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The Liberal Democrats betrayed their left leaning voter base by forming a Coalition with the Tories. Nick Clegg should have sided with Labour. Liberal Democrats voter base has plummeted since the May general election. Liberal Democrats will lose seats at the next GE in 2015. Labour's vote will increase, Tories vote should slightly fall or stabilise around the 42% mark. Ed Milibrand could be the right man for the job. A Trade Union heavy hitting man is what Labour needs as leader. Ed Milibrand is much younger than the aging Gordon Brown. 

Labour needs a leader who will stand up and oppose the cuts and fight for the rights of the working class and the young people. The Opposition's role is to hold the government accountable. If you do not know, vote no and hold the government accountable. Make noise and play political attack dog to upset the government's momentum.

Cuts will hurt the UK economy. Public service will result in higher unemployment in UK and less services. There will be pain, anger and resentment by the public over the excessive  government spending cuts. Pity the young fools who voted for Tories or Liberal Democrats hoping that the government would save them but shafted them.