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Forums - General Discussion - Ed Milliband is the new leader of the UK Labour Party

Ed Miliband is elected leader of the Labour Party

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Ed Miliband: "You have put your trust in me and I am determined to repay that trust"

Ed Miliband is the new Labour leader, it has been announced at a special conference in Manchester.

He beat brother David by the wafer thin margin of 50.65% to 49.35% after second, third and fourth preference votes came into play.

Ed Balls was third, Andy Burnham fourth and Diane Abbott last in the ballot of MPs, members and trade unionists.

Mr Miliband, 40, replaces acting leader Harriet Harman in the contest triggered by the resignation of Gordon Brown.

He paid tribute to each of his fellow candidates in turn and told the conference: "Today we draw a line under this contest and move forward united as a team."

Winning line

The former energy secretary appears to have benefited from a last-minute surge of support before voting in the postal ballot closed on Wednesday.


  • Round 1: David Miliband 37.78%, Ed Miliband 34.33% Diane Abbott eliminated
  • Round 2: David Miliband 38.89%, Ed Miliband 37.47%. Andy Burnham eliminated
  • Round 3: David Miliband 42.72%, Ed Miliband 41.26%, Ed Balls eliminated
  • Round 4: David Miliband 49.35%, Ed Miliband 50.65%. Ed Miliband wins.

Older brother David won a majority of support from Labour's MPs at Westminster and party members, but Ed was ahead among members of trade unions and affiliated organisation in Labour's electoral college voting system.

BBC political editor Nick Robinson said in the first three rounds of voting David Miliband was ahead - it was only when votes were reallocated as the other candidates were knocked out that his younger brother was pushed over the winning line.

Mr Miliband hugged David after the result was announced.

In his victory speech, he vowed to unify the party, telling delegates: "The Labour Party in the future must be a vehicle that doesn't just attract thousands of young people but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of young people who see us as their voice in British politics today."

He paid tribute to his predecessors Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, but added: "We lost the election and we lost it badly. My message to the country is this: I know we lost trust, I know we lost touch, I know we need to change.

"Today a new generation has taken charge of Labour, a new generation that understands the call of change."

'Change' candidate

Mr Miliband received a standing ovation from delegates as he made his way from the hall, with his brother David at his side.

Former minister Tessa Jowell told BBC News David Miliband's defeat will be a "moment of tremendous pain and disappointment" for him. She thinks Ed had a "very particular appeal to young people" and that was what swung it for him.

Mr Miliband, who has been MP for Doncaster North since 2005, is a former aide to Gordon Brown at the Treasury, who joined the Labour Party at the age of 17.

The son of the late Marxist intellectual Ralph Miliband, he is the 20th person to take on the leadership of the Labour Party.

He positioned himself to the left of his brother, the former foreign secretary who is five years older and who started the four-month contest as frontrunner.

He sold himself to party members as the "change" candidate, securing the backing of three of the four biggest trade unions - Unite, Unison and the GMB.

After the result had been declared, his defeated rivals were quick to pledge their support to his leadership.

'Fantastic leader'

His former Treasury colleague Ed Balls paid tribute to his "brilliant campaign" adding: "It's a hugely important moment for the Labour Party, now we have got to come together."

He said Mr Miliband had to be given "the time and space to get this right".

Diane Abbott, the most left wing of the five, who gained the most union support in the first round of voting but failed to win the backing of MPs, said Mr Miliband "will make a fantastic leader".

Mr Miliband singled out Ed Balls for praise in his victory speech, leading to instant speculation that the shadow schools secretary could be in line for a top job after next month's shadow cabinet elections.

Conservative Party chairman Baroness Warsi congratulated Mr Miliband on becoming leader of the opposition, but she told BBC News he owed his victory to votes of trade unionists, which she feared would lead to an "abandonment of the centre ground" by Labour.

Under Labour's complex electoral system, voting power is divided equally between three sections: MPs and MEPs, affiliated organisations including trade unions and ordinary party members.

If no single candidate secures 50% or more of the first round vote, the last-placed contender is eliminated and the second preferences of their backers are redistributed.

The elimination process continues until one of the candidates reaches 50% or more, potentially ending, as in this case, as a head-to-head fight between two of them.

After four rounds of voting Ed Miliband won with 175,519 votes, while David Miliband received 147,220 votes.

good, I liked him best of all the candidates, be interesting to see who makes the shadow cabinet too.

Around the Network

Glad David Milliband didn't win....he is a supporter of a terrorist organization in my country (who have now been raped and utterly destroyed by our military and seek international support)...

GodOfWar_3ever said:

Glad David Milliband didn't win....he is a supporter of a terrorist organization in my country (who have now been raped and utterly destroyed by our military and seek international support)...

what? really?

Homer_Simpson said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Glad David Milliband didn't win....he is a supporter of a terrorist organization in my country (who have now been raped and utterly destroyed by our military and seek international support)...

what? really?

Yeah...unfortunately he has been led to believe that the terrorists are the good guys :/ its unfortunate really...

haha, for some reason just the fact they were brothers makes me IMMEDIATLY think of the futurama clones.

"I say your 5% tariff increase goes too far!"

"I say your 5% tariff increase doesn't go far enough!"

Around the Network
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Glad David Milliband didn't win....he is a supporter of a terrorist organization in my country (who have now been raped and utterly destroyed by our military and seek international support)...

Would the election of his brother really make that much aof a difference?

I prefered Ed myself and I'm happy he won, it was really close though.  Almost as close as the 1981 Labour deputy election (50.4% - Dennis Healey and 49.6% Tony Benn if I remember correctly)

The big question now is the formation of the shadow cabinet, I think David Miliband will stay as shadow Foreign secretary and maybe Ed Balls for Chancellor?

I'm glad one of the Milliband brothers won.... they were both slimy enough to keep Labour out of office.

Well, that's my take on the leadership contest.

1) Labour digs ditch

2) Labour jumps into ditch

3) Labour seals ditch

Though the decent part of me was hoping for a David Miliband victory so Labour would have a decent leader, it's occured to me that everybody hates Ed Miliband, yes, including Labour supporters. Come on, the guy is left of Brown. Left of Brown.

In short, as long as the coalition doesn't start a nuclear war, allow another Great Depression or go from door to door and murder people, 2015 is in the bag for the Conservatives. No bad thing.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kasz216 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Glad David Milliband didn't win....he is a supporter of a terrorist organization in my country (who have now been raped and utterly destroyed by our military and seek international support)...

Would the election of his brother really make that much aof a difference?

An enormous difference.

David Miliband is a Blairite. He pretends not to be, but he is. He says that he's "Next Labour" rather than "New Labour", but they're the same thing. He is slightly left of David Cameron, and tries to act like an Old Labour politician so people won't hate him. He doesn't seem to realise that people loved New Labour; they just didn't like Tony Blair.

Ed Miliband...dear god, where to start. He supported Gordon Brown, for one thing. He is a complete slave to the trade unions, to such an extent that a few of them threatened to withdraw support if he didn't win. Indeed, he lost to David in the MP and Labour Member vote. He won in the trade union and affiliate vote. Which is to say, he's loved by all of the working class, and not really loved at all by his own party or by the rest of Labour's voters. He wants to tax graduates, reduce the pay of all rich people, keep a permanent 50% tax rate... the list goes on and on.

David was a centrist politician who could, in exceptional circumstances, have led Labour to victory and led the country with some speck of competence. Ed isn't.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective