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Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:

Harold Wilson was a very good PM imo, only PM since WW2 who is better is Attlee.


Yeah, yeah, I know, everyone hates Thatcher and yet bizzarely voted her in three times and repeatedly vote for her as one of the best PMs of the 20th century.

Interestingly, despite my clear hatred for the Labour Party, I would agree with you that Attlee was brilliant. He was from the age of a Labour Party that knew what the hell it was doing. I would put him below only Churchill and Thatcher for best PMs since WWII (if we can count Churchill's leadership during the war which, despite your Toryphobia, I hope you can acknowledge as brilliant and inspirational).

Churchill was a great war leader, but he was not a good PM (in general terms)

Attlee's government created the welfare state after WW2 had devastated the UK, and whilst we had little money and lots of debt, it is probably the greatest achievement of the UK since WW2 was won in fact. 

Thatcher was a vile creature, she raped and pillaged the state and the working class, the UK is still suffering from the mass inequality that she created.

Wilson was good because he stopped us from going to Vietnam with the yanks and his government gave people more social freedoms and civil liberties.