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Forums - General Discussion - Ed Milliband is the new leader of the UK Labour Party

Rath said:

No. The news item originates from the BBC and the UN. The BBC mentions TamilNet and also mentions that they are pro-rebel.

I agree that the Tamil Tigers were a terrorist organisation, I just happen to strongly disagree with the Sri Lankan governments treatment of Tamil civilians during and after the war. The reason that civilians were fleeing the LTTE areas was possibly because of the government shelling of said areas.

I think I know about a war that took place in my country and recently ended, and has been a part of my life since I was born, more than you.

If our military had shelled those areas, it would've meant the war's end in 2-3 took 3 months. I saw what was happening out there through video reports by independent journalists in those war torn areas....the tigers hadn't given those civilians ANY food for weeks..... and you know where that food comes from ? The government sends them to the LTTE held areas in trucks...and the huge sacks of food were used to make BUNKERS by the LTTE. We treated them a hell of a lot better than the LTTE ever did. 

You don't know 1% about this war as much as I do....most people outside of SL don't.

Did you see this part in the article -

"The Sri Lankan minister for human rights, Mahinda Samarasinghe, said the government was surprised at the UN using what he called unsubstantiated figures about civilian casualties.

"We have very clearly stated that we have not at any time fired at the no-fire zone," he added.

"We are very disappointed and we are very surprised that this kind of unprofessional statement has been issued.""

And that my friend, is the truth.

LTTE firing at civilians fleeing towards the army.


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MrT-Tar said:
Kantor said:

The last elected left-wing PM was James Callaghan

I'm pretty sure Callaghan wasn't elected, he took over after Wilson's resignation.

Anyway, I think Ed has  a good shot at becoming next PM, due to the coalition's current unpopularity.  However, I guess people probably said that about Foot/Jenkins before the Falklands.

Right you are. Harold Wilson, then, in 1976.

EDIT: Also, the government has 44% approval.

37% think a different government would be better, but this includes a sizeable chunk who would prefer a Tory minority government.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

The latest government approval ratings have a net percentage of -1%, so more just about more people disapprove of the government than approve.

badgenome said:

... Ed Balls?

Yes that is his actual name. I remember a programme on ITv a few years back called Headcases that poked fun at it a bit.

Honestly though, I really dont care whos Labour leader as they arent getting my vote.

The Liberal Democrats betrayed their left leaning voter base by forming a Coalition with the Tories. Nick Clegg should have sided with Labour. Liberal Democrats voter base has plummeted since the May general election. Liberal Democrats will lose seats at the next GE in 2015. Labour's vote will increase, Tories vote should slightly fall or stabilise around the 42% mark. Ed Milibrand could be the right man for the job. A Trade Union heavy hitting man is what Labour needs as leader. Ed Milibrand is much younger than the aging Gordon Brown. 

Labour needs a leader who will stand up and oppose the cuts and fight for the rights of the working class and the young people. The Opposition's role is to hold the government accountable. If you do not know, vote no and hold the government accountable. Make noise and play political attack dog to upset the government's momentum.

Cuts will hurt the UK economy. Public service will result in higher unemployment in UK and less services. There will be pain, anger and resentment by the public over the excessive  government spending cuts. Pity the young fools who voted for Tories or Liberal Democrats hoping that the government would save them but shafted them. 

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Harold Wilson was a very good PM imo, only PM since WW2 who is better is Attlee.

numonex said:

The Liberal Democrats betrayed their left leaning voter base by forming a Coalition with the Tories. Nick Clegg should have sided with Labour. Liberal Democrats voter base has plummeted since the May general election. Liberal Democrats will lose seats at the next GE in 2015. Labour's vote will increase, Tories vote should slightly fall or stabilise around the 42% mark. Ed Milibrand could be the right man for the job. A Trade Union heavy hitting man is what Labour needs as leader. Ed Milibrand is much younger than the aging Gordon Brown. 

Labour needs a leader who will stand up and oppose the cuts and fight for the rights of the working class and the young people. The Opposition's role is to hold the government accountable. If you do not know, vote no and hold the government accountable. Make noise and play political attack dog to upset the government's momentum.

Cuts will hurt the UK economy. Public service will result in higher unemployment in UK and less services. There will be pain, anger and resentment by the public over the excessive  government spending cuts. Pity the young fools who voted for Tories or Liberal Democrats hoping that the government would save them but shafted them. 

The Liberal Democrats betrayed nobody. This was their one chance at getting into government. They cancelled the plans to cut inheritance tax, increased the tax-free allowance for low-income earners, and managed to get a referendum for Alternative Vote (which they will lose, when they're up against Tory funding, but still).

This is, realistically, the most they could have done. It's certainly better for them than sitting in opposition with Mr. Trade Unions and Family. I see why Lib Dem support has dropped, but it's unjustified.

42% is more than enough for a majority for the Conservative Party. Indeed, another 15,000 strategically placed voted would have given them a majority with 37%. Britain hates the trade unions, and will not support any leader who is their bitch. Granted, Ed is young, but he's also inexperienced. He's only been an MP for five years (one session of Parliament) and the highest office he has held is energy secretary, an office now held by a Liberal Democrat.

Labour needs a leader who will give a massive middle finger to Brown, Miliband, Balls, the whole lot of them, who throws it all down the drain, acknowledges the need for a new type of socialism in which people really are equal, and is inspirational enough to drive people to believe in him. That could have been Andy Burnham. Labour might also succeed with a centre-right Blairite who pretends not to be a Blairite. That was David Miliband.

Cuts will hurt the economy, of course they will. And getting a filling hurts your gums. Getting an X-ray irradiates your leg. But if you leave it unchecked, it gets gradually worse and worse. More severe action will need to be taken, and if that action is not taken, it will never be fixed. Thirteen years of crap from Labour (okay, maybe ten or so years of crap from Labour - they didn't start off terrible) brought us into this mess, and we need something to bring us out.

The government has, for the most part, protected the people, at its own expense. The only tax rises have been a slight hike in large capital gains and a tiny hike in VAT. Both are temporary and will probably be undone before any restoration of government budgets. It's a ratio of 75% budget cuts to 25% tax rises. That's a better ratio for the people than that desired by any Labour leader.

I was a skeptic to begin with, but you only have to look at the alternative to see what would have happened under a broad left-wing coalition led by Ed Miliband, and you will be grateful that we have a reasonably competent Party in charge, and a small party that does what it's told and introduces socialism in small doses behind that leading party. Do I like David Cameron? No, I don't. Do I like the Liberal Democrats? Not at all. But this is really the best result from the general election that we could have realistically hoped for.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Homer_Simpson said:

Harold Wilson was a very good PM imo, only PM since WW2 who is better is Attlee.


Yeah, yeah, I know, everyone hates Thatcher and yet bizzarely voted her in three times and repeatedly vote for her as one of the best PMs of the 20th century.

Interestingly, despite my clear hatred for the Labour Party, I would agree with you that Attlee was brilliant. He was from the age of a Labour Party that knew what the hell it was doing. I would put him below only Churchill and Thatcher for best PMs since WWII (if we can count Churchill's leadership during the war which, despite your Toryphobia, I hope you can acknowledge as brilliant and inspirational).

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I can't claim to know much about politics, but Ed Miliband just seems unelectable. There is quite a lot about him that says to me that he won't be PM, he just doesn't seem right. I think this will just leave the Tories with a nice large majority in the next election, despite the hatred of the cuts (which I don't think go far enough anyway) because he is not the kind of candidate who is going to take voters from the Tories

Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:

Harold Wilson was a very good PM imo, only PM since WW2 who is better is Attlee.


Yeah, yeah, I know, everyone hates Thatcher and yet bizzarely voted her in three times and repeatedly vote for her as one of the best PMs of the 20th century.

Interestingly, despite my clear hatred for the Labour Party, I would agree with you that Attlee was brilliant. He was from the age of a Labour Party that knew what the hell it was doing. I would put him below only Churchill and Thatcher for best PMs since WWII (if we can count Churchill's leadership during the war which, despite your Toryphobia, I hope you can acknowledge as brilliant and inspirational).

Churchill was a great war leader, but he was not a good PM (in general terms)

Attlee's government created the welfare state after WW2 had devastated the UK, and whilst we had little money and lots of debt, it is probably the greatest achievement of the UK since WW2 was won in fact. 

Thatcher was a vile creature, she raped and pillaged the state and the working class, the UK is still suffering from the mass inequality that she created.

Wilson was good because he stopped us from going to Vietnam with the yanks and his government gave people more social freedoms and civil liberties.