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Kasz216 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Glad David Milliband didn't win....he is a supporter of a terrorist organization in my country (who have now been raped and utterly destroyed by our military and seek international support)...

Would the election of his brother really make that much aof a difference?

An enormous difference.

David Miliband is a Blairite. He pretends not to be, but he is. He says that he's "Next Labour" rather than "New Labour", but they're the same thing. He is slightly left of David Cameron, and tries to act like an Old Labour politician so people won't hate him. He doesn't seem to realise that people loved New Labour; they just didn't like Tony Blair.

Ed Miliband...dear god, where to start. He supported Gordon Brown, for one thing. He is a complete slave to the trade unions, to such an extent that a few of them threatened to withdraw support if he didn't win. Indeed, he lost to David in the MP and Labour Member vote. He won in the trade union and affiliate vote. Which is to say, he's loved by all of the working class, and not really loved at all by his own party or by the rest of Labour's voters. He wants to tax graduates, reduce the pay of all rich people, keep a permanent 50% tax rate... the list goes on and on.

David was a centrist politician who could, in exceptional circumstances, have led Labour to victory and led the country with some speck of competence. Ed isn't.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective