MW is PS3's best seller..

I don't think there is room for a last place console in America.  If your console is in last place, it needs to stop doing business.  Who cares if it is selling thousands of a consoles a week and making plenty of money.   So the ps3 needs to go away, which would then make the Wii the last place console.  So then the Wii would need to stop doing business.  Leaving America to just the 360.  Thats how business is done son!

Its doing just fine for being the most expensive console, nobody knows for sure the effect GT5 is going to have and next year is full of exclusives. With no offense to the 360 but it seems their biggest game next year will be Gears of wars 3 but still Kinect is gonna sell truckloads.